Alemattec Services Movie . . .

Not One Jot or Tittle of God's Law, God's Holy Word, the Lord Jesus Christ's words shall be destroyed-- changed. Against the new 'religion' of environment, and against the madness of LGBT alphabet nonsense -- denying reason . . .
-- Dr. Alistair Begg

Proverbs 30:5
5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Luke 4:4
4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Statements On LGBT People From Faith Leaders.htm

LGBT, Transgender, abomination, mental illness, sin, confusion . . . .doc

Stupid white men, stupid fathers, LGBT, i.e. -- sodomites. Also, blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Islam, etc . . . and lies by the Obama Administration concerning race . . . .doc

Barack HUSSEIN Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cop.doc

LBGT Agenda against Christians, the United States, and the world promoted now by President Donald Trump worldwide through the U.N. .htm

Covetness which is idolatry . . . the Lord sends evil spirits, i.e. -- devils, demons, to do His bidding . . . , Salt . . . .doc

Black magic practice by the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . Original sin and baptism . . . , tongues, bells, satanism, etc . . . .doc

All religions which are in fact false religions, including false Christian Pretenders, e.g. Roman Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witness, etc, especially Charismatic Pretenders --Matthew 7, Verses 13–27.htm

Baphomet, the Goat of Mendes, was a devil that was worshiped by the ancients.htm

Ex-Jesuit Priest, Alberto Rivera who was Saved and openly condemned the satanic Roman Catholic 'church,' reveals how and why the Vatican created Islam . . . .htm

Dr. Bill Warner - A Taste of Islam -- AN INTRODUCTION OF ISLAM that satanic false 'religion' i.e. -- political system. . . .htm

Islam -- the satanic, evil, wicked false 'religion'.htm

Deeply unpopular French President Hollande calls for France to 'embrace' Islam and Sharia Law, and rejects calls for a nationwide burkini ban . . . .doc

Pope says it's wrong to identify Islam with violence, ISIS, Hezbollah, etc . . . .doc

Jesuit controlled Islamic Terrorist Network in the United States of America . . . .doc

Islamic Terrorist Network in the United States of America . . . .htm

Muslim Black slavery - History of Islam slave history of Black Africa.htm

Muslim Jihad, Dhimmi and Dhimmitude, Islam is a 'peaceful' religion, NOT!.doc

Ted Cruz, false Brethren, picks Islam lover Carly Fiorina who has long close ties with Clintons as his Vice-President running mate . . . .doc

Rick Warren prays to Isa, the Islamic 'Jesus' who is NOT God . . . .doc

Rick Warren prays to Isa, the Islamic 'Jesus' who is NOT God . . . .htm

NOT ONLY are Barack HUSSEIN Obama's comments too cavalier concerning Muslims, i.e. -- Islam, but his cavalier comments outright endanger the United States of America . . . .doc

Islam is a 'peaceful religion,' NOT! Half of Muslims believe the world is near Apocalypse . . . .doc

Islam is a fake 'religion,' made up, a lie, brought about by the Roman Catholic 'church,' to prosecute the true Christians -- Protestants . . . .doc

First Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Muslim 'president' now Carly Fiorina sings the praises of Islam, Ottoman Empire 'greatest civilization' . . . .doc

Hillary Clinton -- satanic messenger, John McCain denies the Lord Jesus Christ in 'defending marriage,' Islam is NOT a peaceful religion but satanic . . . .doc

Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Beige suit . . . a signal to Muslims 'change is coming' . . . Former President Jimmy Carter now promotes Islamic Sharia Law . . . .doc

EX-CIA employee admits President Obama is a radical Islamic enemy of America . . . .doc

Roman Catholics and Islam the 'Ties that Bind' . . . , Rupert Murdoch, Saeed Abedini, American pastor imprisoned in Iran, Obama's 'quiet diplomacy' efforts = public betrayal . . . .doc

Roman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 1.htm

Roman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 2.htm

Roman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 3.htm

Roman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_Part 4.htm

Muslim Barack Hussein Obama promoting Islamic Sharia Law worldwide, Imam, Murder . . . .doc

AMERICAN THINKER -- Top ten reasons why Sharia (Law) is bad for all societies . . . .doc

Sharia and Militancy . . . .doc

Islam -- Governing Under Sharia . . . .doc

pope Francis to forgive Twitter followers' sins online . . . Islam taught British school kids . . . .doc

A Chronological List of Islamic Terrorist Attacks, 1968 - 2004. Islam is NOT a peaceful religion . . . .doc

Lies, international deception by governments and media, Boston Marathon bombings, Diana of the Ephesians, Allah, RC 'church' created Islam.doc

Ban the Koran_ Geert Wilders speaks out on his radical views.htm

Geert Wilders - 7. February 2011 The Lights Are Going Out Al.htm

IRANIUM - Bonus Footage - Clare Lopez (1).htm

Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 1 of 2.htm

Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 2 of 2.htm

Muslims dancing, celebrating after hearing 9-11.htm

Obama says the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.htm

Radical Islam In America.htm

Why Palestinians Want This Video Removed.htm

Christian America, Articles of Confederation, Thomas Jefferson, the Resurrection, Patrick Henry, Islam and Obama's 'weakness'.doc

Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Islam, his satanic wicca history, Mitt Romney and the 'pope of America' . . . .doc

Yes, Islam is a 'peaceful religion' . . . .doc

Wife Beating in Islam - I say, Only a rod will help.htm

Barack HUSSEIN Obama, 'I also know that Islam has always been a part of America's story.' .doc


MOST IMPORTANT -- Egyptian sun Worship, Roman Catholic church, and Islam (Muslims) . . . with Bush, Obama, Palin, NWO, CFR, a few more false teachers . . . .doc


Riots in London and Islam.doc

Pagan 'holy day' what is called Easter -- the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz, and ultimately Ishtar (Easter) -- Athena, Minerva, Moloch, i.e.--Baal . . . .htm

Easter, not! Resurrection day 'And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures'.doc

Steven Furtick, false teacher, wolf in sheep's clothing, satanic minister of 'light' . . . .doc

Pope gives MARCHING ORDERS to Jesuits and their new Superior General . . .htm

A satanic French Roman Catholic 'priest' was suspended after a video showed him slapping a baby during their satanic 'baptism ceremony' . . . .doc

'pope' Francis Seven Speeches with No Mention of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth . . . .doc

Was the Emperor Nero 'the antiChrist' as some 'preach,' OR is it the 'pope' of Rome . . . .doc

The antiChrist, the 'pope' of Rome, the Jesuits control the outcome of United States Presidency . . . .htm

The new world order, a false man-made religion, led by the Roman Catholic 'pope,' who IS the antiChrist . . . .doc

Jehovah's Witnesses play 'fast and loose' with Holy Scripture, the Holy Bible, and add to, UNTO, and take away from God's Holy Word . . . .doc

Number murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Man of Sin revealed . . . Vicar of Christ, Vicar of the Son of God, Vicarious Christi, antiChrist, 'pope' of Rome, the Papacy . . . .doc

Bible versions.doc

Bible_Comparison, Mine.doc

CONTENDING FOR FAITH lies within the NKJV 'bible'.doc

False Bible, NKJV.doc

Blasphemy! New Bible translation has screenplay format . . . .doc

What Bible did the Pilgrims use . . . .doc

2 Thessalonians 2, 9. Even him, -- the 'pope' -- whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.htm

'pope' Fancis I invokes lucifer on 'Easter,' Christ is your son!.htm

satanic hand signs.htm

satanic hand signs -- 'pope' Francis Flashes satanic '666' hand sign at United States Congress at the EXACT moment speaks of his 'god'.htm

The 'pope' of Rome IS the 'Man of sin,' and the Roman Catholic 'church' is the Mystery of Iniquity . . . .doc


Fear of the LORD.doc

Number murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Reverend, fear Him . . . .doc

What could it cost you to be a Christian . . . .htm

Was the Emperor Nero 'the antiChrist' as some 'preach,' OR is it the 'pope' of Rome . . . .doc

The new world order, a false man-made religion, led by the Roman Catholic 'pope,' who IS the antiChrist . . . .doc

Number murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Man of Sin revealed . . . Vicar of Christ, Vicar of the Son of God, Vicarious Christi, antiChrist, 'pope' of Rome, the Papacy . . . .doc

satanic hand signs -- 'pope' Francis Flashes satanic '666' hand sign at United States Congress at the EXACT moment speaks of his 'god'.htm


Dr. John MacArthur - Is Speaking in Tongues Demonic today. . . .htm


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Paul S. Harrell

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