Thin colorful IMAGE Most of the width of the screen
Advertisement Animated GIF For Alemattec Computer Services
Thin colorful IMAGE Most of the width of the screen

Alemattec Services Movie . . .

'pope's' Audience Hall--The snake, the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and satan--Also Known As The Hall Of The Pontifical Audiences, Or 'pope' Paul VI Audience Hall, March 4, 2017 . . .
Devil, Demon, from Hell (Left Half of image, 'image of Christ, not!' We have no images of Christ Jesus, Right Half (serpent, snake)--Abaddon, Apollyon,) Revelation 9:11, 911! . . .

He's a former Roman Catholic, and still tied heavily to Roman Catholicism. He uses the word reptilian throughout instead of snake. This can leave many people confused as to the point. Yes, a snake is a reptile, but so are others such as: pterosaurs, lizards, snakes, turtles, alligators, and some dinosaurs.
Folks, this building is designed like, built like, and it is like a snake!

'pope' Paul's VI's Audience Hall--aka Hall Of The Serpent, Hall Of The Snake, Hall Of satan.

satanic Roman Catholic 'Statue of The Resurrection' Where Jesus Is Resurrected From A Nuclear Bomb, Blasphemy! The Lord Jesus Christ Returns With His Hosts, Armies, In The Clouds, Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 24:29-31 . . .

'pope' Francis I, 'I am the devil,' that is satan, Lucifer, that old serpent that deceives the whole world . . .
Document Icon'pope' Francis I, 'I am the devil,' that is satan, Lucifer, that old serpent that deceives the whole world . . ..doc

Pope Francis says that Jesus' life ended in failure, in the failure of the cross.htm . . .
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoPope Francis says that Jesus' life ended in failure, in the failure of the cross.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola Logo2 Thessalonians 2, 9. Even him, -- the 'pope' -- whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.htm

NOTE: ANOTHER MOVIE SHOWING YOU THE 'pope's' Audience Hall ==> 2 Thessalonians 2, 9. Even him, -- the 'pope' -- whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders . . .

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola Logo(Wickedpedia, IS NOW COMMUNIST AND SUPPORTS THE PAPACY'S 'NEW WORLD ORDER'). They Got Rid Of A PICTURE OF The 'pope's Audience Hall on the main page, But Has A Link, [1] -- That When You Click It Takes You To The Bottom Of The Page Under References, You Have To Chose This Link -- (Papal Audience Hall at Structurae. Accessed 12 June 2007) Which Shows You A Different Picture Than The One That Used To Be On Their Page Prominently Displayed -- This Picture Hides The Full View Of The Snake Head Image. The Image Is Very Strategically Placed So That You Don't See The SNAKES eye).

The Vatican's Hell Hall!--The Weird Mysteries Of 'pope' Paul VI's Audience Hall--Novus Ordo Watch, PICTURES STARTING ON PAGE #12, July 3, 2020.pdf

satanic Statue Appears At Illinois Statehouse, December 4, 2018 . . .

Creepy "Uncle Joe" Biden . . . Supports Transgendering Eight-Year-Old Kids . . .

After each one, just hit your Back Key to go to the next . . .

Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 2.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 2A.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 2A1a.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 3.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 3A.htm

'Creepy Let'em Transgender At Eight Years Old Joe' Biden Implicitly Endorses Allowing Children to Pursue Sex Change Therapy, Octtober 16, 2020 . . .

Former Global Fellow, Former Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellow -- Communist Disinformation Governance Board Czar And JESUIT TRAINED Nina Jankowicz's (Partial) Testimony Before Senate Judiciary Committee As an Expert on Disinformation, June 11 and 12, 2018 . . .

Nina Jankowicz had already made a name for herself before being appointed head of Biden's Disinformation Unit (You know, against all the 'White Supremacist' also known by the Biden-Harris Administration as 'concerned parents'.) Their 'Disinformation Governance Board,' i.e.: also known by all sane educated people as 1984's Ministry of Truth. Jankowicz, 33, is a successful author who is currently eight months pregnant with her first child. She grew up in New Jersey and is dating Michael Stein. The couple are happily shacked up in a $1 million, three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bathroom property they own in Arlington, Virginia. Jankowicz, attended Bryn Mawr College and Georgetown University, before embarking on a glittering career in foreign relations. She managed programs to Russia and Belarus at the National Democratic Institute. Jankowicz also advised the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on disinformation and strategic communications She serves on the Board of Trustees for the Eurasia Foundation and is a global fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center But the author is best known as a prominent woke voice online. The Biden appointee's latest book, How To Be A Woman Online has just been released, and deals with the topics of internet bullying and trolling. She has complained about hordes of men tracking down her private Facebook and Instagram accounts after she appears on TV to try to follow her and find out more about her life. (People like me not tracking her for her looks or sexual appeal, but trying to put together the lies, ties, and deceit!) Jankowicz says she prefers strangers to follow her Twitter account, and speculates that many of those who criticize her online are jealous of her 'verified' blue check mark and media career. She has identified five different types of trolls who target her most, including 'reply guy' types who insist on trying to meddle in all aspects of her life, including in how brown she toasts her bread. Despite claiming to be a free speech campaigner online, Jankowicz has spoken out against the First Amendment. Aligning herself with many online progressives who've begun to call for an end to unqualified free speech, Jankowicz recently tweeted: 'I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities…which are already shouldering…disproportionate amounts of this abuse.' She also said the prospect of Elon Musk taking over Twitter made her 'shudder.' But Jankowicz - who has a pet dog and a cat - has not joined thousands of other liberals who've vowed to quit the platform as a result of Musk's purchase. Nina Jankowicz went to Bryn Mawr College which openly advertises pagan rituals straight from movies like Midsommar on their YouTube channel. She went from being a fitness instructor to being the Minister of Truth in eight years.

Campus Life: Bryn Mawr; Pagan Traditions Are Increasing Among Students
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoCampus Life: Bryn Mawr; Pagan Traditions Are Increasing Among Students.htm

Also here on the Wayback Machine:
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoCampus Life: Bryn Mawr; Pagan Traditions Are Increasing Among Students.htm

Revelation 18:23
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

( . . . for by thy SORCERIES (PHARMACIES) were all nations deceived.) SORCERIES in the Greek is the word: Pharmakeia which is translated into English as Pharmacy means the use of medicine, drugs or spells -- associated with WITCHCRAFT -- magic, sorcery, enchantment ...(Exodus 22:18; John 8:32; John 14:17; John 8:36.) So, the antiChrist uses SORCERIES (PHARMACIES) to DECEIVE the whole world, takes over the world, to have the world (satan's family--those NOT BORN AGAIN, NOT CHRISTIAN,) worship him, by accepting his mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:11-18.)

John 8:32
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 8:36
36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoBiden's new disinformation czar shared misleading tweets about Covid masks, claimed Trump presidency would 'embolden ISIS' and praised British spy behind the debunked Russian dossier- but she STILL hasn't apologized.htm

Movie IconNoah's Ark Discovered by Ron Wyatt, other MAJOR Biblical Archeological discoveries that prove the Holy Bible . . ..htm

Movie IconSodom and Gomorrah found, yet again proving the Holy Bible. God leaves EXAMPLE for all GENERATIONS . . ..htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoA Black Female SCOTUS Judge Won’t Do a Darn Thing to Help Blacks.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoMajority of Americans want Biden to consider 'all possible nominees' for Supreme Court vacancy: POLL.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoBiden Doubles Down On Racism And Sexism On Potential Supreme Court Choice.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoBiden’s Pledge To Nominate A Black Woman For SCOTUS Is Racist And Sexist.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoHistorically, the United States has been most likely the least racist country in the world. A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoA revealing map of the world’s most and least ethnically diverse countries.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoMost Americans say colleges should not consider race or ethnicity in admissions.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoU.S. Approval of Interracial Marriage at New High of 94 Percent.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoEven though whites are almost 70% of the population, the percentage of white crime is lower than their overall percent of the population. Blacks are roughly 12 percent of the population and black crime is two to three times their overall population. GET THE FACTS: Crime in America by Race.htm

Movie IconJoe Biden's 'MASSIVE RALLIES, SUCH HUGE TURNOUTS in Atlanta, GA Prove he and these Communist Senators Warnock and Ossoff REALLY WON their runoff election . . . NOT!', December 15, 2020.htm

Movie IconStop the Steal! Expert Mathematician 'Impossible' For Biden's Numbers To Occur Naturally. Looked at Election Precinct by Precinct. Flip COULD NOT BE DONE BY A HUMAN. Had to be done with a computer algorithm!.htm

John 8:32
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 8:36
36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Movie IconMovie Most Important.htm

Movie IconThe 'pope' IS the man of sin, the antiChrist . . . 'Disaster Joe' Biden, possible scenario, just my guess, but in no way does it predict the future. Just a possible scenario, 22AUG21.htm

Movie IconThe Billy Graham Organization and the Jesuits, the Papacy, the Roman Catholic 'church' together moving the Protestants on the Road to Rome . . . .htm

Movie IconJesuit Pope Francis Grand Master of The Knights Templar--Freemasons .htm

Note:  PARTIAL Truth, although Truth, can easily be used as deception! That's why the Apostle Paul declared, Acts 20:27.   Satan, in the Garden of Eden, used PARTIAL Truth which deceived Eve, Genesis 3:1-24.   Satan quotes Holy Scripture, and again used PARTIAL Truth to try and deceived the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth -- as if that was possible, Matthew 4:1-10.

Movie IconJesuit Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D. Knowlingly Told all American Medical Doctors To Use Lethal Unapproved Medicine Remdesivir, Depopulating the U.S.A., August 16, 2021.htm

Movie IconWe've been lied to from the VERY BEGINNING about the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus. The reason--A TAKE DOWN of the U.S.A by Communists in our Government and the world through the W.H.O.

To see the world Communist takeover of the United States of America, aka: The Great Reset, led by the Chinese Communist Party, CCP. CCP uniting BOTH left and right wings, even parts of our military and the F.B.I., the Democrats and "Republicans in Name Only, R.I.N.Os," Ukrainian's, Hong Kong agents, LGBT+a groups, including the gay Lincoln Project ALL organized and working as a united front. Antifa working together with Proud Boys and others, along with Labor Unions, tech companies, and weaponizing military technology against Americans using ALL of this against President Donald J. Trump to insure the Coup d'état . . .

Movie IconPremiere Watch Party PSYOP THE STEAL--Millennial Millie--February 23, 2021.htm

Movie IconThe Next Revolution Steve Hilton--Race, Hypocrisy--What Democrats blame Republicans FOR doing IS WHAT Democrats ARE DOING! April 25, 2021 . . ..htm

Movie IconWE'VE ALL BEEN PLAYED! Propaganda Media, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionism BS, Military Industrial Complex, Military Mind Control & PsyOps, Surveillance State, Unrestricted Warfare--WE'VE ALL BEEN PLAYED! ASHLI BABBITT DID NOT DIE! Everything Wrong with the Capitol Shooting in 21 Minutes--February 7, 2021..htm

PDF IconVaccine Hesitant--US Researchers Are Engineering Lettuce and Spinach to Carry mRNA COVID Jabs.pdf

PDF IconGrow and eat your own vaccines--Grant enables study of plants as mRNA factories.pdf

Movie IconCongressman Greg Steube (R-FL) 'Whenever a nation's laws no longer reflect the standards of God that nation is in rebellion against Him. . .' Dem. Rep. Jerry Nadler, 'God's Will is No Concern of This Congress!' February 26, 2021.htm

Document IconUnited Methodist conservatives detail plans for a breakaway.doc

Movie IconThomas Paine--'When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.'--Shadows of Liberty, May, 2012.htm

Movie IconPresident Donald J. Trump as Batman, Newmax's Benny Johnson, Feb 27, 2021.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoSidney Powell- Tom Fitton- Lou Dobbs -- Discuss CIA's Election Tools To Overthrow Elections of Foreign Governments named Hammer & Scorecard against President Trump, Nov 6, 2020.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoBANG! SMOKING GUN! Electronic Vote Fraud in Kentucky Caught live on CNN--Communist News Network--Using HAMMER and SCORECARD!.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoThe Plot Against The President -- Amazon held release for 12 days saying it needed a, 'Content Review' before allowing it on Amazon Prime, 17Oct20.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoWHO looks at possible 'e-vaccination certificates' for international travel during coronavirus pandemic

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoCOVID-19: WHO races to develop vaccination card.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoThe CDC Is America's New Landlord.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoClimate refugees? Biden Executive Order wants study on resettling those 'displaced' by climate change.htm


Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoPope Francis isn't holding back on climate change.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoGlobal warming, NOT!.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoLevel-headed Climate Scientists on Global Warming.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoGLOBAL WARMING IS A WORLD WIDE HOAX.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoBarack HUSSEIN Obama bashed Climate Change 'deniers'!.htm

Document IconProbable cases and deaths count of Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19 . . . The whole thing is both political and a scam. The World Economic Forum -- The Great Reset!

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoChinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Vaccine, Dr. Tenpenny guest of Reinette Senum. Many more Covid 19 Fatalities In 3-6 Months following Vaccination, February 10th, 2021.htm.

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoSidney Powell- Tom Fitton- Lou Dobbs -- Discuss CIA's Election Tools To Overthrow Elections of Foreign Governments named Hammer & Scorecard against President Trump, Nov 6, 2020.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoBANG! SMOKING GUN! Electronic Vote Fraud in Kentucky Caught live on CNN--Communist News Network--Using HAMMER and SCORECARD!.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoThe Plot Against The President -- Amazon held release for 12 days saying it needed a, 'Content Review' before allowing it on Amazon Prime, 17Oct20.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoBlack Paramilitary Group Marches Through Downtown Lafayette, LA -- Marxist Left Wanting a Race War . . .

Document IconDonald Trump and Hillary Clinton and the race war that's coming to help take down the United States of America . . . .doc

Movie IconDr. Bill Warner - A Taste of Islam -- AN INTRODUCTION OF ISLAM that satanic false 'religion' i.e. -- political system. . . .htm

Movie IconIslam -- the satanic, evil, wicked false 'religion'.htm. . .

Movie IconIslam is based on a lie, their so called 'Sacred City of Mecca' is not sacred at all and it too is based on a complete lie!.htm

The 'pope' IS HONORED ABOVE ALL BY GIVEN NAMES WITH EXALTED TITLES among which he claims to be "the Lord our God," and thus presents himself as a counterfeit Christ, a rival Christ, having names of blasphemy . . .

PDF IconThe Roman Catholic "pope," a counterfeit Christ, a rival Christ, blasphemous "Man of Sin, " page #100 of the .pdf, but page #92 in the book . . .

The 'pope' IS the "Man of sin" . . .

PDF IconThe Roman Catholic "pope," the "Man of sin," page #108 of the .pdf, but page #101 of the book . . .

The Roman Catholic "church," the Mystery of Iniquity . . .

PDF IconThe Roman Catholic "church," the "Mystery of Iniquity," page #110 of the .pdf, but page #103 of the book . . .

Movie IconMovie_Most_Important.htm

Movie IconEIGHTY POPES TORTURED AND KILLED some 50 MILLION (plus) -- . . .htm

Document IconFear of the LORD.doc

Document IconNumber murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Document IconReverend, fear Him . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoWhat could it cost you to be a Christian . . . .htm

Document IconWas the Emperor Nero 'the antiChrist' as some 'preach,' OR is it the 'pope' of Rome . . . .doc

Document IconThe new world order, a false man-made religion, led by the Roman Catholic 'pope,' who IS the antiChrist . . . .doc

Document IconNumber murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Document IconMan of Sin revealed . . . Vicar of Christ, Vicar of the Son of God, Vicarious Christi, antiChrist, 'pope' of Rome, the Papacy . . . .doc

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs -- 'pope' Francis Flashes satanic '666' hand sign at United States Congress at the EXACT moment speaks of his 'god'.htm

Movie IconMovie_Most_Important.htm

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs.htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur - Is Speaking in Tongues Demonic today. . . .htm

Document IconMega'churches'.doc

The "pope" comes into the "churches" like Simon Mangus, who with sorcery was regarded as a god and honored with a statue on the island in the Tiber river which the two bridges cross, with the inscription -- Simoni Deo Sancto, "To Simon the Holy God" . . .
PDF IconThe Roman Catholic "pope' comes into the "churces" like Simon Mangus, to be worshiped as God, page #41 CHAP. XXIII. -- DOCTRINES AND PRACTICES OF SIMON MAGUS AND MENANDER. . . .

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Paul S. Harrell

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