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satanic Roman Catholic 'church' praying to, and for, the dead . . .


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satanic Babylonian (Babylonian -- confusion -- Babylon, the ancient city on the Euphrates, the wicked, godless city in ancient Mesopotamia, meaning "gate of god(s)," was the most powerful city in the world; Babylon, the capitol of Chaldaea (literally or figuratively (as a type of tyranny)) -- Babylon meaning to mingle, mix, confuse, confound, Babel (i.e. Babylon), including Babylonia and the Babylonian Empire -- Babel, Babylon. Babylon, from the point of view of the Christian people -- ROME -- the Roman Catholic "church" Revelation 17:1-18 . . . ) Roman Catholic 'church' praying to, and for, the dead leads to confusion in the world . . .

satanic Roman Catholic "church" praying to, and for, the dead teaches people to worship -- Santa Meurte . . . death.

Matthew 22:23-33

23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
27 And last of all the woman died also.
28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,
32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
  God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
33 And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine.

satanic Roman Catholic 'church' praying to, and for, the dead . . .
Drug traffickers are making human sacrifices to ‘Saint Death’ . . .
Child Sacrifice Goes Mainstream in the world . . .

Saint Death: The secretive and sinister 'cult' challenging the power of the Catholic Church . . .

Ecatepec-is-the-birthplace-of-Santa-Muerte-says-Brother-Parka-a-58-year-old-santa-muerte-spiritual-guide-we-had-to-build-the-national-congregation . . .
Many-people-here-have-a-devotion-to-Santa Meurte-and-still-consider-themselves-good-Catholics . . .
Many-in-Mexico-believe-their-catholic-faith-and-devotion-to-Santa-Muerte-can-coexist . . .
Santa-Muerte-remains-widely-revered-Mexico-is-home-to-most-of-those-who-worship-her-along-with-those-in-Central-America-and-now-the-USA . . .

The-Roman-Catholic-church-has-pushed-back-against-Santa-Muerte-aggressively-through-the-popes-admonishments-to-Bishops-during-his-visit-to-mexico . . .
Santa-Muerte-imagery-may-also-speak-to-Mexicans-enduring-facination--with-death-the-skeleton-figure-hearkening-to-Aztec-era-gods . . .
The-Mexican-peoples-long-held-fascination-with-death-a-sentiment-underscored-by-the-countrys-day-of-the-dead-celebrations . . .

Santa-Muerte-is-also-popular-with-people-throughout-Mexico-for-a-variety-of-social-and-historical-reasons . . .
The-white-lady-is-a-one-stop-devotional-shop--for-narco-traffickers-seeking-harm-on-enemies-or-protection-for-themselves-and-prosperous-young-women-also-pray . . .
Hell from beneath . . .

'pope' Benedict next to the skull of s'aint' Wenceslaus  Proverbs 15:24; Isaiah 14:3-27 . . .

Narcos-pray-to-Santa-Muerte-for-help-in-annihilating-their-enemies-or-making-sure-their-cocaine-shipments-get safely-but-most-people-plead-to-her-for-love-money-and-health . . .
Santa-muerte-is-not-only-embraced-for-nefarious-reasons-and-criminals-are-not-the-only-ones-who-venerate-her . . .

The-bloodshed-brought-on-by-the-war-on-drugs-initiated-in-Mexico-a-decade-ago-clearly-helped-accelerate-the-devotion-to-Santa-Muerte . . .

The-Zetas-Cartel-has-numerous-shrines-to-Santa-Muerte-in-northeast-Mexico-she-is-also-prominently-located-in-the-hometown-of-Knights-Templar-drug-lord-Servando-la-Tuta-Gomez . . .

Criminals-have-also-invoked-Santa-Muerte-practices-in-more-grisly-public-displays . . .

Drug-traffickers-and-other-criminals-have-incorporated-Santa-Muerte-imagery-into-their-lifestyle-and-theatrics . . .

Shrines-to-santa-muerte-are-often-found-in-the-homes-and-hideouts-of-Mexican-drug-traffickers . . .

Drug-traffickers-have-taken-to-the-faith of 'Saint Death,' Santa-Muerte . . .

The-macabre-imagery-and-underground-practices-of-Santa-Muerte-also-called-the-boney-one-or-the-white-lady-are-associated-with-the-criminal-underworld . . .

Santa-Muerte-Mexico-Tepito-religious--drink-offering . . .

Santa-Muerte-had-a-revival-in-2001-when-a-woman-called-Dona-Queta-brought-her-skeleton-out-in-the-street-in-Mexico-Citys-neighborhood-of-Tepito-people-soon-flocked-to-the-shrine . . .

In-the-1980s-members-of-drug-cartels-and-other-criminal-groups-in-Mexico-had-embraced-Santa-Muerte . . .

By-the-18th-century-Roman Catholic-leadership-realized-that-the-reaper-figure-had-become-a-venerated-figure-among-people-the-sect-faded-from-public-view-until-the-mid-20th-century . . .

Many-elements-of-Roman Catholicism-are-incorporated-into-Santa-Muerte-worship-peoples . . .

Santa-Muerte-likely-originates-from-Europe-arriving-in-the-new-world-with-Spanish-Conquistadors . . .

A mural of Santa Muerte in South Central Los Angeles . . .

An idol of Santa Muerte in Tepito, a violent neighborhood in Mexico City . . .

Followers of La Santa Muerte (The Saint of Death) pose next to an altar to the saint in Mexico City . . .
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satanic Roman Catholic 'church' praying to, and for, the dead . . . .htm

Prayer is a part of Worship . . . .doc

Baal worship, Babylonian worship by the Roman Catholic 'church'.htm

The satanic burning of incense by the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . .doc

Jesuits and their satanic history . . . .doc

satanic images of the Vatican .htm

satanic images of the Vatican, 2.htm

satanic images of the Vatican, 3.htm

Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Islam, his satanic wicca history, Mitt Romney and the 'pope of America' . . . .doc

The satanic Jewish Talmud, and the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . .doc

Kabbalah, black magic. The Jewish Talmud teaches that Jesus was sent to hell, where he is punished by boiling excrement for mocking the Rabbis . . . .doc


the satanic Mormon beliefs . . . .doc

satanic hand signs.doc

Hillary Clinton -- satanic messenger, John McCain denies the Lord Jesus Christ in 'defending marriage,' Islam is NOT a peaceful religion but satanic . . . .doc

Black magic practice by the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . Original sin and baptism . . . , tongues, bells, satanism, etc . . . .doc

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