D.E.I. Pick, Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Said, 'We Will Police Your Platform'--The Harris-Biden Administration DOJ Will Be The Purveyors, The Peddler's, 'Of ALL 'Truth!'' 09OCT24
The First Amendment Is The Guarantee of All Rights Of Man; IT Alone Allows For A Constitutional Government, A Republic Form Of Government, And Allows Men To Be Free. Without The Ability To Freely Speak, Without The GOD GIVEN RIGHT To Speak Your Mind, You Are Nothing More Than A Slave. A Slave Has No Right To Openly Speak What They Believe. The Second Amendment GUARANTEES the First!
Amendments To The Constitution Of The United States Of America
Amendment 1
'Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging (Abridge:
To Deprive; To Reduce In *Scope; To
Dwindle (Lessen Over A Period Of Time)
the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and
to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
*Scope: Space or opportunity for unhampered
(Unhampered: Not impeded or restrained
(Restrain: A restraining force or influence) :
not hampered.) motion, activity, or thought.
Amendment 2
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to
the security of a free State, the right of the people
to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Note: A colonial militia was made up of private citizens
that brought their own weapons to battle. It makes no
sense to say that a militia has the right to bear arms alone.
Of course a militia does bear arms. What else would they
bear: hoes, shovels? It was a right that American Citizens
had to bear arms, to come to the aid of the government if
need be with their own household weapons. To be safe in
their persons, and the ability to protect loved ones, their
property (worldly possessions), and neighbors. To stand
against their own country if that country turned to tyranny,
in order to restore the rights, the unalienable rights granted
By God to the citizens of the United States of America as
declared in our Declaration of Independence, and enumerated
in our Bill of Rights and guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.
A Revolution in Arms: Weapons in the War for Independence.htm
An Example Of Private Citizens Coming To The Aid Of Government) -- Two Police Women Fail To Arrest Suspect; Random Man Stops, Takes Control, Grabs Hold And Forces Man's Hands Behind His Back So Female Officers Can Cuff; Can Police, Military Trust Their Lives To Woman, 10JUN24 . . ..htm
D.E.I. Pick, Jesuit Trained, Kamala Harris Speech At Jesuit St. Ignatius Church, The Jesuit University Of San Francisco's, USF, 2009 Commencement, Where She Admits She's Jesuit Trained, 23MAY09.htm