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Ancient Egyptian (satanic) worship.


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Ancient Egyptian (satanic) worship.
Apis, the ancient Egyptian bull god worshipped at Memphis
Apis, the ancient Egyptian bull god
Egyptianized Antinous and the Apis Bull, in the Vatican
Isis or Aset – goddess of magic, motherhood and fertility and consort of Osiris; represented as the throne. (Notice the bull horns, and sun disk between the horns, the serpeant on here forehead, and her nursing of the pharaoh).
Left to right: the Egyptian god, Osiris, lord of the underworld, the equivalent, thus representing, the Biblical satan; Horus, their child, with a snake on his forehead; and Isis, his mother, sporting the horns of the Apis bull, with a sun disc between the horns and a snake on her forehead. Horus thus could represent the antichrist, or one that follows after him as the "seed of the serpent."
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