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Alemattec Services Movie . . .

'pope' Benedict XVI 'Easter 2012,' with 'pope' Francis present, invokes satan, Lucifer who will never be defeated -- Christ is you son, 27 minutes 30 seconds into video . . .

[IMAGE], 'pope' Benedict XVI invoking Lucifer, satan, that Old Serpent, the devil on Easter, 2012.JPG

Pope Francis Declares lucifer, satan, that old serpent, As God . . .

[IMAGE], 'pope' Benedict XVI invoking Lucifer, satan, that Old Serpent, the devil on Easter, 2012.JPG

The Mystery Of Rome . . .

Lent, Easter, etc . . . .doc

Lent, not, Easter, July, Ramadan . . . .doc

Happy Resurrection Day!.doc

'Easter,' baal worship, Nimrod Babel, Babylonian, halo or nimbus, Ethiopian, Incubus, Barack HUSSEIN Obama . . . .doc

Obama hails 'shared spirit of humanity' at Easter.doc

"Sin of Ishtar, Easter Worship, of the 'Queen of heaven' - Jim Dodson.htm

'pope' Francis Decrees That Christian Salvation Is Only Through Mary and The Roman Catholic Church . . . .doc

Joel Osteen, antiChrist, meets with Pope Francis, 'THE antiChrist' at Vatican . . . .doc

To teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean -- this is the Law of leprosy.doc


Prosperity 'gospel,' judge not . . . , stealing from by making merchandise, i.e. -- selling or hawking something false . . . , be content.doc

'pope' Francis I is a sodomite, is homosexual, is gay, that IS WHY he declared 'who am I to judge, Old Pope Blasts New Pope as Homosexual Sinner, 'pope' Francis I has abolished sin.doc

Billy Graham Says Jesus Christ is Not the Only Way.htm

Judge not, not!, 2.doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola Logo"Is Tyler Perry Gay?" Piece in The Enquirer Quotes Me
False Prophets . . . also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you . . . .doc

False teacher of presidents.doc

False Teachers (Not all of them).doc

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Paul S. Harrell

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