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          Paul Harrell's Sermon Notes

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JESUITS, The Papacy (pope,) The Vatican -- Has Taken Down The United States Of America. Until We Acknowledge That, We Have No Way To Take Back Our Republic.

'pope's' antiChrist symbol, an occult upside down Christian cross!Movie Most Important! The 'pope' of Rome IS the antiChrist
and the Roman Catholic 'church' is the The Mystery of Iniquity!.htm
[IMAGE of Search]

To the bottom of the page . . . Alemattec Services, Sermon Notes.To the bottom of the page . . . Alemattec Services, Sermon Notes.

The Watchman Shouts WARNING! DANGER!
       While You Were Sleeping . . .
Stew Peters--Former papacy Controlled WHO Swiss Physician Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Outs Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, VaXXinations--Not Biological; mRNA Narrative Is A Psyop, 08APR23 . . .

Stew Peters--Former papacy Controlled WHO Swiss Physician Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Outs Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, VaXXinations--Not Biological; mRNA Narrative Is A Psyop, 08APR23.htm

Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene, Genetically Modified Synthetic Parasites. VaXXine Shedding, December 16, 2022 . . .
Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene, Genetically Modified Synthetic Parasites. VaXXine Shedding, December 16, 2022.htm

Stefan Oelrich--President Of Bayer's Pharmaceuticals Division Said They Had To Lie To Call mNRA A Vaccine. If We Told People It Was Gene Therapy 95 Percent Would Immediately Refuse It! 08JAN23 . . .
Stefan Oelrich--President Of Bayer's Pharmaceuticals Division Said They Had To Lie To Call mNRA A Vaccine. If We Told People It Was Gene Therapy 95 Percent Would Immediately Refuse It! 08JAN23.htm

The Watchman Shouts WARNING! DANGER!
       While You Were Sleeping . . .
Infowars--Greg Reese--Evidence Shows antiChrist's Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed; Fluorescent Orange Glow In The Faces Of The VaXXed Under UV Light, 20FEB24 . . .

Infowars--Greg Reese--Evidence Shows antiChrist's Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed; Fluorescent Orange Glow In The Faces Of The VaXXed Under UV Light, 20FEB24.htm

Dr. Bryan Ardis--The Hidden Truth About Bird Flu (Next Video--How To Cure Bird Flu And Monkey Pox--No Prescriptions Drugs); FDA Deception--Their Lies Puts Your Life At Risk, August 18, 2024 . . .
Dr. Bryan Ardis--The Hidden Truth About Bird Flu (Next Video--How To Cure Bird Flu And Monkey Pox--No Prescriptions Drugs); FDA Deception--Their Lies Puts Your Life At Risk, August 18, 2024.htm

Turbo Kidney Failure Deaths Skyrocket Among Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, VaXXed! More Lives Lost In The U.S.A. Than Any Other Cause WithIn The Last 100 Years, Except World War II, 27AUG24 . . .
Turbo Kidney Failure Deaths Skyrocket Among Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, VaXXed! More Lives Lost In The U.S.A. Than Any Other Cause WithIn The Last 100 Years, Except World War II, 27AUG24.htm

Wayne Allen Root--Dr. Jerome Corsi Describes Demoncrats Use Of CIA's Election Tool 'Hammer And Scorecard' To Continued To Steal Elections Nationwide! August 27, 2024 . . .
Wayne Allen Root--Dr. Jerome Corsi Describes Demoncrats Use Of CIA's Election Tool 'Hammer And Scorecard' To Continued To Steal Elections Nationwide! August 27, 2024.htm

Question Asked Directly Of Donald J. Trump--'Have You Ever Asked God for Forgiveness,' July 18, 2015 . . .
Question Asked Directly Of Donald J. Trump--'Have You Ever Asked God for Forgiveness,' July 18, 2015.htm

Dr. John MacArthur--False Christ Of The Charismatics, (Pentecostals,) And The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day s'AINTS' Mormons, May 15, 2021 . . .
Dr. John MacArthur--False Christ Of The Charismatics, (Pentecostals,) And The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day s'AINTS' Mormons, May 15, 2021.htm

Steve Bannon, War Room--This IS What The Uniparty, Led By The Demoncrat's And R.I.N.O.'s, Have Done To America And The World, 24AUG24 . . .
Steve Bannon, War Room--This IS What The Uniparty, Led By The Demoncrat's And R.I.N.O.'s, Have Done To America And The World, 24AUG24.htm

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Suspends Campaign; Backs Trump; Explains Biden-Harris Caused War In Ukraine; Most Importantly How VaXXine Industry And Food Industry Are Killing Us! 23AUG24 . . .
Robert Kennedy, Jr. Suspends Campaign; Backs Trump; Explains Biden-Harris Caused War In Ukraine; Most Importantly How VaXXine Industry And Food Industry Are Killing Us! 23AUG24.htm

D.E.I. Pick, Jesuit Trained, Kamala Harris Speech At Jesuit St. Ignatius Church, The Jesuit University Of San Francisco's, USF, 2009 Commencement, Where She Admits She's Jesuit Trained, 23MAY09 . . .
D.E.I. Pick, Jesuit Trained, Kamala Harris Speech At Jesuit St. Ignatius Church, The Jesuit University Of San Francisco's, USF, 2009 Commencement, Where She Admits She's Jesuit Trained, 23MAY09.htm

Bye-The-Way, BTW . . . Btw who do you support for president . . ., August 17, 2024 . . .
Bye-The-Way, BTW . . . Btw who do you support for president . . ., August 17, 2024.doc

False Flag! Liar! President Donald J. Trump, 'I Had God On My Side! Moved My Right Hand To My Ear . . . And My Hand Was Covered With Blood,' July 19, 2024 . . .
False Flag! Liar! President Donald J. Trump, 'I Had God On My Side! Moved My Right Hand To My Ear . . . And My Hand Was Covered With Blood,' July 19, 2024.htm

Each Child Is A Miracle Formed In The Womb By God!--An Ultrasound At 32 Weeks Shows This Child In The Womb Smiling At The Sound Of Her Father's Voice Speaking The Baby's Name, 12AUG24 . . .
Each Child Is A Miracle Formed In The Womb By God!--An Ultrasound At 32 Weeks Shows This Child In The Womb Smiling At The Sound Of Her Father's Voice Speaking The Baby's Name, 12AUG24.htm

President Donald J. Trump Shakes WITH HIS LEFT HAND His Son Donald Trump, Jr.'s Left Hand, June 16, 2024 . . .
President Donald J. Trump Shakes WITH HIS LEFT HAND His Son Donald Trump, Jr.'s Left Hand, June 16, 2024.htm

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims, 'I Love You Christians!; I'M NOT CHRISTIAN!' Why . . . He's Jewish Kabbalah Or Roman Catholic, Or Agnostic, Or Atheist, Or All Of The Above!, July 27, 2024 . . .
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims, 'I Love You Christians!; I'M NOT CHRISTIAN!' Why . . . He's Jewish Kabbalah Or Roman Catholic, Or Agnostic, Or Atheist, Or All Of The Above!, July 27, 2024.htm

papacy Controlled CDC, Dr. Carol Baker, M.D.--CDC Chair Of CDC Advisory Committee On Immunization Practices--Describes Their Plan In 2016, 'I Have The Solution . . . (Final Solution) For The Refusers . . . (Those That Refuse To Take The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus 'VaXXine' Death Jab!) 'Just Get Rid Of All Whites In the United States!' 30MAY20 . . .
papacy Controlled CDC, Dr. Carol Baker, M.D.--CDC Chair Of CDC Advisory Committee On Immunization Practices--Describes Their Plan In 2016, 'Just Get Rid Of All Whites In The United States!' 30MAY20.htm

Gwen, Tim Walz's Wife, Said She Kept The Windows Open During The George Floyd Riots In Order To 'Smell The Burning Tires.' (These People Are satanic, Reprobates) Reminds Me Of Apocalypse Now! 07AUG24 . . .
Gwen, Tim Walz's Wife, Said She Kept The Windows Open During The George Floyd Riots In Order To 'Smell The Burning Tires.' (These People Are satanic, Reprobates) Reminds Me Of Apocalypse Now! 07AUG24.htm

Tim Walz CAIR SUPPORTER--(CAIR=HAMAS=MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD) A Commie. He Signed Into Law Minors As Young As Six (Without Parent's Consent) Can Receive 'Gender Affirming Mutilation,' 17MAR23 . . .
Tim Walz CAIR SUPPORTER--(CAIR=HAMAS=MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD) A Commie. He Signed Into Law Minors As Young As Six (Without Parent's Consent) Can Receive 'Gender Affirming Mutilation,' 17MAR23.htm

Stew Peters--Illegal Aliens Invaders To Sway 2024 Election; When Muslim Communist 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama Was In Office, He Told Illegals, 'Vote! No One Is Going To Stop You,' 22JUL24 . . .
Stew Peters--Illegal Aliens Invaders To Sway 2024 Election; When Muslim Communist 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama Was In Office, He Told Illegals, 'Vote! No One Is Going To Stop You,' 22JUL24.htm

Capturing The White House Is All-important; 'pope' Francis Is A Communist; Swiss Bank Majority-owned By Communist China Paid Dominion Parent Company $400 Million, August 1, 2024 . . .
Capturing The White House Is All-important; 'pope' Francis Is A Communist; Swiss Bank Majority-owned By Communist China Paid Dominion Parent Company $400 Million, August 1, 2024.doc

Men ONLY As Preachers, Deacons, And Music Ministers; False Teachers--Billy And Franklin Graham, Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith; What Real Music Should Be Restricted To In The Christian Churches, 01AUG24 . . .
Men ONLY As Preachers, Deacons, And Music Ministers; False Teachers--Billy And Franklin Graham, Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith; What Real Music Should Be Restricted To In The Christian Churches, 01AUG24.doc

Phoenix symbol, likeness used by the corrupt, evil, Roman Catholic 'church,' July 22, 2014 . . .
Phoenix symbol, likeness used by the corrupt, evil, Roman Catholic 'church,' July 22, 2014.doc

The History of D.E.I. Pick, Jesuit Trained, Laughing Communist, Kamala (Chameleon) Harris, July 24, 2024 . . .
The History of Jesuit Trained, Laughing Communist, Kamala (Chameleon) Harris, July 24, 2024.pdf

Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, VaXXines--With Coronavirus PCR 'TEST'--That Are Implanting A Microscopic Chip--A Microchip Terraforming And Transforming All Life on Earth, January 28, 2023 . . .
Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, VaXXines--With Coronavirus PCR 'TEST'--That Are Implanting A Microscopic Chip--A Microchip Terraforming And Transforming All Life on Earth, January 28, 2023.doc

Dr. Chris Martenson, PhD, Shows At Least Two Shooters Fired During President Trumps Butler, PA Rally--Possibly A Third Shooter, July 18, 2024 . . .
Dr. Chris Martenson, PhD, Shows At Least Two Shooters Fired During President Trumps Butler, PA Rally--Possibly A Third Shooter, July 18, 2024.htm

'These Women Were Half The Size Of Trump And Therefore Provided Zero Human Shielding And Not Trained Sufficiently As They Had No 'Muscle Memory' With Their Guns!,' July 15, 2024 . . .
'These Women Were Half The Size Of Trump And Therefore Provided Zero Human Shielding And Not Trained Sufficiently As They Had No 'Muscle Memory' With Their Guns!,' July 15, 2024.htm

Congresswoman Lisa McClain Questions D.E.I. Pick, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Who Comes From Mayorkas And Wray's School Of Obfuscation, Dishonesty, And Lies, July 22, 2024 . . .
Congresswoman Lisa McClain Questions D.E.I. Pick, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Who Comes From Mayorkas And Wray's School Of Obfuscation, Dishonesty, And Lies, July 22, 2024.htm

Dr. Russell St. John--Transgender--A Social Contagion. Open Rebellion Against God. There Are ONLY Male And Female, July 21, 2024 . . .
Dr. Russell St. John--Transgender--A Social Contagion. Open Rebellion Against God. There Are ONLY Male And Female, July 21, 2024.htm

Islamic Jihad Being Brought To America! Minneapolis To Allow Islamic Call To Prayer Five Times Per Day--'Can You Say Dhimmitude,' July 7, 2024 . . .
Islamic Jihad Being Brought To America! Minneapolis To Allow Islamic Call To Prayer Five Times Per Day--'Can You Say Dhimmitude,' July 7, 2024.htm

Muslim Jihad, Dhimmi and Dhimmitude, Islam is a 'peaceful' religion, NOT! . . .
Muslim Jihad, Dhimmi and Dhimmitude, Islam is a 'peaceful' religion, NOT!.doc

Isik Abla Ministries--ISIS In America! Shocking! Former Muslim Exposes The Plans Of Radical Islam. Radical Islam Is Invading U.S. Like A termite, June 22, 2016 . . .
Isik Abla Ministries--ISIS In America! Shocking! Former Muslim Exposes The Plans Of Radical Islam. Radical Islam Is Invading U.S. Like A termite, June 22, 2016.htm

I Was Shown A Video That Has A Man Claim, Basically, That He Had Been A Calvinist For Years, But Now Sees The 'Truth' And Is No Longer A Calvinist . . . , July 16, 2024
I Was Shown A Video That Has A Man Claim, Basically, That He Had Been A Calvinist For Years, But Now Sees The 'Truth' And Is No Longer A Calvinist . . . , July 16, 2024.doc

Assassination Attempt As Shots Fired At President Donald J. Trump, Who Was Wounded, With Blood On His Face, At His Rally In Butler, Pennsylvania, July 13, 2023 . . .
Assassination Attempt As Shots Fired At President Donald J. Trump, Who Was Wounded, With Blood On His Face, At His Rally In Butler, Pennsylvania, July 13, 2023.htm

Where Did the Missing 21 Plus Trillion Go--Catherine Austin Fitts, November 26, 2019 . . .
Where Did the Missing 21 Plus Trillion Go--Catherine Austin Fitts, November 26, 2019.htm

Why Is The World Dumping The American Dollar--Vantage With Palki Sharma, March 30, 2023 . . .
Why Is The World Dumping The American Dollar--Vantage With Palki Sharma, March 30, 2023.htm

Political Prisoner, Steve Bannon's War Room--Jesuit Honored Commie 'Pedophile Pete, aka Joe' Biden And Laughing Jesuit Trained Commie Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Admin. -- Leading Us Headlong Into WWIII, July 3, 2024 . . .
Political Prisoner, Steve Bannon's War Room--Commie 'Pedophile Pete, aka Joe' Biden And Laughing Commie Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Admin. -- Leading Us Headlong Into WWIII, July 3, 2024.htm

Charlie Kirk--William (Bill) Federer, Author, Historian, July 4, 2024 . . .
Charlie Kirk--William (Bill) Federer, Author, Historian, July 4, 2024.htm

Blasphemous Chicken Dance During satanic Roman Catholic Communion! Insane! Carnival's 'Mass,' In Germany--Christ the King Catholic 'church' in Ruhstorf an der Rott, Germany, February 19, 2024 . . .
Blasphemous Chicken Dance During satanic Roman Catholic Communion! Insane! Carnival's 'Mass,' In Germany--Christ the King Catholic 'church' in Ruhstorf an der Rott, Germany, February 19, 2024.htm

Musics Beautiful Melody Of Christian Pastor John Newton's Amazing Grace Causes Tears In Those Who Listen And Understand The Words And Meaning, April 12, 2024 . . .
Musics Beautiful Melody Of Christian Pastor John Newton's Amazing Grace Causes Tears In Those Who Listen And Understand The Words And Meaning, April 12, 2024.htm

MegaFood Releases First Impact Report Reinforcing Its Commitment To The Planet And People SUPPORTING D.E.I. (papacy's AGENDA 21 (AGENDA 30,) July 1, 2024 . . .
MegaFood Releases First Impact Report Reinforcing Its Commitment To The Planet And People SUPPORTING D.E.I. (papacy's AGENDA 21 (AGENDA 30,) July 1, 2024.doc

The Hidden Faith Of The Founding Fathers Who Were Mainly Deists--Role Of The papacy, Jesuits, Freemasons, And Illuminati, March 15, 2010 . . .
The Hidden Faith Of The Founding Fathers Who Were Mainly Deists--Role Of The papacy, Jesuits, Freemasons, And Illuminati, March 15, 2010.htm

Before (And After) The Protestant (Protestant Means To Protest) Reformation; This Is What Protestant Preachers Taught Regarding The Antichrist! October 4, 2015 . . .
Before (And After) The Protestant (Protestant Means To Protest) Reformation; This Is What Protestant Preachers Taught Regarding The Antichrist! October 4, 2015.doc

Petrodollar Deal Expires; Why this Could Trigger 'Collapse of Everything,' 1 Of 2, June 19, 2024 . . .
Petrodollar Deal Expires; Why this Could Trigger 'Collapse of Everything,' 1 Of 2, June 19, 2024.htm

Dr. John MacArthur--There Is No Mental Illness; Christ Jesus Is Sufficient For All Of Your Life Crises, May 14, 2024 . . .
Dr. John MacArthur--There Is No Mental Illness; Christ Jesus Is Sufficient For All Of Your Life Crises, May 14, 2024.htm

'America's First Gay, Muslim, President' Obama Got Rid Of White And Asian Air Traffic Controllers-- Mandating A Change From Merit System To Race Based Hiring--Think Twice Before You Fly, 17NOV23 . . .
'America's First Gay, Muslim, President' Obama Got Rid Of White And Asian Air Traffic Controllers-- Mandating A Change From Merit System To Race Based Hiring--Think Twice Before You Fly, 17NOV23.htm

Dr. Carrie Madej--Why Vaccines Alter The Human DNA Using Luciferase, Hydrogel, November 28, 2022 . . .
Dr. Carrie Madej--Why Vaccines Alter The Human DNA Using Luciferase, Hydrogel, November 28, 2022.htm

Jesuit Trained (Mass Murderer) Anthony Fauci's Foster Care 'Guinea Pig Kids,' Lay In Mass Grave In Roman Catholic Church, Manhattan, N.Y.C. These Children Were Used To Test Experimental HIV, AIDS Drugs, April 28, 2028 . . .
Jesuit Trained (Mass Murderer) Anthony Fauci's Foster Care 'Guinea Pig Kids,' Lay In Mass Grave In Roman Catholic Church. These Children Were Used To Test Experimental HIV, AIDS Drugs, April 28, 2028.htm

Dr. Annette Bosworth, M.D.--The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19--The BIGGEST LIE, THE BIGGEST CRIME IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE! February 20, 2024 . . .
Dr. Annette Bosworth, M.D.--The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19--The BIGGEST LIE, THE BIGGEST CRIME IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE! February 20, 2024.htm

Two Police Women Fail To Arrest Suspect; Random Man Stops, Takes Control, Grabs Hold And Forces Man's Hands Behind His Back So Female Officers Can Cuff; Can Police, Military Trust Their Lives To Woman, 10JUN24 . . .
Two Police Women Fail To Arrest Suspect; Random Man Stops, Takes Control, Grabs Hold And Forces Man's Hands Behind His Back So Female Officers Can Cuff; Can Police, Military Trust Their Lives To Woman, 10JUN24.htm

Dr. Jordan Peterson's Great Love For His Wife-- Speaking About His Wife Getting Back To Herself After Finding Out She Has Cancer With A Prognosis Of 10 Months To Live; Cancer Is Now In Remission . . .
Dr. Jordan Peterson's Great Love For His Wife-- Speaking About His Wife Getting Back To Herself After Finding Out She Has Cancer With A Prognosis Of 10 Months To Live; Cancer Is Now In Remission.htm

Dr. Jordan Peterson--The Key to a Happy Marriage . . .
Dr. Jordan Peterson--The Key to a Happy Marriage.htm

This Is Why Most People Reject A Nice Person, A Good Person, A Loving Caring Person, One Who Is Consistent, From Coming Into Their Life . . .
This Is Why Most People Reject A Nice Person, A Good Person, A Loving Caring Person, One Who Is Consistent, From Coming Into Their Life.htm

Dr. Russell St. John--How Must We Think Biblically About Culture. (I Propose The Title Should Be, 'How We Must Think Biblically About Culture.') June 9, 2024 . . .
Dr. Russell St. John--How Must We Think Biblically About Culture. (I Propose The Title Should Be, 'How We Must Think Biblically About Culture.') June 9, 2024.htm

You Can Dishonor The American Flag, Viciously Attack Whites, But If You Deface The Sodomite's LGBTQ+A's Flag On A Public Street The Woke Will See This As 'A Hate Crime' And Seek To Jail You, 09JUN24 . . .
You Can Dishonor The American Flag, Viciously Attack Whites, But If You Deface The Sodomite's LGBTQ+A's Flag On A Public Street The Woke Will See This As 'A Hate Crime' And Seek To Jail You, 09JUN24.htm

Oncologist Dr. William Makis, M.D.--Offers Definitive Proof On Both How And Why Vaccines Are Now Causing 'Turbo Cancers'. His Presentation On How To Treat Is Even More Important, June 7, 2024 . . .
Oncologist Dr. William Makis, M.D.--Offers Definitive Proof On Both How And Why Vaccines Are Now Causing 'Turbo Cancers'. His Presentation On How To Treat Is Even More Important, June 7, 2024.htm

'Senile Commie Joe' Biden Arrives At Omaha Beach Ceremony, Lost, Unsure Of Himself; Simply Doesn't Know What's Going On, June 6, 2024 . . .
'Senile Commie Joe' Biden Arrives At Omaha Beach Ceremony, Lost, Unsure Of Himself; Simply Doesn't Know What's Going On, June 6, 2024.htm

Matt Walsh--First, Understand This; Men Will Die For Honor And Respect. The Most Effective Way To Destroy Your Husband Or Boyfriend, Ruin Your Marriage Or Relationship, And Encourage Infidelity, 13DEC17 . . .
Matt Walsh--First, Understand This; Men Will Die For Honor And Respect. The Most Effective Way To Destroy Your Husband Or Boyfriend, Ruin Your Marriage Or Relationship, And Encourage Infidelity, 13DEC17.htm

White Couple Viciously Attacked By A Violent Group Of At Least 10 Black Teens Causing The 41 Year Old Christian Woman To Lose Her Unborn Baby After Being Repeated Kicked In Her Stomach, 05JUN24 . . .
White Couple Viciously Attacked By A Violent Group Of At Least 10 Black Teens Causing The 41 Year Old Christian Woman To Lose Her Unborn Baby After Being Repeated Kicked In Her Stomach, 05JUN24.htm

Russell Brand--One Month As A Christian, May 27, 2024 . . .
Russell Brand--One Month As A Christian, May 27, 2024.htm

Steve Bannon, War Room--Unconstitutional Raid By 'Full Commie Joe' Biden Against President Trump, Completely Corrupt Judge, Corrupt Process, May 28, 2024 . . .
Steve Bannon, War Room--Unconstitutional Raid By 'Full Commie Joe' Biden Against President Trump, Completely Corrupt Judge, Corrupt Process, May 28, 2024.htm

Dr. Mengele, I'm Sorry, I Mean Jesuit Trained Dr. Anthony Fauci Blames The Unvaccinated For Being 'Responsible' For An 'Additional 200,000 To 300,000 Deaths In The United States,' June 3, 2024 . . .
Dr. Mengele, I'm Sorry, I Mean Jesuit Trained Dr. Anthony Fauci Blames The Unvaccinated For Being 'Responsible' For An 'Additional 200,000 To 300,000 Deaths In The United States,' June 3, 2024.htm

'Biden Crime Family, the 'Don (Donno, Literally, lord, i.e.--Mob Boss) Joe' Biden Being Grilled--Watch To See Actual Crimes, Lies, Craft, And Corruption; Not The Made-up Nonsense Like That Done Against President Trump, 31MAY24 . . .
DON Joe Biden, Head Of The Biden Crime Family'Biden Crime Family, the 'Don (Donno, Literally, lord, i.e.--Mob Boss) Joe' Biden Being Grilled--Watch To See Actual Crimes, Lies, Craft, And Corruption; Not The Made-up Nonsense Like That Done Against President Trump, 31MAY24.htm

Perfect Love Cast Out Fear, June 1, 2024
Perfect Love Cast Out Fear, June 1, 2024.doc

Wayne Allen Root--The FBI Raid At Mar-A-Lago Was A Plan To Attempt To Assassinate President Trump, May 22, 2024 . . .
Wayne Allen Root--The FBI Raid At Mar-A-Lago Was A Plan To Attempt To Assassinate President Trump, May 22, 2024.htm

Feds ('satanic Joe' and 'Jesuit Trained Laughing Communist' Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Administrations Weaponized 'justice' Department)--Ordered Google To Unmask Certain YouTube Users, March 22, 2024 . . .
Feds ('satanic Joe' and 'Jesuit Trained Laughing Communist' Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Administrations Weaponized 'justice' Department)--Ordered Google To Unmask Certain YouTube Users, March 22, 2024.doc

The Last Supper (On Thursday Evening) And Jesus' Crucifixion (On Friday Afternoon) Happened On The Same Day The Way The Hebrews Mark Time, March 30, 2024.
The Last Supper (On Thursday Evening) And Jesus' Crucifixion (On Friday Afternoon) Happened On The Same Day The Way The Hebrews Mark Time, March 30, 2024.doc

Tucker Carlson--They're STILL Claiming The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 VAXXine Is Safe And effective. Yet Dr. Pierre Kory Treats Hundreds Of Patients Who've Been Badly Injured By It, 13MAR24 . . .
Tucker Carlson--They're STILL Claiming The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 VAXXine Is Safe And effective. Yet Dr. Pierre Kory Treats Hundreds Of Patients Who've Been Badly Injured By It, 13MAR24.htm

Tucker Carlson--Without Freedom Of Speech A Man Is A Slave--Mike Benz Reveals The Main Driver Of Censorship In The United States Of America, February 16, 2024.
Tucker Carlson--Without Freedom Of Speech A Man Is A Slave--Mike Benz Reveals The Main Driver Of Censorship In The United States Of America, February 16, 2024.htm

China Sends It To Mexico. Mexican Drug Cartels Move It Into The U.S. With The Help Of Biden Admin. 100,000+ Americans Yearly Die Of Fentanyl Poisoning Killing More Americans 18-45 Than Any Other Cause, 25MAR24 . . .
China Sends It To Mexico. Mexican Drug Cartels Move It Into The U.S. With The Help Of Biden Admin. 100,000+ Americans Yearly Die Of Fentanyl Poisoning Killing More Americans 18-45 Than Any Other Cause, 25MAR24.htm

Note: This man is profane and uses profanity throughout. Just to warn you, this is for adults only for sure. Even so, he is an insider and had enough and speaks what he knows.
Robert Morrow Texas GOP Official--Jeff Gannon A Gay Escort With Bisexual Karl Rove, George W. Bush Is A Homosexual Pedophile, Barack Obama Is Gay, Hillary Clinton Is 'An Angry Bull Dyke,' 16MAR16 . . .

Robert Morrow Texas GOP Official--Jeff Gannon A Gay Escort With Bisexual Karl Rove, George W. Bush Is A Homosexual Pedophile, Barack Obama Is Gay, Hillary Clinton Is 'An Angry Bull Dyke,' 16MAR16.htm

'Jesuit Honored Joe' Biden aka (Pedo Pete) Told His Roommate Paul Tatchell At Syracuse University College of Law--'He Was Sexually Attracted To Children, And Yes He Was Known To Be A Pedophile,' 04JUN19 . . .
'Jesuit Honored Joe' Biden aka (Pedo Pete) Told His Roommate Paul Tatchell At Syracuse University College of Law--'He Was Sexually Attracted To Children, And Yes He Was Known To Be A Pedophile,' 04JUN19.htm

Dr. Nicholas Cummings, Former President Of The American Psychological Association, APA,--APA Has Been Taken Over And Is Now Controlled By The 'Gay Rights' Movement, June 6, 2012 . . .
Dr. Nicholas Cummings, Former President Of The American Psychological Association, APA,--APA Has Been Taken Over And Is Now Controlled By The 'Gay Rights' Movement, June 6, 2012.htm

Martin Durkin--Climate The Movie (The Cold Truth,) March 21, 2024 . . .
Martin Durkin--Climate The Movie (The Cold Truth,) March 21, 2024.htm

Eco-terrorism--Crazy Individuals Or Groups Believing They Are Justified In Destroying Property Or Hurting, Maiming, Or Killing--How To Blow Up A Pipeline. Youtube Allows This Video, 02MAR23.
Eco-terrorism--Crazy Individuals Or Groups Believing They Are Justified In Destroying Property Or Hurting, Maiming, Or Killing--How To Blow Up A Pipeline. Youtube Allows This Video, 02MAR23.htm

Dr. Russell St. John--Why Did The Lord Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Answer The Sanhedrin's Question With A Question . . . , Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024.
Dr. Russell St. John--Why Did The Lord Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Answer The Sanhedrin's Question With A Question . . . , Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024.htm

Here Are Some Alternate Search Engines That Don't Track You Or Your data. Hint -- DuckDuckGo now does . . . , March 24, 2024.
Here Are Some Alternate Search Engines That Don't Track You Or Your data. Hint -- DuckDuckGo now does . . . , March 24, 2024.doc

'Vaxx'em Out'--Communist Joe Build Back Better' Biden--But First Destroy America! Comrade Joe Biden's Woke Military Struggling To Recruit, July 6, 2022 . . .
'Vaxx'em Out'--Communist Joe Build Back Better' Biden--But First Destroy America! Comrade Joe Biden's Woke Military Struggling To Recruit, July 6, 2022.htm

Missouri Demoncrats Read Transgender Book To Children For 'National Reading Day'. -- Matthew 18:1-6; Matthew 25:40; Deuteronomy 22:5; Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13. March 5, 2024 . . .
Missouri Demoncrats Read Transgender Book To Children For 'National Reading Day'. -- Matthew 18:1-6; Matthew 25:40; Deuteronomy 22:5; Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13. March 5, 2024.htm

Jesuit Supported Communists Groups--BLM, Demoncrats, And R.I.N.O.s--Forcing Unlawful Discrimination Upon Americans, A Moral People, Where Some 94 Percent Of 'S And P 100' Jobs Went To Minorities in 2021, 23SEP23 . . .
Jesuit Supported Communists Groups--BLM, Demoncrats, And R.I.N.O.s--Forcing Unlawful Discrimination Upon Americans, A Moral People, Where Some 94 Percent Of 'S And P 100' Jobs Went To Minorities in 2021, 23SEP23.htm

Yes, I was aware of the letter J nonsense, and those not using the name of Jehovah or Jesus, March 17, 2023 . . .
Yes, I was aware of the letter J nonsense, and those not using the name of Jehovah or Jesus, March 17, 2023.doc

Jesuit Trained Kamala Harris to visit an abortion clinic, a first for a president or vice president,Harris plans to tour a Planned Parenthood clinic in Minnesota on Thursday, March 14, 2024 . . .
Jesuit Trained Kamala Harris to visit an abortion clinic, a first for a president or vice president,Harris plans to tour a Planned Parenthood clinic in Minnesota on Thursday, March 14, 2024.doc

Are satanic 'Doorman Joe' Biden's Policies -- 'Opening The Door To 'Allow Savage satanic, Cannibal, Voodoo Worshiping Haitian Illegal Aliens' To Flood Into Florida And The Rest Of The U.S.A. . .,' 11MAR24 . . .
Are satanic 'Doorman Joe' Biden's Policies -- 'Opening The Door To 'Allow Savage satanic, Cannibal, Voodoo Worshiping Haitian Illegal Aliens' To Flood Into Florida And The Rest Of The U.S.A. . .,' 11MAR24.htm

Hazelwood High School, Greater Saint Louis Missouri, Teen In Critical Condition With Possible Brain Injury After Classmate Brutally Beat Her And Repeatedly Slammed Her Head On The Street, March 8, 2024 . . .
Hazelwood High School, Greater Saint Louis Missouri, Teen In Critical Condition With Possible Brain Injury After Classmate Brutally Beat Her And Repeatedly Slammed Her Head On The Street, March 8, 2024.htm

These FIRES are NOT 'Wildfires'! But Were Directed Energy Weapons, DEW, 1 of 2, March 9, 2024 . . .
These FIRES are NOT 'Wildfires'! But Were Directed Energy Weapons, DEW, 1 of 2, March 9, 2024.htm

These FIRES are NOT 'Wildfires'! But Were Directed Energy Weapons, DEW, 2 of 2, March 9, 2024 . . .
These FIRES are NOT 'Wildfires'! But Were Directed Energy Weapons, DEW, 2 of 2, March 9, 2024.htm

Some Important Links That You Might Fund Useful!-March-8,-2024.doc

Trace Amounts--(2014 Documentary), June 22, 2022 . . .
Trace Amounts--(2014 Documentary), June 22, 2022.htm

VaXXed 2--The People's Truth, November 2, 2022 . . .
VaXXed 2--The People's Truth, November 2, 2022

A Shot In The Dark--(Your Government IS Trying To Kill You) -- Vaccines Are Poison! September 1, 2022 . . .
A Shot In The Dark--(Your Government IS Trying To Kill You) -- Vaccines Are Poison! September 1, 2022.htm

Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light, Because Their Deeds Were Evil -- Matthew 5:1-16; Matthew 5:43-45; Matthew 24:3-14; Luke 6:21-36; John 3:16-20; John 7:7; John 15:17-20; Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:12-14 . . .
Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light, Because Their Deeds Were Evil -- Matthew 5:1-16; Matthew 5:43-45; Matthew 24:3-14; Luke 6:21-36; John 3:16-20; John 7:7; John 15:17-20; Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:12-14.htm

I Used To Believe That The Moment We Die We Went Right To Heaven Or Hell; I've Changed My Whole Understanding And Believe We Don't Until God Raises All Believers Together, After further even more extensive study, I've affirmed my original study. The moment one dies, his/her spirit goes directly either to Heaven or Hell awaiting the final Judgement by the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, February 27, 2024.doc

The Sins Of The Father (and Mother) Has A Direct Effect On Their Children To The Third And Fourth Generations; Sometimes Parents Live To Witness The Punishment Inflicted Upon Their Posterity For Their Sins . . .
The Sins Of The Father (and Mother) Has A Direct Effect On Their Children To The Third And Fourth Generations; Sometimes Parents Live To Witness The Punishment Inflicted Upon Their Posterity For Their Sins.htm

Homosexuality was a Mental Disorder "Mental Illness" until 1973. During Barack HUSSIEN Obama's Administration And Political Influence Over All Sorts Of Agencies, (As He Was The First Gay 'President,' Homosexuality Was 'Normalized'.) Homosexuality As A Disorder Was Taken Out Of American Psychiatric Association's DSM In 1973; Distress (Remorse) Over One's Homosexual Orientation Remained In The DSM, Under Different Names Until DSM-5 in 2013.
Homosexuality As A Disorder Was Taken Out Of American Psychiatric Association's DSM In 1973; Distress (Remorse) Over One's Homosexual Orientation Remained In The DSM, Under Different Names Until DSM-5 in 2013.pdf

Michael, aka--Michelle, Obama is REALLY a man.
Michael, aka--Michelle Obama is REALLY a man.htm

Dr. Peter McCullough And Colleagues Call For Global Moratorium On COVID-19 Vaccination, January 28, 2024 . . .
Dr. Peter McCullough And Colleagues Call For Global Moratorium On COVID-19 Vaccination, January 28, 2024.htm

Human Events Daily-- Jack Posobiec--The Truth About Watergate, January 3, 2024 . . .
Human Events Daily-- Jack Posobiec--The Truth About Watergate, January 3, 2024.htm

Hell Will Be Filled With So Called 'Christians Like This,' i.e.--Of The Many Who Claim To Be Christians That Christ Jesus Will Cast Out To Hell, Matthew 7, verses 13-29, September 18, 2023 . . .
Hell Will Be Filled With So Called 'Christians Like This,' i.e.--Of The Many Who Claim To Be Christians That Christ Jesus Will Cast Out To Hell, Matthew 7, verses 13-29, September 18, 2023.htm

Note: This is important if you, or anyone you know, took the death shot, i.e.: the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, 'vaccine' it is worth the watch of these four short videos.
Aubrey Shines--Covering Up Gain Of Function Research (They Grew Viruses With 100 Percent Kill Rate!) January 27, 2024 . . .

Aubrey Shines--Covering Up Gain Of Function Research (They Grew Viruses With 100 Percent Kill Rate!) January 27, 2024.htm

Once Praiseworthy Pastor Alistair Begg Is Now A Heretic, A False Teacher, And Should Be Shunned.--Can A True Worshiper, A Born Again Believer Go To A Gay Wedding. Voddie Baucham, Dr. John MacArthur Respond, January 27, 2024 . . .
Once Praiseworthy Pastor Alistair Begg Is Now A Heretic, A False Teacher, And Should Be Shunned.--Can A True Worshiper, A Born Again Believer Go To A Gay Wedding. Voddie Baucham, Dr. John MacArthur Respond, January 27, 2024.htm

Verily, Verily I Say To You, Yea, Yes, Affirmative, Assent, Indeed Your Government IS Trying To Kill You! January 28, 2024 . . .
Verily, Verily I Say To You, Yea, Yes, Affirmative, Assent, Indeed Your Government IS Trying To Kill You! January 28, 2024.htm

Governor Ron DeSantis Criticizes Niki Haley On Her Giving China Land When She Was S.C. Governor, November 8, 2023 . . .
Governor Ron DeSantis Criticizes Niki Haley On Her Giving China Land When She Was S.C. Governor, November 8, 2023.htm

Charlie Kirk--Darren Beattie, Revolver News--January 6, 2021 Pipe Bombs; How The Demoncrats Setup And Stole The 2020 Presidential Election, January 22, 2024 . . .
Charlie Kirk--Darren Beattie, Revolver News--January 6, 2021 Pipe Bombs; How The Demoncrats Setup And Stole The 2020 Presidential Election, January 22, 2024.htm

THE JIG IS UP--EXCLUSIVE Local Reporter Describes Election Expert Halderman Breaking into Dominion Voting Machine and Changing Vote Totals During His Georgia Testimony, January 21, 2024 . . .
THE JIG IS UP--EXCLUSIVE Local Reporter Describes Election Expert Halderman Breaking into Dominion Voting Machine and Changing Vote Totals During His Georgia Testimony, January 21, 2024.htm

Some Of My Favorite Quotes . . .
Some Of My Favorite Quotes.htm

Charlie Kirk--'reverend' Martin Luther King, Jr. And His Associates Involved In Orgies, Sodomy, Rape, Drinking, And Had JESUIT and Communist ties, January 15, 2024 . . .
Charlie Kirk--'reverend' Martin Luther King, Jr. And His Associates Involved In Orgies, Sodomy, Rape, Drinking, And Had JESUIT and Communist ties, January 15, 2024.htm

Steve Bannon, War Room--Dr. Peter McCullough--Six Months After The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus Death Jab, One-half The People Had 'VaXXine' Spike Proteins Circulating Throughout Their Blood, January 12, 2024 . . .
Steve Bannon, War Room--Dr. Peter McCullough--Six Months After The Death Jab, One-half The People Had 'VaXXine' Spike Proteins Circulating Throughout Their Blood, January 12, 2024.htm

Wrong! You ACTUALLY Do Need Men To Survive, June 30, 2023 . . .
Wrong! You ACTUALLY Do Need Men To Survive, June 30, 2023.htm

The papacy, The 'pope,' The 'Man Of Sin,' The Number Of His Name--Six Hundred Threescore And Six, i.e.--666 . . .
The papacy, The 'pope,' The 'Man Of Sin,' The Number Of His Name--Six Hundred Threescore And Six, i.e.--666.htm

The papacy's Controlled United Nations' Agenda 21--Now Extended And Renamed Agenda 30. Alex Newman of Liberty Sentinel Explains Their Plan!, May 6, 2021 . . .
The papacy's Controlled United Nations' Agenda 21--Now Extended And Renamed Agenda 30. Alex Newman of Liberty Sentinel Explains Their Plan!, May 6, 2021.htm

Ezola Foster, 33 years Public School Teacher. In the '80s and'90s she began sounding the alarm about troubling trends in schools--Anti-White racism -LGBTQ+ indoctrination -Anti-American revisionism . . .
Ezola Foster, 33 years Public School Teacher. In the '80s and'90s she began sounding the alarm about troubling trends in schools--Anti-White racism -LGBTQ+ indoctrination -Anti-American revisionism.htm

University Of Arizona Researchers Find Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Deaths Linked To Enzyme Also Found In Rattlesnake Venom!--'Just A Coincidence, Right.' 'Safe And Effective!' NOT! 05SEP21 . . .
University Of Arizona Researchers Find Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Deaths Linked To Enzyme Also Found In Rattlesnake Venom!--'Just A Coincidence, Right.' 'Safe And Effective!' NOT! 05SEP21.htm

Paul Harrell, I AM HE--the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament . . .
Paul Harrell, I AM HE--the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament.htm

How Did The Lord Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Bring Light To Spiritually Darkened Lands . . . By His Presence, By His Preaching--Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church, Dr. Russell St. John, December 24, 2023 . . .
How Did The Lord Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Bring Light To Spiritually Darkened Lands . . . By His Presence, By His Preaching--Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church, Dr. Russell St. John, December 24, 2023.htm

Dowling's History of Romanism, 1845 AND The Woman Who Rides The Beast in Revelation 17 . . .
Dowling's History of Romanism, 1845 AND The Woman Who Rides The Beast in Revelation 17.htm

Charlie Kirk's--AmericaFest 2023. Jason Whitlock--Stop Apologizing, December 18, 2023 . . .
Charlie Kirk's--AmericaFest 2023. Jason Whitlock--Stop Apologizing, December 18, 2023.htm

Republican Congresswoman Harriet Hageman Grills 'Obfuscator, Oscurer, Despicable (One Deserving To Be Despised; One So Worthless Or Obnoxious As To Rouse Moral Indignation)' Alejandro Mayorkas, 15MAR23 . . .
Republican Congresswoman Harriet Hageman Grills 'Obfuscator, Oscurer, Despicable (One Deserving To Be Despised; One So Worthless Or Obnoxious As To Rouse Moral Indignation)' Alejandro Mayorkas, 15MAR23.htm

The Jesuits, The 'pope,' The United Nations, The European Union, The Demoncrats, The R.I.N.O.s, The World Economic Forum, The CCP, The CFR--The Epoch Times-The Final War, December 20, 2022 . . .
The Jesuits, The 'pope,' The United Nations, The European Union, The Demoncrats, The R.I.N.O.s, The World Economic Forum, The CCP, The CFR--The Epoch Times-The Final War, December 20, 2022.htm

Charlie Kirk's--AmericaFest 2023. Seth Dillion--CEO, The Babylon Bee, December 17, 2023 . . .
Charlie Kirk's--AmericaFest 2023. Seth Dillion--CEO, The Babylon Bee, December 17, 2023.htm

Jesuit Controlled Communist, Racist, Muslim, Gay 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama And His Tranny 'wife' Michael, aka--Michelle's Predictive Programming And Racist Movie, December 12, 2023 . . .
Jesuit Controlled Communist, Racist, Muslim, Gay 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama And His Tranny 'wife' Michael, aka--Michelle's Predictive Programming And Racist Movie, December 12, 2023.htm

Jesus Christ Of Nazareth--The Prophet Who Is LIKE Moses; The Prophet Who Is UNLIKE Moses--Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church, Dr. Russell St. John, December 10, 2023 . . .
Jesus Christ Of Nazareth--The Prophet Who Is LIKE Moses; The Prophet Who Is UNLIKE Moses--Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church, Dr. Russell St. John, December 10, 2023.htm

God Knows How To Decorate; Greater Than Any Master Painter, Psalm 19:1--New Town, Missouri--Photo By John Jamrock.doc

Steve Bannon, War Room--'Traitor Joe' Biden-Harris Administration's Weaponization Of The Department Of Justice, DOJ, Against American Citizens, January 6 'Insurrection' 'Evidence' Has Been Destroyed, December 5, 2023 . . .
  The Sinister, Evil, Demoncrats Open Deception (Blatant Lie) By The House Select Committee 'Investigating' The Made-up 'Insurrection' Of the United States Capitol On January 6, 2021.

'Traitor Joe' Biden-Harris Administration's Weaponization Of The Department Of Justice, DOJ, Against American Citizens, January 6 'Insurrection' 'Evidence' Has Been Destroyed, December 5, 2023.htm

THE COVID WARS--Jesuit Controlled 'Demonic, Creepy Joe' Biden's Admin., Demoncrats, R.I.N.Os, DOD, DOJ, Mainstream News, USDE, Pharma, Hospitals, Masks, Big Tech, Globalists, papacy Controlled (UN, EEC, WHO, WEF) . . .
  (The Opening Salvo Of The 'COVID WARS'--Bill Gates Event 21, October 18, 2018 And Includes All The Above Agencies Captured And/Or Completely Dominated And Controlled By The Jesuits.)

THE COVID WARS--Jesuit Controlled 'Demonic, Creepy Joe' Biden's Admin., Demoncrats, R.I.N.Os, DOD, DOJ, Mainstream News, USDE, Pharma, Hospitals, Big Tech, Globalists, papacy Controlled (UN, EEC, WHO, WEF).htm

All-female Catholic College Will Admit 'Men Who Identify As Women,' Cites antiChrist Pope Francis, November 28, 2023 . . ..doc

Cosmopolitan Magazine Shares Steps For How To Have A 'Satanic Abortion Ceremony,' December 3, 2023 . . .
Cosmopolitan Magazine Shares Steps For How To Have A 'Satanic Abortion Ceremony,' December 3, 2023.htm

Pentagon Confirms 973 Percent Increase In Heart Failure Following Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, VaXXination, December 2, 2023 . . .
Pentagon Confirms 973 Percent Increase In Heart Failure Following Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, VaXXination, December 2, 2023.htm

Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 VaXXination Is Suddenly Changing The Personality Of Recipients, December 2, 2023 . . .
Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 VaXXination Is Suddenly Changing The Personality Of Recipients, December 2, 2023.htm

Jesuit Honored And Controlled 'satanic Joe' Biden-Harris Administration's Department of Defense, DOD, Sues To Get Rid Of Scriptural Dog Tags, November 13, 2023 . . .
Jesuit Honored And Controlled 'satanic Joe' Biden-Harris Administration's Department of Defense, DOD, Sues To Get Rid Of Scriptural Dog Tags, November 13, 2023.htm

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer for Misrepresenting COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Conspiring to Censor Public Discourse Office of the Attorney General, November 30, 2023 . . .
Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer for Misrepresenting COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Conspiring to Censor Public Discourse Office of the Attorney General, November 30, 2023.htm

'The End Of The World Is Just The Beginning . . . ' November 16, 2023 . . .
'The End Of The World Is Just The Beginning . . . ' November 16, 2023.htm

InfoWars--Reese Report--The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children by Big Pharma, November 1, 2023 . . .
InfoWars--Reese Report--The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children by Big Pharma, November 1, 2023.htm

Selling Sickness--The Pharmaceutical Industry And Disease Branding, May 14, 2023 . . .
Selling Sickness--The Pharmaceutical Industry And Disease Branding, May 14, 2023.htm

IS THIS THE NEXT PLANDEMIC . . .Mysterious New Type Of Pneumonia Spreads in China--Cases Surge, Palki Sharma, November 23, 2023 (Seems as though this depopulation plan -- Agenda 21, now called Agenda 30 by the papacy controlled United Nations, UN, and the UN's World Health Organization, W.H.O. along with the papacy controlled World Economic Forum, WEF, is targeting our children. Well, it sure looks this way! . . .
IS THIS THE NEXT PLANDEMIC . . .Mysterious New Type Of Pneumonia Spreads in China--Cases Surge, Palki Sharma, November 23, 2023 . . ..htm

'China's Walking Pneumonia' A Mixture of Diseases--Palki-Sharma, November 24, 2023 . . .
IS THIS THE NEXT PLANDEMIC . . .Mysterious New Type Of Pneumonia Spreads in China--Cases Surge, Palki Sharma, November 23, 2023 . . ..htm

Polio Vaccines And The Origin Of AIDS--PubMed,-June, 1994 . . .
Polio Vaccines And The Origin Of AIDS--PubMed,-June, 1994.htm

EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS . . . Perspectives On The Pandemic--Blood Clots And Beyond--The 'vaccine' Is A Lie, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D., February 12, 2021 (Long-term prognosis for those who took multiple shots starts around 27:00 minutes in.) . . .
EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS . . . Perspectives On The Pandemic--Blood Clots And Beyond--The 'vaccine' Is A Lie, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D., February 12, 2021 . . ..htm

Thanksgiving Directed To God. Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened, November 22, 2023 . . .
Thanksgiving Directed To God. Romans 1, verse 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.htm

A Review Of SOME OF What You NEED To Know So Far! Much More On My WEB Page, November 18, 2023 . . ..doc

The Epoch Times--Neurological Side-Effects In One Third of Vaccinated People, November 11, 2023 . . .
The Epoch Times--Neurological Side-Effects In One Third of Vaccinated People, November 11, 2023.htm

Let's Compare! A Day In The Life Of Two Presidents, November 11, 2023 . . .
Let's Compare! A Day In The Life Of Two Presidents, November 11, 2023.htm

Steve Bannon, War Room--Dr. Naomi Wolf--Needed mNRA 'vaXXination' to keep you from dying. That was a lie! November 10, 2023 . . .
Steve Bannon, War Room--Dr. Naomi Wolf--Needed mNRA 'vaXXination' to keep you from dying. That was a lie! November 10, 2023.htm

Konstantin Kisin is a Russian-British satirist, author, political commentator, and co-host of the Triggernometry podcast. He is quick of wit, and does stand-up comedy including 'Orwell That Ends Well.'--The Oxford Union Debate Club On The Woke Generation--Those With Anxiety Concerning 'Climate Change.' January 27, 2023 . . .
Konstantin Kisin--The Oxford Union Debate Club On The Woke Generation--Those With Anxiety Concerning 'Climate Change.' January 27, 2023.htm

Jesuits and their satanic history . . . .doc

Where Does Holy Scripture, The Holy Bible, Get 666--The Number Of The antiChrist Shown In Revelation 13, verses 16-18 . . . God Knows All Things, And The antiChrist Wants To Be Like God So He Chose A Name To Take The Place (Substitute or anti, i.e.: Vicar) of Christ; satan's Pride Reveals Him To Those With Discernment.doc

Where Does Holy Scripture, The Holy Bible, Get 666--The Number Of The antiChrist Shown In Revelation 13, verses 16-18 . . . God Knows All Things, And The antiChrist Wants To Be Like God So He Chose A Name To Take The Place (Substitute or anti, i.e.: Vicar) of Christ; satan's Pride Reveals Him To Those With Discernment.pdf

Revelation 6:2, image of the 'pope' of Rome 'carrying idol of Jesus as the arrow' as part of his bow . . .
Revelation 6:2, image of the 'pope' of Rome 'carrying idol of Jesus as the arrow' as part of his bow . . ..htm

Charlie Kirk--Demoncrats Caught In Dropbox Ballot Stuffing. Judge Rules Election Invalid. (Most Secure Elections We've Ever Had!) Disagree If You Are A Republican Get Thrown In Prison, November 2, 2023 . . .
Charlie Kirk--Demoncrats Caught In Dropbox Ballot Stuffing. Judge Rules Election Invalid. (Most Secure Elections We've Ever Had!) Disagree If You Are A Republican Get Thrown In Prison, November 2, 2023.htm

AUTISM!--In 2004 Dr. William Thompson, Now A CDC Whistleblower, And Four Fellow Co-authors Fraudulently Altered Vaccine Study 'To Show Safety' When The Original Data Showed Otherwise, July 25, 2022 . . .
AUTISM!--In 2004 Dr. William Thompson, Now A CDC Whistleblower, And Four Fellow Co-authors Fraudulently Altered Vaccine Study 'To Show Safety' When The Original Data Showed Otherwise, July 25, 2022.htm

Dr. Judy Mikovits Explains What Sars Cov2 (Covid 19) mRNA Vaccines Are, January 23, 2023 . . .
Dr. Judy Mikovits Explains What Sars Cov2 (Covid 19) mRNA Vaccines Are, January 23, 2023.htm

Stew Peters--CDC Admits VAXX Stroke Risk. This Lying Government Agency To Investigate, January 16, 2023 . . .
Stew Peters--CDC Admits VAXX Stroke Risk. This Lying Government Agency To Investigate, January 16, 2023.htm

Beware! Et tu, Brute? House Speaker Mike Johnson Echos Communist Black Lives Matter, BLM, Talking Points--Country Needs 'Systematic Change' And 'Transformative Solutions' To Address This.--"Whites Have It Easier," JUN20 . . .
House Speaker Mike Johnson Echos Communist Black Lives Matter, BLM, Talking Points--Country Needs 'Systematic Change' And 'Transformative Solutions' To Address This.--"Whites Have It Easier," JUN20.htm

Charlie Kirk--A Corrupt Weaponized Communist State (Biden-Harris' America)--Big Brother Will Pressure You, Will Break You, Welcome To 1984 in 2023, October 24, 2023 . . .
Charlie Kirk--A Corrupt Weaponized Communist State (Biden-Harris' America)--Big Brother Will Pressure You, Will Break You, Welcome To 1984 in 2023, October 24, 2023.htm

Isaiah 26, verses 1-6 . . .

Nearly 70 Percent Of American Soldiers Are Obese Or Overweight; Not Fit Enough For War. This Has Significant Implications For The Nation's Military Readiness And National Security, October, 2023 . . .
Combating Military Obesity--Stigma's Persistent Impact on Operational Readiness, October, 2023.pdf

Steve Scalise Was SILENT When Asked About Releasing The January 6, J6 Tapes--Good Thing Scalise Doesn't Have The Floor Votes! Scalise Is McCarthy 2.0, October 11, 2023 . . .
Steve Scalise Was SILENT When Asked About Releasing The January 6, J6 Tapes--Good Thing Scalise Doesn't Have The Floor Votes! Scalise Is McCarthy 2.0, October 11, 2023.htm

The Attack On Israel . . . I Believe This To Be Yet Another False Flag . . . Goliath vs. David With Roles Reversed, October 10, 2023.doc

The True Origins Of Kwanzaa--A Made-up satanic System To Counter Christianity That Is Shoved Down Our Children's Throats In Public Schools, December 21, 2019 . . .
The True Origins Of Kwanzaa--A Made-up satanic System To Counter Christianity That Is Shoved Down Our Children's Throats In Public Schools, December 21, 2019.htm

'pope' Francis Speaks At 'Clinton Global Initiative'; Forms Alliance With Bill Clinton And Alex Soros In End Times Coterie. Addresses And Promotes, 'Climate Change, Migration, And War' 18SEP23 . . .
'pope' Francis Speaks At 'Clinton Global Initiative'; Forms Alliance With Bill Clinton And Alex Soros In End Times Coterie. Addresses And Promotes, 'Climate Change, Migration, And War' 18SEP23.htm

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