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U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel

Slavery -- Demands from Whites for Reparations Simply Ludicrous . . .

U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel . . .

Protesters march around the world in solidarity with Black Lives Matter . . .

Document IconIllumaniti, Papal Knight George Soros, Black Lives Matter funding . . . .doc

Document IconBlack lives matter, led by new Black Panthers, led by the Nation of Islam, led by Jesuits, led by the papacy -- the Roman Catholic 'pope' an 'Obamanation' . . . .doc

Document IconJesuits and their satanic history . . . .doc

One life, one love: The Earth and black lives matter, August 3, 2015 . . .

This is a kairos moment, when Pope Francis and the #BlackLivesMatter movement call us to personal and cultural transformation. If we are going to take up the cultural transformation the pope invites, it will mean confronting how white supremacy is a form of “tyrannical anthropocentrism” that divides us from one another and the Earth. By “tyrannical anthropocentrism,” Francis means every “irresponsible domination of human beings over other creatures.” The Atlantic slave trade initiated a tyrannical anthropocentrism, in which whiteness equates with innocence and blackness with savagery. The slave trade deified ownership of both people and land. W.E.B. Du Bois captured that deification when he wrote: “Whiteness is the ownership of the earth forever and ever, Amen!”

W. E. B. Du Bois . . .

In 1946, Du Bois wrote articles giving his assessment of the Soviet Union; he did not embrace communism and he criticized its dictatorship. However, he felt that capitalism was responsible for poverty and racism, and felt that socialism was an alternative that might ameliorate those problems. The Soviets explicitly rejected racial distinctions and class distinctions, leading Du Bois to conclude that the USSR was the "most hopeful country on earth."

Special Report Pope Francis’s Communist Mentor
Pope Francis’s Communist Mentor . . .

“I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people, so I don’t feel offended,” he told the Italian press. Pope Francis grew up in socialist Argentina, an experience that left a deep impression on his thinking. He told the Latin American journalists Javier Camara and Sebastian Pfaffen that as a young man he “read books of the Communist Party that my boss in the laboratory gave me” and that “there was a period where I would wait anxiously for the newspaper La Vanguardia, which was not allowed to be sold with the other newspapers and was brought to us by the socialist militants.”

Roberta Achtenberg: prominent Jesuit-trained lesbian hofjude behind Black Lives Matter covert race war agenda aided by socialist-communist black-racialist professor Melina Abdullah . . .

Movie IconIslamic Terrorist Network in the United States of America . . . .htm

Movie IconProtestant America, the Vatican's last major nation to defeat . . . .htm

Movie IconJesuits and the New World Order of the 'pope' . . .htm

Document IconISIS, ISIL, IS, Clinton, Madeline Albright, Bush--Cheney, John McCain working with Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Administration's planned downfall of the United States of America . . . .doc

Document IconHow the U.S. Government, both Republican and Democrat, the Jesuits and Communist, have Planned America's Downfall . . . .doc

Document IconHow Illegal Aliens and the planned downfall of the American economy are related . . . .doc

Document IconWhat If Obamacare Was Never About Our Health . . . ALSO, Is Putin Really More Powerful Than Obama . . . .doc

Priests In Panties . . . .doc

Movie Icon"Vatican and America - Important Documentary . . .htm

Movie IconSecret history of the Jesuits and 'pope' Francis, the head of the Jesuits . . .htm

The Origins of the Roman Catholic 'church'. . . .htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 1.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 2.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 3.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_Part 4.htm

Movie IconMuslim Black slavery - History of Islam slave history of Black Africa.htm

Movie IconJesuit Pope Francis Grand Master of The Knights Templar--Freemasons .htm


Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 2) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 3) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 4) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 5) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 6) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 7) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 8) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 9) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconWider Mercy Salvation- John Macarthur talking about Billy Graham's view.htm

Movie IconBilly Graham Says Jesus Christ is Not the Only Way.htm

Movie IconMovie_Most_Important.htm

Document IconRoman Catholics and Islam the 'Ties that Bind' . . . , Rupert Murdoch, Saeed Abedini, American pastor imprisoned in Iran, Obama's 'quiet diplomacy' efforts = public betrayal . . . .doc

Movie IconGianna Jessen's Abortion Survivor Gives Powerful Testimony Before Congress, Published on Sep 9, 2015.htm

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Paul S. Harrell

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