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Alemattec Services Movie . . .

Governor-Ron-DeSantis-Criticizes-Niki-Haley-On-Her-Giving-China-Land-When-She-Was-S.C.-Governor,-November-8,-2023 . . .

Mealymouthed (Not plain and straightforward, one who is devious).
Two-faced, Mealymouthed Nikki Haley As Governor Of South Carolina In 2014--Now GOP Presidential Hopeful Nikki Haley Said She Considered China 'A Friend' And That She 'Appreciated The Strong Relationship, 26OCT23 . . .
PDF IconTwo-faced, Mealymouthed Nikki Haley As Governor Of South Carolina In 2014--Now GOP Presidential Hopeful Nikki Haley Said She Considered China 'A Friend' And That She 'Appreciated The Strong Relationship, 26OCT23.pdf)

Pecksniffian (Pecksniffian: Unctuously hypocritical, pharisaical). unctuously (Unctuous: Having, revealing, or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality) hypocritical, and pharisaical (Pharisaical: Marked by hypocritical censorious (Censorious: Means inclined to look for and point out faults and defects of others) self-righteousness.
Pecksniffian, Two-faced, Mealymouthed, Double-dealing World Economic Forum's, WEF's, Young Global Leader 2011 Former Governor Nikki Haley On China, January 4, 2024 . . .

Nikki R. Haley, Governor of South Carolina, World Economic Forum, WEF, Young Global Leader 2011.JPG

12 Indians among WEF's Young Global Leaders, March 14, 2011 . . .
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola Logo12 Indians among WEF's Young Global Leaders.htm

Two-faced, Mealymouthed Nikki Haley In Calling Out Trump, Nikki Haley 'Warns Of A More Sinister Threat,' January 16, 2021 . . .

Haley And Pence--Conspiring . . .
Nikki R. Haley, Governor of South Carolina, World Economic Forum, WEF, Young Global Leader 2011.JPG

Nikki Haley Calls For Changing Retirement Age For Americans (In A Vague Way, i.e. Without Saying How And to What Extent,') March 12, 2023 . . .

I can't and will not ever support Nikki Hailey, because of her satanic Hindu faith. She claims that she is both Christian and Hindu. That is not possible. Christianity is the ONLY true faith and one that is based on grace alone by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ alone! Nikki Hailey had two marriage ceremonies -- one in each false faith of hers. (Her 'Methodist Christian' faith is completely false). There is only one true God Who sent His Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to die for our sins.

As Yogi Berra famously said, "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." In practice, a Christian, a true Christian can have no faith, no allegiance to anyone other than God the Father and their Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Ghost -- the One Triune (Triune: Three in One -- of or relating to the Trinity -- consisting of God the Father, God the Son (the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth,) and God the Holy Ghost.) God.

Nikki Haley says she's Christian, but it's complicated
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoNikki Haley says she's Christian, but it's complicated.htm

Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network
The former U.N. ambassador went from virtually no savings in 2017 to a small fortune in part from defense contracting and war advocacy ties.
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoNikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network.htm

Governor Nikki Haley: New Horizons, April 18, 2012
In 2004, in her run to be a Congressman, Nikki Hailey sent out fliers against her opponent listed his qualifications as "White male/Christian/business owner" and hers as "Indian female/Buddhist/housekeeper." (Haley is 'supposedly' a Sikh turned Christian.)
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoGovernor Nikki Haley: New Horizons, April 18, 2012.htm

During her 2010 campaign for governor, Nikki Haley was endorsed by then-former Republican R.I.N.0. Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and then-First Lady of South Carolina, Jenny Sanford. Haley was also endorsed by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Nikki Haley later turned on Palin after her victory, saying she would not return the favor by endorsing Palin in a potential 2012 presidential campaign.
Nikki Haley: I don't 'owe' Palin an endorsement in 2012
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoNikki Haley: I don't 'owe' Palin an endorsement in 2012.htm

During the Republican National Convention in 2020, Nikki Haley expressed interest in rejoining the Trump Administration assuming he would win re-election. Then turned against Trump after the 2020 election
Nikki Haley after RNC speech says she is open to rejoining Trump administration
Former ambassador to the UN dismissed 'nonsense' about her replacing Vice President Pence
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoNikki Haley after RNC speech says she is open to rejoining Trump administration.htm

Nikki Rodham Haley: The Hillary Clinton Of The GOP
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoNikki Rodham Haley: The Hillary Clinton Of The GOP.htm

Revelation 18:23
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

( . . . for by thy SORCERIES (PHARMACIES) were all nations deceived.) SORCERIES in the Greek is the word: Pharmakeia which is translated into English as Pharmacy means the use of medicine, drugs or spells -- associated with WITCHCRAFT -- magic, sorcery, enchantment ...(Exodus 22:18; John 8:32; John 14:17; John 8:36.) So, the antiChrist uses SORCERIES (PHARMACIES) to DECEIVE the whole world, takes over the world, to have the world (satan's family--those NOT BORN AGAIN, NOT CHRISTIAN,) worship him, by accepting his mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:11-18.)

John 8:32
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 8:36
36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Document IconAsymptomatic people not guilty of spreading COVID-19 virus.doc

PDF IconBotswana Government on new Omicron Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus Varient--ALL FOUR WHO HAVE IT WERE FULLY VACCINATED!, November 25, 2021.pdf

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoOmicron symptoms are described by the doctor who discovered it, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, as "very, very mild"!

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoUPDATE 1-U.S. readies fight against Omicron but too soon for lockdowns -Fauci. The United States must do "anything and everything" amid likely cases of the variant, but it is "too early to say" whether we need new lockdowns or mandates, Fauci told ABC News.

Matthew 10:28

28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Note:  Fear God! Not satan. God has the power to kill the soul and destroy both the soul and body in hell.  Fear Him, fear God! Matthew 10:28 is NOT referring to satan, for satan is not spoken of having that power/authority at all.  This is spoken of God Himself, who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.

The Vatican (Jesuits) started and today controls the C.I.A.!
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoTHIRD video down, (after clicking this link . . . ) Jesuits Control 'The Central Intelligence Agency, C.I.A.,' December 21st, 2020 . . ..htm

Movie IconDr. Bill Warner - A Taste of Islam -- AN INTRODUCTION OF ISLAM that satanic false 'religion' i.e. -- political system. . . .htm

Movie IconIslam -- the satanic, evil, wicked false 'religion'.htm. . .

Movie IconIslam is based on a lie, their so called 'Sacred City of Mecca' is not sacred at all and it too is based on a complete lie!.htm

The 'pope' IS HONORED ABOVE ALL BY GIVEN NAMES WITH EXALTED TITLES among which he claims to be "the Lord our God," and thus presents himself as a counterfeit Christ, a rival Christ, having names of blasphemy . . .

PDF IconThe Roman Catholic "pope," a counterfeit Christ, a rival Christ, blasphemous "Man of Sin, " page #100 of the .pdf, but page #92 in the book . . .

The 'pope' IS the "Man of sin" . . .
PDF IconThe Roman Catholic "pope," the "Man of sin," page #108 of the .pdf, but page #101 of the book . . .

The Roman Catholic "church," the Mystery of Iniquity . . .
PDF IconThe Roman Catholic "church," the "Mystery of Iniquity," page #110 of the .pdf, but page #103 of the book . . .

Movie IconMovie_Most_Important.htm

Movie IconEIGHTY POPES TORTURED AND KILLED some 50 MILLION (plus) -- . . .htm

Document IconFear of the LORD.doc

Document IconNumber murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Document IconReverend, fear Him . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoWhat could it cost you to be a Christian . . . .htm

Document IconWas the Emperor Nero 'the antiChrist' as some 'preach,' OR is it the 'pope' of Rome . . . .doc

Document IconThe new world order, a false man-made religion, led by the Roman Catholic 'pope,' who IS the antiChrist . . . .doc

Document IconNumber murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Document IconMan of Sin revealed . . . Vicar of Christ, Vicar of the Son of God, Vicarious Christi, antiChrist, 'pope' of Rome, the Papacy . . . .doc

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs -- 'pope' Francis Flashes satanic '666' hand sign at United States Congress at the EXACT moment speaks of his 'god'.htm

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs.htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur - Is Speaking in Tongues Demonic today. . . .htm

Document IconMega'churches'.doc

The "pope" comes into the "churches" like Simon Mangus, who with sorcery was regarded as a god and honored with a statue on the island in the Tiber river which the two bridges cross, with the inscription -- Simoni Deo Sancto, "To Simon the Holy God" . . .
PDF IconThe Roman Catholic "pope' comes into the "churces" like Simon Mangus, to be worshiped as God, page #41 CHAP. XXIII. -- DOCTRINES AND PRACTICES OF SIMON MAGUS AND MENANDER. . . .

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