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Politicians using Lock downs as a means of Total Control; it is not science, but controlling people using a form of 'Medical Marshall Law' violating people's rights under the U.S. Constitution . . .

Politicians using Lock downs as a means of Total Control; it is not science, but controlling people using a form of 'Medical Marshall Law' violating people's rights under the U.S. Constitution . . .

 Click on Movie to play . . .

Laura Ingraham, speaks to top Viral Specialists --05OCT20 . . .

Martha MacCallum, Rudy Giuliani on Joe Biden's 'false science' to scare the masses, lock them down, shut them down politically using Chinese Coronavirus, 05OCT20 . . .

Papacy Controlled World Health Organization, WHO, Official Urges World Leaders To Stop Using Lock Downs As A Primary Virus Control Method--IT'S HARMFUL!, 10OCT20 . . .

Tucker Carlson, Chinese Coronavirus simply used for political control, used against the people with Lock downs, 05OCT20 . . .


Movie IconPART 1: Vaccines, RoundUP, W.H.0 'Correcting Lies' Glyphosate (Which is Monsanto's RoundUP). The Vaccine-Autism Connection and MMR having Glutamate and Glyphosate in its Vaccine which causes Autism.htm

Movie IconPART 2: Vaccines, RoundUP, W.H.0 'Correcting Lies' Glyphosate (Which is Monsanto's RoundUP). The Vaccine-Autism Connection and MMR having Glutamate and Glyphosate in its Vaccine which causes Autism.htm

Movie IconDenial of American's Civil Liberties MIT PhD. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai attacks Jesuit Dr. Fauci and Exposes FAKE Pandemic!.htm

Movie IconDr. Judy Mikovits, PhD -- PLANDEMIC! The Global CONSPIRACY To Take Control Of Our Lives by deception ENSLAVE THE WORLD!.htm

Movie IconBILL GATES PANDEMIC, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others.htm

Movie IconWe will not bow down to the world, Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality . . . .htm

Document IconThe Sabbath is for the Jews alone . . . .doc

Document IconSeventh Day Sabbath . . . .doc

Document IconThe fourth Commandment . . . Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.doc

Priests In Panties . . . .doc  

Movie IconFRONTLINE -- Preview 'Secrets of the Vatican' -- PBS. . . .htm

Movie IconThe Origins of the Roman Catholic 'church'. . . .htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 1.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 2.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 3.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_Part 4.htm

Movie IconJesuit Pope Francis Grand Master of The Knights Templar--Freemasons .htm


Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 2) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 3) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 4) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 5) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 6) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 7) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 8) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 9) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconWider Mercy Salvation- John Macarthur talking about Billy Graham's view.htm

Movie IconBilly Graham Says Jesus Christ is Not the Only Way.htm

Movie IconMovie_Most_Important.htm

Document IconRoman Catholics and Islam the 'Ties that Bind' . . . , Rupert Murdoch, Saeed Abedini, American pastor imprisoned in Iran, Obama's 'quiet diplomacy' efforts = public betrayal . . . .doc

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Paul S. Harrell

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