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satanic images of the Vatican


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satanic images of the Vatican . . .

Storm over the Vatican, July 5, 2017.JPG
Pius X--the 'pope' IS Jesus Christ himself!
The 'pope' IS the antiChrist! 'pope' John Paul II, 'Don't go to God for forgiveness. Come to me!, December 12, 1984.

'pope' Francis, 'I am like God. Do you think we are very far apart . . . ?'.
The Westminster Confession of Faith, Presbyterians, (1646). Baptist and Congregationalist had similiar Confessions of Faith! The 'pope' of Rome IS the antiChrist, the man of sin!
John Wesley, the 'pope' is the son of hell (perdition)

Statues in the sanctuary of the Jesuit Church of Rome, depicting the church's destruction of what the Roman Catholic "church" considered Protestant heresy. (Revelation 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration).
"pope" t-shirt with M for Mary. Mary worship.
"pope's" Coffin with M for Mary under the Cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
"pope's" Coffin with M for Mary . . .
A Cardinal bows and kisses the ring of "pope" John Paul II who is sitting on "his throne".
*** See below: Movie Most Important!

"pope" John Paul II kissing the Koran. The Quran (or Koran) denies that the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Son of God . . .

PDF IconPope Says No Forgiveness Directly From God! Only from 'priests,' bishops, the 'pope'.pdf

Movie IconMovie Most Important!.htm

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Satanic images of the Vatican, 2.htm

Baal worship, Babylonian worship by the Roman Catholic 'church'.htm

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