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Alemattec Services Movie . . .

African-American Patriot blasts false narrative of Black Lives Matter, BLM, and black people being oppressed, and how United States of America is NOT a racist country . . .

 Click on Movie to play . . .

African-American Patriot blasts false narrative of Black Lives Matter, BLM, and black people being oppressed, and how United States of America is NOT a racist country . . .

Former Naval Officer rails against Black Lives Matter, Sept. 23, 2015 . . .

Document IconIllumaniti, Papal Knight George Soros, Black Lives Matter funding . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoThe Bizarre Media Blackout Of Hacked George Soros Documents

Document IconStupid white men, stupid fathers, LGBT, i.e. -- sodomites. Also, blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Islam, etc . . . and lies by the Obama Administration concerning race . . . .doc

Document Icon'Too Many White People in Top National Security Positions', Barack HUSSEIN Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice . . . .doc

Document IconObama's last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy . . . .doc

Document IconWas Mother Teresa actually sort of a jerk . . . Yes, but more than just a jerk.doc

Document IconRick Warren, false teacher of the Southern Baptist Convention . . . Joyce Meyer, 'little gods' . . . .doc

Document IconSecular humanism has displaced the Judeo-Christian world view.doc

Document IconProsperity 'gospel,' judge not . . . , stealing from by making merchandise, i.e. -- selling or hawking something false . . . , be content.doc

Document IconFalse Teachers (Not all of them).doc

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Paul S. Harrell

Copyright © 2012 Paul S. Harrell