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Black lives matter debate, November, 2015 . . .

Document IconBlack on white crime not looked at by the Socialist-Communist Muslim Barack HUSSIEN Obama, and no outrage by his Attorney General Holder . . . .doc

Document IconRudy Giuliani Accuses Obama, Black Leaders Of Stoking 'Anti-Police Hatred'

Document IconO'Reilly -- Al Sharpton 'Almost Single-Handedly Has Corrupted NBC News' . . . Illegals Storm California Beach . . . .doc

Document IconReaction to Ferguson Decision Shows Racial Divide Remains Over Views of Justice, also 'reverend' Al Sharpton, thief . . . .doc

Document IconFerguson, MO riots controlled by 'new' Black Panthers. Police tell Detroiters to buy guns in city riven, divided, split apart by force and violence by race issues and crime.doc

Document IconLament -- The Rule of Law, the lawlessness of Barack HUSSIEN Obama's Administration, and the lawlessness in Ferguson, MO . . . .doc

Movie IconLament -- The Rule of Law, the lawlessness of Barack HUSSIEN Obama's Administration, and the lawlessness in Ferguson, MO . . . .htm

Document IconMissouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source . . .

Document IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama's contempt for American Law, and his pushing for legalization of marijuana . . . .doc

Document IconMedical Marijuana -- Harvard Study Claims Recreational Legal Weed Causes 'Significant Brain Abnormalities'.doc

Document IconObama . . . Pot is not more dangerous than alcohol . . . .doc

Document IconMedicinal Marijuana is a lie . . . .doc

Document IconBarack HUSSIEN Obama's encouragement causing illegal aliens to riot . . . .doc

Document IconSyria, and Barack HUSSIEN Obama, Sarah Palin, and the CIA, and the Federal Reserve further legalization of marijuana . . . .doc

Document IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama's Administration, U.S. allows states to legalize recreational marijuana within limits . . . .doc

Document IconBarack HUSSIEN Obama's appeasement has allowed the enemy within the gate . . . .doc

Document IconWhat If Obamacare Was Never About Our Health . . . ALSO, Is Putin Really More Powerful Than Obama . . . .doc

Document IconBarack HUSSIEN Obama, Commander in Thief, destroying America from within . . . BEARDS & YARMULKES AND OPENLY TO DISPLAY TATTOOS IN THE MILITARY . . . .doc

Document IconThe AntiChrist moves against Israel . . . Iran’s Supreme Leader -- Jihad Will Continue Until America is No More . . . Obama Admin. funded terror network ‘for the next ten years’ . . ..doc

Document IconMuslim President Baruck HUSSIEN Obama, part of the Muslim Brotherhood International . . . .doc

Document IconMuslim Barack Hussien Obama promoting Islamic Sharia Law worldwide, Imam, Murder . . . .doc

Document IconThe Attack by Muslim Barack Hussien Obama on Christianity . . . .doc

Document IconRepresentative Michele Bachmann and four other GOP Legislators investigate the Muslim Brotherhood influence in the U.S.A. . . . .doc

Document IconAllen West Declares Obama An Islamist -- a (Muslim) working against America

Document IconBarack HUSSIEN Obama, 'There Will Be Bamboozling'.doc

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Paul S. Harrell

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