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          Paul Harrell's Sermon Notes

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JESUITS, The Papacy (pope,) The Vatican -- Has Taken Down The United States Of America. Until We Acknowledge That, We Have No Way To Take Back Our Republic.

'pope's' antiChrist symbol, an occult upside down Christian cross!Movie Most Important! The 'pope' of Rome IS the antiChrist
and the Roman Catholic 'church' is the The Mystery of Iniquity!.htm
[IMAGE of Search]

To the bottom of the page . . . Alemattec Services, Sermon Notes.To the bottom of the page . . . Alemattec Services, Sermon Notes.

Sometimes you have to go back to understand the present and the future . . . Former satanic JESUIT TRAINED C.I.A. Director John Brennan, (Former Station Chief in Riyadh Saudi Arabia)--'Islam Helped to Shape My World View!' January 9, 2013 . . .
Movie IconFormer satanic JESUIT TRAINED C.I.A. Director John Brennan, (Former Station Chief in Riyadh Saudi Arabia)--'Islam Helped to Shape My World View!' January 9, 2013.htm

Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Dirty Secret--The 70 Fossil Fuel Projects The United States Under the Obama-Biden Administration Has Littered around the world . . . , December 1, 2016 . . .
Movie IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama's Dirty Secret--The 70 Fossil Fuel Projects The United States Under the Obama-Biden Administration Has Littered around the world . . . , December 1, 2016.htm

Lara Logan--Ukraine is Central Hub For World Corruption And Evil, August 21, 2022 . . .
Movie IconLara Logan--Ukraine is Central Hub For World Corruption And Evil, August 21, 2022.htm

David Knight--Medical Martial Law--Dr. Simone Gold Jailed, June 17, 2022 . . .
Movie IconDavid Knight--Medical Martial Law--Dr. Simone Gold Jailed, June 17, 2022.htm

Obscure History of The satanic Roman Catholic Jesuit Order. The Secret Jesuit War On America., October 28, 2021 . . .
Movie IconObscure History of The satanic Roman Catholic Jesuit Order. The Secret Jesuit War On America., October 28, 2021.htm

EVIL OF THIS MAN. (COMES IN LIKE A SHEEP TO DESTROY THE COUNTRY)--President Reagan's Remarks at the satanic Knights of Malta Annual Dinner in New York on January 13, 1989 . . .
Movie IconEVIL OF THIS MAN. (COMES IN LIKE A SHEEP TO DESTROY THE COUNTRY)--President Reagan's Remarks at the satanic Knights of Malta Annual Dinner in New York on January 13, 1989.htm

Tucker Carlson Reveals--Important Information About Himself, His Addiction; This Is For My Children, And My Brother And Sister's Children--Recovery And Redemption, December 20, 2021 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson Reveals--Important Information About Himself, His Addiction; This Is For My Children, And My Brother And Sister's Children--Recovery And Redemption, December 20, 2021.htm

COMMUNISTS IN CONGRESS!--Trevor Loudon--'The Enemies Within, 2016' . . .
Movie IconCOMMUNISTS IN CONGRESS!--Trevor Loudon--'The Enemies Within, 2016'.htm

Trevor Loudon--Unmasking Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris' Revolutionary Maoist, Marxist, Communist Ties, August 17, 2020 . . .
Movie IconTrevor Loudon--Unmasking Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris' Revolutionary Maoist, Marxist, Communist Ties, August 17, 2020.htm

Alex Jones, InfoWars Tip Of The Spear!--DAMNING REPORT!--Lancet Study Warns mRNA Vaccine Destroys Your Immune System, Triggers Cancer, AIDS, August 23, 2022 . . .
Movie IconAlex Jones, InfoWars Tip Of The Spear!--DAMNING REPORT!--Lancet Study Warns mRNA Vaccine Destroys Your Immune System, Triggers Cancer, AIDS, August 23, 2022.htm

Tucker Carlson--American's Knew Their Elections Were Rigged, but 2020 Was Completely Controlled By The C.I.A, F.B.I, Army Psyops, C.I.A. Installed Mark Zuckerberg, October 27, 2021 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson--American's Knew Their Elections Were Rigged, but 2020 Was Completely Controlled By The C.I.A, F.B.I, Army Psyops, C.I.A. Installed Mark Zuckerberg, October 27, 2021.htm

Tucker Carlson--Mass (or) Crowd Formation, Groupthink, Group Hypnosis, Mind Control, September 1, 2022 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson--Mass (or) Crowd Formation, Groupthink, Group Hypnosis, Mind Control, September 1, 2022.htm

Alex Jones Erupts Against Dan Crenshaw--An American Traitor, 'Benedict Arnold' Had Nothing On R.I.N.O., antiChrist, World Economic Forum Young Global Leader--Dan Crenshaw, January 18, 2022 . . .
Movie IconAlex Jones Erupts Against Dan Crenshaw--An American Traitor, 'Benedict Arnold' Had Nothing On R.I.N.0., antiChrist, World Economic Forum Young Global Leader--Dan Crenshaw, January 18, 2022.htm

Alex Jones Aptly Named 'Communist president--Build Back Better Joe' Biden's Damning Speech 'Operation Matador' as satanic, JESUIT Honored Joe Biden 'Declares War on Americans!' Never in history! 02SEP22 . . .
Movie IconAlex Jones Aptly Named 'Communist president--Build Back Better Joe' Biden's Damning Speech 'Operation Matador' as satanic, JESUIT Honored Joe Biden 'Declares War on Americans!' Never in history! 02SEP22.htm

Stew Peters--24,000 Children in Australian Stadium Get 'vaccinated' without their parents; two dead immediately after receiving the 'vaccine.' August 28, 2021 . . .
Movie IconStew Peters--24,000 Children in Australian Stadium Get 'vaccinated' without their parents; two dead immediately after receiving the 'vaccine.' August 28, 2021.htm

Dominion Voting Machine Used In 2020 Election In Michigan Goes Missing From Michigan; An Ohio Man, A Uber Driver, Buys It For $8.00 On Goodwill Auctions, 02SEP22 . . .
Movie IconDominion Voting Machine Used In 2020 Election In Michigan Goes Missing From Michigan; An Ohio Man, A Uber Driver, Buys It For $8.00 On Goodwill Auctions, 02SEP22.htm

The Purge of America's Patriots--PARTS 1 through 3, November 1, 2021 . . .
Movie IconThe Purge of America's Patriots--PARTS 1 through 3, November 1, 2021.htm

How The Weather (Climate 'Change') Is Being Weaponized Against Us. That's What Climate Does--Change! August 4, 2022 . . .
Movie IconHow The Weather (Climate 'Change') Is Being Weaponized Against Us. That's What Climate Does--Change! August 4, 2022.htm

'president Let'em ALL IN Joe' Biden AND The United States Congress REFUSE To Enforce the U.S. Constitution ALLOWING AN INVASION by Illegal Aliens Of The United States, 29JUL22 . . .
Movie Icon'president Let'em ALL IN Joe' Biden AND The United States Congress REFUSE To Enforce the U.S. Constitution ALLOWING AN INVASION by Illegal Aliens Of The United States, 29JUL22.htm

Document IconJESUIT trained, Georgetown--Biden director of national intelligence Avril Haines says office will lead classification review of recovered Mar-a-Lago materials, August 27, 2022.doc

Tina Peters--SELECTION CODE--The Movie, August 21, 2022 . . .
Movie IconTina Peters--SELECTION CODE--The Movie, August 21, 2022.htm

Stew Peters--The U.S. Navy Shot Down TWA Flight 800--Naval Servicemen Threatened, Ordered to Delete Records, July 21, 2022 . . .
Movie IconStew Peters--The U.S. Navy Shot Down TWA Flight 800--Naval Servicemen Threatened, Ordered to Delete Records, July 21, 2022.htm

Dr. Ken D. Berry, MD--You NEED Cholesterol for these SEVEN Things, June 26, 2022 . . .
Movie IconDr. Ken D. Berry, MD--You NEED Cholesterol for these SEVEN Things, June 26, 2022.htm

Tucker Carlson--Alex Berenson, 'No one can explain these excess deaths!' More people dead in Europe So Far In 2022, Than Either 2020 or 2021, August 25, 2022 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson--Alex Berenson, 'No one can explain these excess deaths!' More people dead in Europe So Far In 2022, Than Either 2020 or 2021, August 25, 2022.htm

Document IconAP-NORC poll: Most in US say they want stricter gun laws, NOT!.doc

Monkeypox is MAINLY a Sodomite STD--CDC Head Acknowledges 'Making Mistakes,' about Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19--Continues Making SAME disastrous 'mistake' with Monkeypox, 18AUG22. Making mistakes? 'Turn evil to good, and good to evil Joe' Biden, Isaiah 5:20-24, CDC Killed, Maimed, Ruined Countless Lives, Tracked Us On Our Cell Phones, And Became Our LandLords! . . .
Movie IconMonkeypox is MAINLY a Sodomite STD--CDC Head Acknowledges 'Making Mistakes,' about Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19--Continues Making SAME disastrous 'mistake' with Monkeypox, 18AUG22.htm

Document IconArmed Federal Agencies, including the Social Security Administration, under Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Joe Biden Administration. Now, the I.R.S. is getting fully armed under 'Shoot White People First Joe' Biden, And His Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Administration.doc

Lying Through His Teeth--Capitol Riot Hearing--FBI Director Christopher A. Wray Says No Evidence Antifa, 'Fake Trump Supporters, i.e.--Antifa, FBI' Involved, 02MAR21 . . .
Movie IconLying Through His Teeth--Capitol Riot Hearing--FBI Director Christopher A. Wray Says No Evidence Antifa, 'Fake Trump Supporters, i.e.--Antifa, FBI' Involved, 02MAR21.htm

Constitutional Law Professor Jonathan Turley--On Trump Mar-a-Lago raid--'Disconnect' to see 'Heavy-handed' Operation, August 9, 2022 . . .
Movie IconConstitutional Law Professor Jonathan Turley--On Trump Mar-a-Lago raid--'Disconnect' to see 'Heavy-handed' Operation, August 9, 2022.htm

Document IconFeds' Routine Tyranny Suggests They Aren't As Afraid Of The American People As They Should Be, August 16, 2022.doc

Dr. Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD--Testifies Under Oath Of Perjury That They Created The Chinese Wuhan Cornavirus, Covid 19 As A Bioweapon, July 27, 2022 . . .
Movie IconDr. Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD--Testifies Under Oath Of Perjury That They Created The Chinese Wuhan Cornavirus, Covid 19 As A Bioweapon, July 27, 2022.htm

Hail! Your Commander-In-Chief! Jeffrey Epstein Hung This Portrait of former President of the United States of America Bill Clinton Wearing Blue Dress in His House of Horrors, August 15, 2019.htm
PDF IconHail! Your Commander-In-Chief! Jeffrey Epstein Hung This Portrait of former President of the United States of America Bill Clinton Wearing Blue Dress in His House of Horrors, August 15, 2019.htm

Tucker Carlson--Fauci And Birx--LIED To The World Concerning The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, And Now Admit It. It Simply Did Not Work! Speaks About Other Dangers of the 'vaXXine'! July 25, 2022 . . .
Movie IconFauci And Birx--LIED To The World Concerning The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, And Now Admit It. It Simply Did Not Work! Speaks About Other Dangers of the 'vaXXine'! July 25, 2022.htm

The (Military--Intelligence) Origins Of Facebook, CIA's In-Q-Tel; DARPA, LifeLog . . ..htm
Movie IconThe-(Military--Intelligence)-Origins-Of-Facebook,-CIA's-In-Q-Tel;-DARPA,-LifeLog.htm

Tucker Carlson--So, What Going On; What's REALLY Important . . .--Tucker Breaks It Down For Us, July 15, 2022 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson--So, What Going On; What's REALLY Important . . .--Tucker Breaks It Down For Us, July 15, 2022.htm

Document IconGod will NOT be handled by man, the false satanic Roman Catholic Mass!

Former Roman Catholic Now Saved By Grace--Is Acts 8 verse 37 Missing From YOUR Bible, June 28, 2022 . . .
Movie IconFormer Roman Catholic Now Saved By Grace--Is Acts 8 verse 37 Missing From YOUR Bible, June 28, 2022.htm

See whose financing Critical Race Theory, CRT, into America's schools and universities -- Buddhist who follows the Dalai Lama Democrat donor Pierre Morad Omidyar (formerly Parviz Morad Omidyar) co-founder of EBay and funding from Facebook Head (now Meta)-- Mark Zuckerberg's 'Foundation,' i.e.: Zuckerberg Foundation, to Humanity United, the Trellis Fund, the Art for Justice Fund, George Soros' Open Society Foundations, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation -- The Big Money Behind the Push for 1619 Project Education, March 22, 2022 . . ..htm
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoThe Big Money Behind the Push for 1619 Project Education, March 22, 2022.htm

Knights Templar Controlled By The Roman Catholic 'church,' Became The Freemasons--Controlled By Illuminati (Controlled by Jesuits); Central Banks Created, Controlled By Knights of Malta Controlled By The Jesuits, 28OCT21 . . .
Movie IconKnights Templar Controlled By The Roman Catholic 'church,' Became The Freemasons--Controlled By Illuminati (Controlled by Jesuits); Central Banks Created, Controlled By Knights of Malta Controlled By The Jesuits, 28OCT21.htm

California Officials (purposely) Leaks Personal Data of (gun) Carry Permit Holders, June 29, 2022 . . .
Movie IconCalifornia Officials (purposely) Leaks Personal Data of (gun) Carry Permit Holders, June 29, 2022 . . ..htm

Cassidy Hutchinson said President Trump tried to wrestle control of the Presidential Limo from the driver. She didn't SEE any of this herself; it was hearsay, gossip. Odd she was called to testify instead of the Agents. Illegal January 6 (2020) Committee depriving Americans of their rights, just Kneecapped Themselves Over Evidence in Cassidy Hutchinson’s Testimony. Cassidy Hutchinson is a former aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. She 'testified' that President Donald Trump somehow managed to grab the wheel of the Presidential Limo, called 'The Beast,' in order to go to the Capitol. When Secret Service Agents told President Trump they wouldn’t be, 'The Tea Party's Front Page'! Our freedoms are being chipped away, by the Communist in our Government, i.e.--Democrats and 'Republicans In Name Only,' i.e.: R.I.N.Os, June 28, 2022 . . .
Movie IconCassidy Hutchinson said President Trump tried to wrestle control of the Presidential Limo from the driver. She didn't SEE any of this herself; it was hearsay, gossip. Odd she was called to testify instead of the Agents, 28JUN22.htm

Document IconCharlie Daniels--"Only Two Things Protect America--It's the Grace of Almighty God and the United States military. And the day we stop honoring either one is the day we’re going down.".doc

What they've been doing to America's Children for over 50 years! Then, add Critical Race Theory, Teach Them To Hate Their Own Country, 29JUN22 . . .
Document IconWhat they've been doing to America's Children for over 50 years! Then, add Critical Race Theory, Teach Them To Hate Their Own Country, 29JUN22.doc

New lawsuit claims Skittles 'are unfit for human consumption' due to the presence of chemical toxin the company has said it would stop using, July 15, 2022 . . .
Document IconNew lawsuit claims Skittles 'are unfit for human consumption' due to the presence of chemical toxin the company has said it would stop using, July 15, 2022.doc

Now Believed That The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 'vaccines' Installed Chimeric Marburg Payloads In Human Victims, April 22, 2022 . . .
Movie IconNow Believed That The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 'vaccines' Installed Chimeric Marburg Payloads In Human Victims, April 22, 2022.htm

Tucker Carlson--There Is No Graver Violation Of Medical Ethics Than This! 'papacy's World Health Organization, WHO,' In Charge Of All Future International Health Concerns For The World!, May 19, 2022 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson--There Is No Graver Violation Of Medical Ethics Than This! 'papacy's World Health Organization, WHO,' In Charge Of All Future International Health Concerns For The World!, May 19, 2022.htm

Document IconEXPOSED--New W.H.O. health treaty could END U.S. sovereignty . . ..doc

Hallelujah! United States Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe vs. Wade, June 24, 2022 . . .
Movie IconUnited States Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe vs. Wade, June 24, 2022.htm

China Funding Human Chimera (Chimera--Human Animal Hybrids) Research; U.S. Senate Passed 'Endless Frontier Act' That Would Allow U.S.A To Create Chimeras, 11JUN21 . . .
Movie IconChina Funding Human Chimera (Chimera--Human Animal Hybrids) Research; U.S. Senate Passed 'Endless Frontier Act' That Would Allow U.S.A To Create Chimeras, 11JUN21.htm

Document IconWhat does it take to go to Heaven . . ..doc

www.FLCCC.net--Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, (FOR THE 'vaccine, i.e.--JAB' INJURED! June 1, 2022 . . .
Movie Iconwww.FLCCC.net--Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, June 1, 2022.htm

'pope's' Audience Hall--The snake, the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and satan--Also Known As The Hall Of The Pontifical Audiences, Or 'pope' Paul VI Audience Hall, March 4, 2017 . . .
Movie Icon'pope's' Audience Hall--The snake, the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and satan--Also Known As The Hall Of The Pontifical Audiences, Or 'pope' Paul VI Audience Hall, March 4, 2017.htm

Document IconHappy Father's Day, 2022 . . ..doc

Movie IconInsurrection!--Jesuit Trained At Saint Louis University, Stephen Colbert's Employees Arrested For Breaching Capitol Building, June 17, 2022.htm

Movie IconMuslim Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Attack On Christianity While Promoting Transgenderism Throughout the Middle East, Africa, Supported by Jesuit Trained John Kerry, September 27, 2021.htm

Document IconBiden's frequent use of Defense Production Act Simply bypassing America's Laws; Democrats And Fake News Spin That It's Helping. Helping His Megadonors And Other 'Friends' Of Biden's.doc

Movie IconTrevor Loudon--Enemies Within the Church (2021) - Exposing False Teachers And Organizations, June 8, 2022.htm

Movie IconAlan of Salisbury (British Member of the House of Lords--Lord Temporal -- aka, The Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover)--'The Occult Art Of Law' vs. (Legal Or Legislation) Which Is (Unnatural) an 'Immaculate Deception!', July 31, 2017.htm

Document IconPope urges Lutherans to set aside 'doctrine' to work together . . ..doc

Movie IconGeorge Soros Announces China Must Lead The New World Order, Jun 8, 2022.htm

Movie IconCLINTON BODY COUNT--Murders, Suicides, and Mysterious Deaths, February 12, 2022.htm

Movie IconDuckDuckGo Signs Secret Deal with Bill Gates to Track Users Online, June 3, 2022.htm

Movie IconCountry Singer-Songwriter Cody Johnson--'His Name Is Jesus, Hosanna, The Prince of Peace!,' May 19, 2019.htm

Document IconJesuit Trained Donald J. Trump; Trump's Family; OTHER Important Links (Information) You Should Know!.doc

Movie Icon'Little Pete' aka 'Petey' Buttigieg's 'Husband' Leads LGBTQ 'pledge' To children and young adults at gay youth camp, March 9, 2022.htm

Democrats (and some Republicans In Name Only, R.I.N.0.) selling out the sovereignty of the United States of America. Tucker Carlson--Why You Should Be Concerned About The Democrats Domestic Terrorism Bill And The United Nations, UN, May 20, 2022 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson--Why You Should Be Concerned About The Democrats Domestic Terrorism Bill And The United Nations, UN, May 20, 2022.htm

Stew Peters Interviews Dr. Jane Ruby--papacy's Communist United Nation's--World Health Organization Sounds Alarm; EXTREMELY Rare Form Of Hepatitis Threatens Children, May 3, 2022 . . .
Movie IconStew Peters Interviews Dr. Jane Ruby--papacy's Communist United Nation's--World Health Organization Sounds Alarm; EXTREMELY Rare Form Of Hepatitis Threatens Children, May 3, 2022.htm

Let's Go Back And Show Some Of The Many FALSE FLAGS Perpetrated By Our Government Against Us And The World . . .
A False Flag Operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. A False Flag may include or be solely actors with no harm done to those involved; actors, and harm done to unsuspecting individuals or groups, or no actors whatsoever with actions done to harm people, property, or change public opinion or perception to pursue an agenda. . . .

Oklahoma City FALSE FLAG--A Noble Lie Oklahoma City 1995, Released 2011 . . .
Movie IconOklahoma City FALSE FLAG--A Noble Lie Oklahoma City 1995, Released 2011 . . ..htm

Orlando PULSE Shooting HOAX--Desperate Crisis Actor Fake Crying EXPOSED, Wants End Of Assault Weapons! June 14, 2016 . . .
Movie IconOrlando PULSE Shooting HOAX--Desperate Crisis Actor Fake Crying EXPOSED, Wants End Of Assault Weapons! June 14, 2016.htm
Movie IconOrlando PULSE Shooting Hoax - Since When Do We See Doctors Talk Like This . . ., August 19, 2016.htm

The Sandy Hook (And Others) PSYOP (Psychological Operation)--U.S. Government Legally Allowed To Propagandized Its Citizens--Mass (or) Crowd Formation, Groupthink, Group Hypnosis, Mind Control!, . . .
Movie IconThe Sandy Hook (And Others) PSYOP (Psychological Operation)--U.S. Government Legally Allowed To Propagandized Its Citizens--Mass (or) Crowd Formation, Groupthink, Group Hypnosis, Mind Control!,.htm

Movie IconSandy Hook School Shooting HOAX--Part 1--Exposed And The Crisis Actors That Played Roles Of Parents, February 17, 2022.htm

Movie IconFalse Flags--From 9-11 To Sandy Hook And Beyond--Dr. James Fetzer, Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota-Duluth, May 28, 2022.htm

Parkland--Eye Witness Stoneman Douglas High School teacher (Stacey Lippel) Wounded by Parkland Police . . . IN FULL SWAT GEAR! . . . firing at SDHS Students!, February 20, 2018 . . .
Movie IconParkland--Eye Witness Stoneman Douglas High School teacher (Stacey Lippel) Wounded by Parkland Police . . . IN FULL SWAT GEAR! . . . firing at SDHS Students!, February 20, 2018.htm

Boston Marathon Smoke Bomb Staged FALSE FLAG Attack Hoax. All Smoking Gun Evidence, July 30, 2013 . . .
Movie IconBoston Marathon Smoke Bomb Staged FALSE FLAG Attack Hoax. All Smoking Gun Evidence, July 30, 2013.htm
TOTAL PROOF--Boston Bombings Were A False Flag!, April 16, 2013 . . .
Movie IconTOTAL PROOF--Boston Bombings Were A False Flag!, April 16, 2013.htm

Response to September 11, 2001, 911, United States Government False Flag Event--Dr. Judy Wood at the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference, DEW--Hilversum, Holland, November 9-11, 2012 . . .
Movie IconResponse to September 11, 2001, 911, United States Government False Flag Event--Dr. Judy Wood at the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference, DEW--Hilversum, Holland, November 9-11, 2012.htm

Movie IconWhat Really Happened On 911--See With Your Own Eyes And Hear From On Scene Witnesses And Experts. This Didn't Happen Due To A Plane Hitting Nor A Demolition, June 30, 2011.htm

False Flags--A Secret History Of Al Qaeda--James Corbett at the 911 Truth Film Festival, September 17, 2022 . . .
Movie IconFalse Flags--A Secret History Of Al Qaeda--James Corbett at the 911 Truth Film Festival, September 17, 2022.htm

What JESUITS, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Biden-Harris, And Other Communist Within U.S. Government Has Done To Us; Legally Allowed The Government To Lie, And To Propagandize Us! June 30, 2016 . . .
Movie IconWhat JESUITS, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Biden-Harris, And Other Communist Within U.S. Government Has Done To Us; Legally Allowed The Government To Lie, And To Propagandize Us! June 30, 2016.htm

Elementary School Promotes Kids To Pledge Allegiance To Gay Pride Flag, while teaching them to masturbate!, May 13, 2022 . . .
Movie IconElementary School Promotes Kids To Pledge Allegiance To Gay Pride Flag, while teaching them to masturbate!, May 13, 2022.htm

Document IconIllegal Aliens have launched a full-scale invasion of the United States of America. We must be able to DESCRIBE the problem in order to fix it . . . The power of God's love and of His Christ . . ..doc

Movie IconPuppet Master (Pay Master) George Soros Paid Puppet Master Barack HUSSEIN Obama To Settle 100s of Thousand Of Islamist From Syria, Iraq, Somalia, and Bhutan--Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement, 2014.htm

Document IconIllegal Aliens, what it cost Americans!.doc

Movie IconExpert Sounds Alarm Over 'Jesuit (Honored) Joe' Biden's satanic 'Bizarre' Ukraine Aid Request Of '33 Billion' U.S. Dollars, (The Number 33 Is Used By Occultist And Freemasonry!) May 3, 2022.htm

Dr. Toni Bark, M.D.--Dangers of Vaccines, CONSISTS OF PARTS 1-4; Part 1 of 4--VERY dangerous HPV vaccine, April 10, 2021 . . .
Movie IconDr. Toni Bark, M.D.--Dangers of Vaccines, CONSISTS OF PARTS 1-4; Part 1 of 4--VERY dangerous HPV vaccine, April 10, 2021.htm

Stew Peters--U.S. Food Famine Was Simulated in 2015 The Premeditated Plan Includes The Entire World, May 2, 2022 . . .
Movie IconStew Peters--U.S. Food Famine Was Simulated in 2015 The Premeditated Plan Includes The Entire World, May 2, 2022.htm

Former (Really, the Current) Muslim 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama Talks About Using a 'Stand-in, a Front-Man,' i.e.--A Dummy, a Puppet--'Sleepy, Puppet Man Joe' Biden for a Third Term, November 30, 2020 . . .
Movie IconFormer (Really, the Current) Muslim 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama Talks About Using a 'Stand-in, a Front-Man,' i.e.--A Dummy, a Puppet--'Sleepy, Puppet Man Joe' Biden for a Third Term, November 30, 2020 . . ..htm

Document IconHere, in one afternoon is what Yahoo! Featured, thrust upon its readers. There is more, I just got tired of copying them down. Barack HUSSEIN Obama, ' . . . flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage . . . '.doc

Attorney General Merrick Garland and his CONNECTED, CRT CONNECTED DAUGHTER AND SON IN LAW, Wife Lynn Rosenman Garland LOTS OF CONNECTIONS . . .
Document IconAttorney General Merrick Garland and his CONNECTED, CRT CONNECTED DAUGHTER AND SON IN LAW, Wife Lynn Rosenman Garland LOTS OF CONNECTIONS . . ..doc

'Big Brother Is Watching You Joe' Biden And His Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Administration Militarizes new DHS 'Department of Truth,' April 28, 2022 . . .
Movie Icon'Big Brother Is Watching You Joe' Biden And His Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Administration Militarizes new DHS 'Department of Truth,' April 28, 2022.htm

Communist Facebook Owner Mark Zuckerberg Financed New 'Disinformation Governance Board,' aka 'Ministry of Truth' (JESUIT Trained At Georgetown University) Nina Jankowicz's Wilson Center, 29APR22 . . .
Movie IconCommunist Facebook Owner Mark Zuckerberg Financed New 'Disinformation Governance Board,' aka 'Ministry of Truth' (JESUIT Trained At Georgetown University) Nina Jankowicz's Wilson Center, 29APR22.htm
Movie IconCommunist Disinformation Governance Board Czar And JESUIT TRAINED Nina Jankowicz Sings Who Do I F___k To Be Rich And Famous, 2015.htm

Document IconCommunist George Orwell's 1984 . . ..doc

Movie IconStew Peters--Dr. Robert Young Confirms Tracking Nanoparticles in Shots, September 28, 2021.htm

Movie IconEvidence Here Provided The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Doesn't Even Exists! The 'vaccine' IS The Virus!, January 7, 2020.htm

PDF IconBefore being called World Economic Forum, it was called European Management Forum. Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset - Europe Reloaded.pdf

'THE GREAT RESET,' Now Called 'THE GREAT NARRATIVE'--The Next Phase Of The Great Reset To Control Your World View, November 30, 2021 . . .
Movie Icon'THE GREAT RESET,' Now Called 'THE GREAT NARRATIVE'--The Next Phase Of The Great Reset To Control Your World View, November 30, 2021.htm

'I'm Helping To Create A Worldwide Food Shortage, Hopefully A Famine Joe' Biden--Expect Real Food Shortages-The Great Reset Population Elimination Agenda, 24MAR22 . . .
Movie Icon'I'm Helping To Create A Worldwide Food Shortage, Hopefully A Famine Joe' Biden--Expect Real Food Shortages-The Great Reset Population Elimination Agenda, 24MAR22.htm
Movie IconNext Phase Of 'The Great Reset' -- Food Shortages (Blamed On Ukrainian Russian War) -- China's Massive Food Shortage Problem, January 31, 2022.htm

Document IconJesuit's Control Of The United States Of America . . ..doc

Movie IconNaomi Wolf--'The End of America' Revisited--New Hampshire Liberty Forum, February 20-23, 2014.htm

Movie Icon'The Truman Show Joe' Biden mocked for fake 'Truman Show Presidency' over fake White House set! October 7, 2021.htm

Movie IconHumanity's Digital Apocalypse--Americans, Indeed The Entire World, Are In A Spiritual War; A War That's Against Humanity To Make Us Transhuman--Superhuman--Like 'gods'. Replacing Our Humanity, 07MAR22.htm

Dr. Bryan Ardis Interviewed by J.D. Rucker--'It's the JESUITS!' March 12, 2022 . . .
Movie IconDr. Bryan Ardis to JD Rucker—"It's the Jesuits!".htm

Communist Biden-Harris Administration hates America, hates American's Freedoms guaranteed to its citizens under the United States Constitution, and he is seeking to destroy them. 'Lyin Joe' Biden seeking to alter (weaken) destroy the Second Amendment! Simply put, 'Lyin Joe' Biden and his Communist (i.e.: Democrat Allies) push their fake narrative -- this time about a mass subway shooting in New York City . . .
Movie IconNew York Subway Shooting False Flag, Hoax Max Resistance, April 13, 2022.htm
Movie IconJesuit, Iluminati, Masons, Secret Organizations Like Skull And Bones, etc . . . Satanic Numerology and Dates of Tragedies Explained, Aug 11, 2014.htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson--Former 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama Snubs--'Someone PLEASE Pay Attention To Me Joe' Biden, April 5, 2022.htm

All America's Wars Begin with False Flags, January 13, 2020 . . .
Movie IconAll America's Wars Begin with False Flags, January 13, 2020.htm

Movie IconHype, Lies And Psyops--How The False Flag Ukraine Narrative Was Bungled, February 17, 2022.htm

Movie IconOne America News, OAN's Pearson Sharp--Russian Bombing Of Maternity Ward In Mariupol, Ukraine--Yet Again A 'False Flag,' March 11, 2022.htm

Movie IconGregg Reese--Ukraine Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs Biolabs, March 6, 2022.htm

The papacy's Great Reset--WAR CRIME--Ukraine To Investigate (Why not a international group of nations investigate?) The 'Build Back Broker Joe' Biden and Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Administration's push to get the United States into the war in Ukraine. (This is the World Economic Forum's plan to destroy the world economy (using Ukraine and then possibly Taiwan) in order to usher in a new world DIGITAL currency!) As Video Shows Ukrainian Troops 'Allegedly Shooting Russian POWs' With Further Evidence Of Them Having Also Been Tortured, 28MAR22 . . .
Movie IconWAR CRIME--Ukraine To Investigate As Video Shows Ukrainian Troops 'Allegedly Shooting Russian POWs' With Further Evidence Of Them Having Also Been Tortured, 28MAR22.htm
Movie IconNeo-Nazis Ukrainian Azov Battalion Crucifying Russian Soldier Then Immolating (Immolate-Sacrifice As By Burning With Fire) i.e.--Burned Him At The Stake As He Hangs On The Cross, 2014.htm
Movie IconPatrick Lancaster Reporting (With English subtitles)--Dozens Of Murdered Ukrainian Civilians Found In Mariupol After Ukrainian Forces Retreat, April 17, 2022.htm

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood." --Theodore Roosevelt . . .
Movie IconPatrick Lancaster--Russian Army and Checkens Battle Azov And Ukraine Army At The Mariupol Front Line. While Filming Caught In The Battle, April 19, 2022.htm

First Data Dump of Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid19 'vaccine' Studies Shocks The World, March 2, 2022 . . .
Movie IconFirst Data Dump of Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid19 'vaccine' Studies Shocks The World, March 2, 2022.htm

Tucker Carlson--'Not Aware Joe' Biden--The Most Dangerous Man In The World! This Man (Biden) Is Not Mentally Fit To Be In Office! He's Endangering The U.S.A. And The World! 28MAR22 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson--'Not Aware Joe' Biden--The Most Dangerous Man In The World! This Man (Biden) Is Not Mentally Fit To Be In Office! He's Endangering The U.S.A. And The World! 28MAR22.htm

Using Cell Phones, Smart Meters, 5G--'The papacy Controlled United Nations, UN, Socialist-Communist Political Elites, Governments World Wide Working To Kill Us To Meet The United Nations, Agenda 21--Agenda 30 Goals,' 30MAR22 . . .
Movie IconUsing Cell Phones, Smart Meters, 5G--'The papacy Controlled United Nations, UN, Socialist-Communist Political Elites, Governments World Wide Working To Kill Us To Meet The United Nations, Agenda 21--Agenda 30 Goals,' 30MAR22.htm

Movie Icon2 Using Cell Phones, Smart Meters, 5G--'The papacy Controlled United Nations, UN, Socialist-Communist Political Elites, Governments World Wide Working To Kill Us To Meet The United Nations, Agenda 21--Agenda 30 Goals,' 30MAR22.htm

Movie IconCommunist Democrats Have Promoted The First Openly 'Transgender' Judge And He Was Appointed To The California Bench, March 27, 2022.htm

Whistleblower Exposes satanic Bill Gate's Plan To Spike, Genetically Modified Organism, GMO, Crops With Vaccines; 'Vaxx 'em Joe' Biden--70 Percent Of World Vaxxed By End of 2022!, 22MAR22 . . .
Movie IconWhistleblower Exposes satanic Bill Gate's Plan To Spike, Genetically Modified Organism, GMO, Crops With Vaccines; 'Vaxx 'em Joe' Biden--70 Percent Of World Vaxxed By End of 2022!, 22MAR22.htm

'Project Hamilton'--The FED'S Rollout of a Trackable Digital Dollar, March 26, 2022 . . .
Movie Icon'Project Hamilton'--The FED'S Rollout of a Trackable Digital Dollar, March 26, 2022.htm

Movie IconSenator Marsha Blackburn Presses Ketanji Brown Jackson Concerning Her Comments About Abortion, Specifically--Roe vs. Wade, March 22, 2022.htm

Movie IconSenator Blackburn Asks Ketanji Brown Jackson To 'Define The Word Woman; Also She Won't Answer Whether A Child Can Choose Their Sex,' March 23, 2022.htm

Georgetown Day School--Ketanji Brown Jackson Is a Board member--Had 2nd Graders Repeatedly Organize 'Gender-neutral Toy Stores' Teaching Leftist Lessons On Gender Identity, Transgenderism, and "what it means to be non-binary, etc, 22MAR22 . . .
Movie IconGeorgetown Day School--Ketanji Brown Jackson Is a Board member--Had 2nd Graders Repeatedly Organize 'Gender-neutral Toy Stores' Teaching Leftist Lessons On Gender Identity, Transgenderism, etc, 22MAR22.htm

Movie IconMillie Weaver--Was The Ukrainian War Setup By The Democrats To Hide Multiple Elections They've Stole, And To Hide Biolabs They Financed For The Great Reset's Green New Deal, 24DEC20 (Revenge Of The Kraken).htm

Movie IconIf thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? Genesis 4:4-7; Deuteronomy 30:1-20; Joshua 24:20; 1 Kings 19:9-18; Isaiah 1:9; Romans 9:29, March 11, 2022.htm

Movie Icon' . . . Spiritual Wickedness In High Places,' Ephesians 6, verse 12; March 2, 2022.htm

'dope,' i.e.--'pope' Francis--'OUR DUTY Is To OBEY The Papacy Controlled United Nations', UN's, International Court of Justice, i.e.--World Court At The Hague AND The United Nations!' 10SEP19 . . .
Movie Icon'dope,' i.e.--'pope' Francis--'OUR DUTY Is To OBEY The Papacy Controlled United Nations' ,UN's, International Court of Justice, i.e.--World Court At The Hague AND The United Nations!' 10SEP19.htm

Movie IconJESUITS Created And Control The Illuminati To Make The 'pope' of Rome The Ruler Of The World, the antiChrist!, May 1, 2019.htm

Movie IconPrager University-- Amala Ekpunobi--How to End Systemic Racism.htm

Movie IconPrager University-- Dennis Prager--Why You Should Care About God's Passover.htm

Document IconFully vaccinated will need fourth dose later this year, and new variant dubbed 'deltacron' detected in Europe, March 15, 2022 . . ..doc

Mindy Robinson--'What The Hell Is Really Going On In Ukraine . . . ,' March 14, 2022 . . .
Movie IconMindy Robinson--'What The Hell Is Really Going On In Ukraine . . . ,' March 14, 2022.htm

'Communist Joe' Biden, and 'Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Administration's Communist JESUIT Trained United Nation's Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield -- is a Distinguished Resident Fellow in African Affairs at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University Walsh School of Foreign Service. Thomas-Greenfield formerly led the Africa practice of Albrigght Stonebridge, a firm with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party, (CCP) . . .
Movie IconUNFORGIVABLE--'Communist Joe' Biden's Communist (papacy Controlled) United Nation's Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, TRASHES USA Before The ENTIRE World, 15APR21.htm

Document IconLast Days, the beast--the United Nations, the papacy--the antiChrist!.doc

Movie Icon'Racist Joe' Biden Was Soft Pedaled To His Supporters. They Are Completely Shocked By His 'Racist' Language, And Would Not Have Voted For Him, June 14, 2019.htm

Using the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 to systematically "Hack Millions (literally Billions) of people on a massive scale USED FOR SURVEILLANCE . . . A NEW REGIME FOR SURVEILLANCE . . . !" ESPECIALLY SURVEILLANCE UNDER THE SKIN" to re-engineer life"! END OF THE VIDEO--"My Body Does Not Belong To Me, Or To Some Corporation, Or To The Government, Or Perhaps (To The Human Collective")! (Part in Parenthesis Was Cut Off By Accident At The End Of The Video). Hmmmm . . . To The Human Collective . . . Who Then Controls The Human Collective? What Small Elite Group Controls The Human Collective, That Is, The Mass Of ALL Humanity Worldwide? Answer: The papacy, The 'pope' Of Rome--the antiChrist! . . .
Movie IconJESUIT Trained (Following The Papacy's Plan) WEF's Head Klaus Schwab's Transhumanism Plan For The Entire World Explained By His 'Top Mad Scientist,' Dr. Yuval Noah Harari,March 5, 2022.htm

Movie IconUkraine Is Saved! 'Incompetent Is My Name--Joe' Biden Sends In The Savior Of Ukraine, Europe, And The World!--Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris. My God, We're All Doomed! 03MAR22.htm

If the United States of America does not stop importing Russia oil immediately, and rebuild our oil industry and once again become dominant and self-sufficient in oil, we will see Russia dominant in Europe, Iran dominant in the Middle East, and China dominant throughout the entirety of Asia and beyond! . . .
Movie IconSenator John Kennedy Of Louisiana RIPS Biden's Incompetence Against Putin--'We Just Gave Putin 18 Billion Dollars!,' March 2, 2022.htm

MASSIVE Ukrainian Press Release Exposes Joe's 'Entire Biden Crime Family!' February 22, 2022 . . .
Movie IconMASSIVE Ukrainian Press Release Exposes Joe's 'Entire Biden Crime Family!' February 22, 2022.htm

Ukrainians In The North-Eastern Town Of Bakhmach Trying To Stop Tanks With Their bodies. February 26, 2022 . . .
Movie IconUkrainians In The North-Eastern Town Of Bakhmach Trying To Stop Tanks With Their bodies., February 26, 2022.htm

DON'T LOOSE FOCUS ON WHAT THEIR PLAN IS . . . DEPOPULATION OF MOST OF THE WORLD! 'Purposeful Ineffective Leadership--War President Joe' Biden's War On The World--Part Of The Great Reset! A Take Down Of The Western Democracies--This Is The Beginning Of A Wider War!, 24JAN22 . . .
Movie Icon'Purposeful Ineffective Leadership--War President Joe' Biden's War On The World--Part Of The Great Reset! A Take Down Of The Western Democracies--This Is The Beginning Of A Wider War!, 24JAN22.htm

Movie Icon'Green Light Joe' Biden Lets Putin Know 'A Little Bit Of Ukrainian Invasion Gets A Small Reaction! And NATO Is In Disarray!, Hmmm, 'Wag The Dog' . . . 'February 22, 2022.htm

Movie IconDeborah Tavares--5G Kill Cities Innovating Depopulation, February 13, 2022.htm

Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Being Weaponized With The HIV Virus Delivery System To Make It More Infectious And Virulent, February 9, 2022 . . .
Movie IconChinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Being Weaponized With The HIV Virus Delivery System To Make It More Infectious And Virulent, February 9, 2022.htm

Dr. Jane Ruby Cancer Exploding In The BOOSTED!, February 14, 2022 . . .
Movie IconDr. Jane Ruby Cancer Exploding In The BOOSTED!, February 14, 2022.htm

'Appeasement Joe' Biden-Harris Administration PURPOSELY Puts U.S. And World At Risk Of War--Putin Not Afraid Of Biden; Sees Him As Weak And Rudderless, 19FEB22 (Hear what Senator Marsha Blackburn tells us that 'Appeasement Joe' Biden IS NOT DOING to Russia that puts us all at risk with stupid, immature, Communist Agenda of the Biden-Harris Administration) . . .
Movie Icon'Appeasement Joe' Biden-Harris Administration PURPOSELY Puts U.S. And World At Risk Of War--Putin Not Afraid Of Biden; Sees Him As Weak And Rudderless, 19FEB22.htm

The Government, the JESUIT controlled C.I.A., the Military CONTRACT OUT-- Shadowgate--Artificial Intelligence Total Population Control All Under the Jesuits, papacy Controlled United Nations, December 8, 2020. When the Government(s) Cannot Legally do something they desire to do under the Law, they hire a contractor. Contractors can do things Government Employees are forbidden to do. Example: Blackwater, e.g.: Xe Services, Academi . . .
Movie IconThe Government, the JESUIT controlled C.I.A., the Military CONTRACT OUT-- Shadowgate--Artificial Intelligence Total Population Control All Under the Jesuit, papacy Controlled United Nations, December 8, 2020. When the Government(s) Cannot Legally do something they desire to do under the Law, they hire a contractor. Contractors can do things Government Employees are forbidden to do. Example: Blackwater, e.g.: Xe Services, Academi . . ..htm

Movie IconHunter Biden--('Smoke'm Joe' Says Hunter 'Is The Smartest Man I Know') Smokes Crack. 'Smoke'm Joe' Biden-Harris Administration To Hand Out Free Crack Pipes 'For Equity!,' 09FEB22.htm

Movie IconContinuing The Lie. Refusing To Talk About The Elephant In The Room. Black Intellect (ON AVERAGE) Lower Than Whites. White Intellect (ON AVERAGE) Lower Than Asians. We Are Done Dying'--Expert On Increase In Black Med Students Amid Pandemic, February 5, 2022.htm

Of The 'vaccinated' . . . 70 Percent Will Die! (Thankfully, this did not happen. However, Medical Experts made that prediction.) Shedding NOT Correct Terminology; INSTEAD, What Happens Is A Transmission Of Spike Protein Causing Un'vaccinated' To Receive Physical Damage, May 12, 2021 . . .
Movie IconOf The 'vaccinated' . . . 70 Percent Will Die! Shedding NOT Correct Terminology; INSTEAD, What Happens Is A Transmission Of Spike Protein Causing Un'vaccinated' To Receive Physical Damage, May 12, 2021.htm

Janet Ossebaard--Fall Of The Cabal (Cabal: Small Group Of Secret Plotters Conspiring (Conspiring: To agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal.) To Overthrow Or To Be Against A Government Or Person In Authority.), January 16, 2022 . . .
Movie IconJanet Ossebaard--WELCOME TO THE NETHERLANDS--From a Democracy to a Police State, 2021.htm

Movie IconA Black Female SCOTUS Judge Won't Do a Darn Thing to Help Blacks . . ..htm

Document IconDifferences Between Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism . . ..doc

Extreme Increase In Multiple Serious Health Conditions With Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 INCLUDING--Doctors Find Link Between Covid 'Vaccine' And Cancer! January 24, 2022 . . .
Movie IconExtreme Increase In Multiple Serious Health Conditions With Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 INCLUDING--Doctors Find Link Between Covid 'Vaccine' And Cancer! January 24, 2022.htm

Movie IconThe Shadowy CIA Data Firms Behind the Creation of Digital Vaccine Passport IDs Requiring QR Codes, Biometric Data (Facial Recognition, Eye Scan, Fingerprints) etc . . ., December 17, 2021.htm

Document IconThe papacy, The Vatican, The 'pope' Runs The CIA, The United Nations, The United States, The World Health Organization, etc . . . Funding By The CIA's--In-Q-Tel, Which Is The CIA's Investment Arm!.doc

Movie IconGlobalist Behavioral Psychologists Are Purposely Invoking Mass Psychosis, September 6, 2021.htm

Papacy (Pope Of Rome) Controlled, Communist, Anti-Democracy, Anti-Capitalist, United Nations World Health Organization, W.H.0., (Puppet) Director General Dr. (Although he has a doctorate, he is not a Medical Doctor. Tedros is a bureaucrat, with a Doctorate of Philosophy.) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus's Freudian Slip--Covid 19 'vaccine'--'Focus On Those Groups Who Have Risk Of Severe Disease Rather Than . . . Give Boosters To Kill Children!' 20DEC21 . . .
Movie IconW.H.O. Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus--Covid 19 'vaccine' . . . 'Focus On Those Groups Who Have Risk Of Severe Disease Rather Than . . . Give Boosters To Kill Children!' 20DEC21.htm .htm

Evidence Of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry In The Pfizer Vaccine, January 17, 2022 . . .
Movie IconEvidence Of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry In The Pfizer Vaccine, January 17, 2022.htm

A Killing Of The Mind--'The Mass Covid Psychosis' That Has Overtaken The World, August 12th, 2021 . . .
Movie IconBoycott-CVS-And-Walgreens!--MASS-PSYCHOSIS--Parents-Lead-Children-To-The-Slaughterhouse!-November-9,-2021.htm
Document Icon11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.doc

Movie IconJeff R. Nyquist--Warns of China's Plans To Invade The United States Of America Aided By Democrats, November 7, 2020.htm

Movie IconSecret Military Documents Of Canada--Trudeau Invited Chinese Troops To Train At Canadian Military Bases (China Is Not America's Friend!), 09DEC20.htm

ALL MUST SEE THIS!--'Once Were The Living' (2020)--Spacebusters (Documentary,) February 4, 2021 . . .
Movie IconALL MUST SEE THIS!--'Once Were The Living' (2020)--Spacebusters (Documentary,) February 4, 2021.htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson Presses Senator Ted Cruz For Using The Term, 'Violent Terrorist' To Describe Trump Supporters Who Were At The Capitol 'Riot,' Supporting The False Democrat Narrative, January 6, 2022.htm

Biblical Times. Last Days. Global Humanity Warning!--Implanted Microchip Is Necessary--JESUIT Trained Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum, aka 'The Great Reset,' 10JAN16 . . .
Movie IconBiblical Times. Last Days. Global Humanity Warning!--Implanted Microchip Is Necessary--Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum, aka 'The Great Reset,' 10JAN16.htm

Movie IconDonald Trump--Global Vaccine Summit 2020--Openly Support Bill And Melinda Gates GAVI. The virtual Event Raised 8.8 Billion Dollars From 32 Donor Governments And 12 Foundations, Corporations, and Organizations To Immunize 300 Million Children, 05JUN20.htm

Movie IconFauci's Slip Is Showing! JESUIT Trained Communist Collaborator Anthony (Tony) Fauci's Freudian Slip Admits He's Collaborating With The Chinese Communists, CCCP, January 4, 2022.htm

Document IconClear Evidence From Multiple Nations--This PLANDEMIC Is a PLANDEMIC Of The VACCINATED!.doc
PDF IconClear Evidence From Multiple Nations--This PLANDEMIC Is a PLANDEMIC Of The VACCINATED!.pdf

Movie IconPLANDEMIC-Trump-Athletes-Vaers-Fauci=DEATH BY VACCINATION! December 31, 2021.htm

Movie IconDr. Bryan Ardis--Don't Set Foot In A Hospital Until You Watch This . . . , December 31, 2021.htm

Movie IconAmsterdam Police Brutality Beat Protestors Rallied Against A Strict Lockdown. People Were Not Allowed To Go To The Protest But Thousands Arrived, January 4, 2022.htm

Dr. David Martin, Ph.D--Top Medical Inventor Discusses Why The COVID mRNA 'Vaccine' Is Not A Vaccine, April 11, 2021 AND Dr. Carrie Madej Warns About --The Tetanus Shot USED FOR ABORTION! AND The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 'Vaccines' And Transhumanism Nanotechnology To Alter Your DNA, October 2, 2020 . . .
Movie IconDr. David Martin, Ph.D--Top Medical Inventor Discusses Why The COVID mRNA 'Vaccine' Is Not A Vaccine, April 11, 2021 AND Dr. Carrie Madej Warns About --The Tetanus Shot USED FOR ABORTION! AND The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 'Vaccines' And Transhumanism Nanotechnology To Alter Your DNA, October 2, 2020.htm

Movie IconRussia Pulls Back 10,000 Soldiers From Ukraine Border, December 27, 2021.htm

Movie IconChina's Xi Jinping Unleashes The New Purge, August 12, 2021.htm

Movie IconWhy Is China Not Talking About Its 'Mysterious Blasts,' November 9, 2021.htm

Movie IconChinese-Warships-Near-Alaska,-September-15,-2021.htm

Movie IconChina Launches A War To Take Taiwan--China's Gray Zone Warfare, November 10, 2021.htm

Movie IconChina Is Preparing FOUR Military Campaigns To Take Taiwan, October 13, 2021.htm

Pope Francis Says 'Sins Of The Flesh' Aren't That 'Serious', NOTE: AS USUAL, HE'S COMPLETELY, UTTERLY WRONG, December 8, 2021 . . . . . .

Document Icon18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.doc
Movie IconPope Francis Says 'Sins Of The Flesh' Aren't That 'Serious', December 8, 2021 . . ..htm

Trumped!--JESUIT Trained Donald J. Trump Is Part Of The Pope's Laudato Si' Plan Along With JESUIT Trained Fauci, JESUIT Honoree 'Build Back Better Joe' Biden, and JESUIT Trained Klaus Schwab's 'Great Reset' To Destroy Capitalism And Enslaves Humanity Like The Dark Ages . . . Like The Dark Ages When The 'pope' Reigned Supreme. JESUIT Trained Anthony Fauci--Domestic Terrorist . . . Supported By One Liken To Judas Iscariot--JESUIT Trained President Donald J. Trump. Both JESUITS (JESUIT Trained) Sold America Out! . . .
Movie IconTrumped!--JESUIT Trained Donald J. Trump Is Part Of The Pope's Laudato Si' Plan Along With JESUIT Trained Fauci, JESUIT Honoree 'Build Back Better Joe' Biden, and JESUIT Trained Klaus Schwab's Great Reset To Destroy Capitalism And Enslaves Humanity Like The Dark Ages, When The 'pope' Reigned Supreme. JESUIT Trained Anthony Fauci--Domestic Terrorist . . . Supported By One Liken To Judas Iscariot--JESUIT Trained President Donald J. Trump. Both JESUITS Sold America Out! . . ..htm

Tucker Carlson--'Roman Catholic Joe' Biden And His Laughing Communist Vice President Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Along With The Democrats Want To Eliminate The Suburbs; Get Rid of Private Property--Including Cars, June 28, 2021 . . .
Movie IconTucker Carlson--'Roman Catholic Joe' Biden And His Laughing Communist Vice President Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Along With The Democrats Want To Eliminate The Suburbs, June 28, 2021.htm

Movie IconBritish PM Boris Johnson Introduces 'New Rules For Thee, but Not For Me Or My Staff'--Covid Rules Introduced For Nation. Under Fire For Lockdown Christmas Party, December 1, 2021.htm

Christian Researcher, Filmmaker--Trevor Loudon--ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH!, April 26, 2019 . . .
Movie IconChristian Researcher, Filmmaker--Trevor Loudon--ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH!, April 26, 2019.htm

Movie IconIf You Think Snopes.com--Facebook's-(Created And Controlled By The Central Intelligence Agency, CIA) --Standard of 'Fact-Checking' Think Again!, May 8, 2018.htm

Movie IconDr. David E. Martin--PLANdemic II InDOCTORnation--October 24, 2021.htm

Facebook's Continued Attack On Christianity--Blocks Painting Of Santa Claus Kneeling Before The Baby Jesus 'As Sensitive Content,' December 14, 2020 . . .
Movie IconFacebook's Continued Attack On Christianity--Blocks Painting Of Santa Claus Kneeling Before The Baby Jesus 'As Sensitive Content,' December 14, 2020 . . ..htm

Movie IconNew Zealand Reaches 90 PERCENT Vaccination Rate--Protests Over Restrictions Mount. Big crowds gathered in Wellington to protest against vaccine mandates & passports, December 15, 2021.htm

Movie IconChristmas 2021, In The Middle Of The Plandemic Let Go Back In Time--The Three Tenors--Silent Night (Christmas in Vienna, 1999) . . ..htm

Movie IconMatthew 1 verse 23--Emmanuel, Immanuel--Gott ist mit uns--God is with us--Vechta Vechta-Oldenburg, Germany, December 17, 2019.htm

Movie IconO Come All Ye Faithful--Epic Flash Mob Carol LIGHTtheWORLD--The Five Strings, December 9, 2015.htm

Stew Peters--Dr. Ariyana Love--SEVEN Sources Confirm Graphene Oxide in Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, December 7, 2021 . . .
Movie IconStew Peters--Dr. Ariyana Love--SEVEN Sources Confirm Graphene Oxide in Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, December 7, 2021.htm

Movie IconThe Four Harms Of The COVID Vaccine--1.) Immediate Death, 2.) Organ Damage, 3.) Autoimmunity, 4.) And Cancer, December 7, 2021.htm

Movie IconKim Iversen-- Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Leaves Out MULTIPLE KEY Alleged Epstein Victims. Lead Prosecutor Attorney MAURENE COMEY, November 29, 2021.htm

Movie IconNew Video Shows JESUIT Trained Donald Trump And Jeffrey Epstein At Mar-A-Lago Party, November, 1992.htm

Document IconCoverup In Plain Sight--Disgraced Former FBI Director James Comey's--Daughter (Maurene Comey) Is Lead Prosecutor in Ghislaine Maxwell's child sex trafficking case--Whole Family Avid Supporters of H. Clinton.doc

Movie IconTucker Carlson--Scary stuff! Shades of Orwell's 1984 (Big Brother Is Watching You!) 80 GOP Representatives Falling Inline With Socialist (Communist) Democrats, December 2, 2021.htm

Dr. Michael Yeadon--You Should Be Terrified Of Your Government, 'Why is my government lying to me?' Because 'they are going to kill you!' June 18, 2021 . . .
Movie IconDr. Michael Yeadon--You Should Be Terrified Of Your Government, 'Why is my government lying to me?' Because 'they are going to kill you!' June 18, 2021.htm

Movie IconJESUIT Dr. Anthony Fauci Continues To LIE Concerning HIS Funding of GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH that CAUSED the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19, November 26, 2021.htm

Document IconAsymptomatic people not guilty of spreading COVID-19 virus.doc

Movie IconDr. Michael Yeadon--LIES About Asymptomatic, Masks, Lock Downs--LIES By Governments Worldwide, June 18, 2021.htm

Movie IconNobel Prize Winning Inventor Of The PCR, Test--Dr. Kary Mullis Criticizes JESUIT Anthony Fauci, 'He Doesn't Know Anything!' MAR,2019.htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson--Why Are The Democrats Encouraging Anarchy. Driving Through Christmas Parade, Was This An Attack On Whites Due To Rittenhouse Verdict, 24NOV21.htm

Movie IconHistory Of The Roman Catholic Tyranny And The Jesuit New World Order. Quebec Act To Civil War, September 3, 2017.htm

Movie IconDr. David Martin at Redpill Expo November 6, 2021--Names, Corporations, and Nations Behind the SCAMdemic, the PLANdemic, November 12, 2021.htm

Movie IconRadiologist Dr. Scott Atlas, M.D.--The TRUTH About COVID-19 (Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus) And The HARMFUL EFFECTS Of LOCK DOWNS!, July 7, 2020.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholics Nancy & (Jesuit Trained) Paul Pelosi--San Francisco and Introduction To Politics, July 11, 2017.htm

Movie IconDr. Tenpenny With Latest Update On Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID 19 DEATH jab!, November 22, 2021.htm

Document IconWhen a Government, ANY Government, when a Ruler, ANY Ruler . . ..doc

Movie IconDr. Franc Zalewski--Aluminum-based Life Forms Found In Chinese Wuhan Coronovirus, Covid 19 'Vaccines' Under Electron Microscope, October 8, 2021.htm

Movie IconPfizer EXPOSED--History of KILLING KIDS--Marburg Virus; Dr. Ariyana Love. Michelle Malkin. Rittenhouse Trial Coverage, November 11, 2021.htm

Movie IconThe Jesuit and Mafia Connection To The Four Families of California-- Newsoms, Browns, Pelosis, and Gettys, May 8, 2019.htm

Movie Icon1 Samuel 28: 7-20--Those Who Are Demon Possessed CAN see their demon. Chuck Schumer Commands A Demon, i.e.-A Devil, To Get Out Of His Chair, 30MAR20.htm

Document IconFYI Veterans Day, November, 11 2021.doc

Dr. Scott Youngblood, M.D.--Efficacy of Vaccines (a presentation) San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting, November 4, 2021; THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR KIDS! . . .
Movie IconDr. Scott Youngblood, M.D.--Efficacy of Vaccines (a presentation) San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting, November 4, 2021; THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR KIDS!.htm

Movie IconTHIS IS PSYCHO--Side Effect of Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Vaccine! November 4, 2021.htm

Movie IconStew Peters--KAREN KINGSTON-Patent Proof Shows Us That The 'Vaccine' Is For Control Purposes!, October 12, 2021.htm

Movie IconGraphene In Our Foods Not Just In Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus, Covid 19 'Vaccines,' August 6, 2021.htm

Movie IconBIRDS OF A FEATHER--George Soros & Bill Gates Backed Consortium To Buy United Kingdom, (Great Britain) Maker Of Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Testing Kits, July 19, 2021.htm

Movie IconHow is the Delta Variant Spreading If There Is No Direct 'Variant Test'?.htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson--(R.I.N.O--Republican In Name Only) Senator Lindsey Graham Commanded Police Officers To Use Their Guns--MURDER--Peaceful Protestors, January 6, 2021.htm

Movie IconTHEY ARE COMING AFTER YOUR KIDS! FDA Approves Emergency Use For 5-11 Year Old Kids--FDA PANEL PAID by PFIZER That Has 70 Communist Chinese Party, CCP, MEMBERS ON ITS BOARD! 29OCT21.htm

Document IconBiden Is A Brutal Enforcer Of The Jesuit-Illuminati Globalist Warmongers.doc

Laura Ingraham--TWO 'Insurrections!' ONLY Republicans Attacked in the Media, on Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc . . . Republicans ALONE Prosecuted by Biden's Politicized 'Department of Justice, DOJ'. Democrats and Their Allies Covered by 'Fake News', October 21, 2021 . . .
Movie IconLaura Ingraham--TWO 'Insurrections!' ONLY Republicans Attacked, Prosecuted by Biden's Politicized 'Department of Justice, DOJ', 21OCT21.htm

Movie IconThe Magnetic 'Mark of the Beast,' Revelation 13, Verses 16-18. May 13, 2021.htm

Movie IconJesuit 'pope' Francis Checks All the Boxes in Holy Scripture, the Holy Bible, And IS antiChrist,! March 14, 2013.htm

Document IconAntiChrist is from Rome. (He leads the Roman Catholic 'church') . . ..doc

Movie IconIN HOT WATER--Besides being a 'Sleezy, Creepy, Touchy Feely guy,'--new E-Mails show 'Conspiring Joe' Biden shared bank account with scandal laden son Hunter, 13OCT21.htm

Movie IconSouthwest Airlines Cancels 1,000 Plus Flights Amid Row With Pilots Union Over Vaccine Mandate, October 10, 2021.htm

Movie IconChaos In Australia Is Continuing And Getting Worse! Melbourne, Australia--Pray for Australia, October 4, 2021.htm
Movie IconMelbourne, Australia--People Dragged Out Of Cars--Arrested! Victoria Gestapo Like Police; Don't Question! Get Back Of The Line, 04OCT21.htm

Movie IconSex-Ed Curriculum Used In Richfield Public Schools, MN, Even Kindergarten; Older Straight Students Told To Role Play Sodomite 'Gay Sex Scenarios,' 23SEP21.htm

PDF IconWhistle Blower Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH, Flight Surgeon--FS, LTC, MEDICAL CORPS, U.S. Army.htm

Movie IconMask Mandate Debate Renewed As The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Delta Variant Spreads, July 22, 2021.htm

Movie IconBen Domenech--Lists Failures Of America's Federal Government Under 'Build Back Better Joe' Biden And Laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris, 08OCT21.htm

Movie IconBen Shapiro on Abortion--Evil Things Are Still Evil Even If I'm A Religious White Man, October 3, 2021.htm

Movie IconDr. Nathan Thompson--Tests Immune System Before & After Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 'vaccine' which is causing Autoimmune Diseases, October 5, 2021.htm

Document IconWho do we pray to? Do we pray to God the Father? Or, can we also pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, or to the Holy Spirit, as some have stated that this is acceptable as they are all God?.doc

Movie IconReality: 2+2=4. Democrats math . . . $3,500,000,000,000 + 0=0 . . . The Five Slam Biden Claiming Massive spending 3.5 Trillion Dollar Plan Costs ZERO Dollars, September 29, 2021.htm

Movie IconMaricopa County, Arizona 2020 Presidential Election AUDIT--The County Illegally Refused To Assist And Openly Worked To Block. In Fact, Hundreds of Thousands Spent To Block The Audit. Why . . . , 24SEP21.htm

Dr. Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist--What They've Been Saying About The Dangers Of The Covid 19 'vaccines' Are True! We've Made A BIG MISTAKE! August 1, 2021 . . .
Movie IconDr. Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist--What They've Been Saying About The Dangers Of The Covid 19 'vaccines' Are True! We've Made A BIG MISTAKE! August 1, 2021.htm

FDA, CDC, & Jesuit Dr. Anthony Fauci Demanded Treatments Known To Commit Mass Murder--Genocide of 100s of Thousands-- September 11, 2021 . . .

Movie IconFDA, CDC, & Jesuit Dr. Anthony Fauci Demanded Treatments Known To Commit Mass Murder--Genocide of 100s of Thousands-- September 11, 2021.htm

Dr. David Martin--Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Vaccine mRNA code is a BIOWEAPON developed via a 'DIGITAL SIMULATION'! September 1, 2021 . . .

Movie IconDr. David Martin--Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Vaccine mRNA code is a BIOWEAPON developed via a 'DIGITAL SIMULATION'! September 1, 2021.htm

Movie IconCritical Race Theory, CRT, and Cultural Marxism (Communism)--'An Unholy Marriage' Brought In Under Deception!--A DANGEROUS Connection! December 27, 2020.htm

Yet another way they are killing us! This is a long-term plan they are finalizing before our very eyes! Why are you fat--Why is the world fat--What is the plan against humanity--Agenda 21-30--The Green New Deal--Georgia Gidestones--The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, i.e.: Covid 19--What is the goal?--Destroy Capitalism--Murder billions of people--The Great Reset! . . .
Movie IconWhy are you fat--Why is the world fat--What is the plan against humanity--Agenda 21-30--The Green New Deal--Georgia Gidestones--The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, i.e.: Covid 19--What is the goal?--Destroy Capitalism--Murder billions of people--The Great Reset!.htm

Movie IconFormer Navy Physician, Dr. Lee Merritt--Rare Cancers Showing Up! August 11, 2021.htm

The Spike Protein Itself IS a Toxin! . . .
Movie IconAmerica's Frontline Doctors--Dr. Ryan Cole, Pathologist--'The Spike Protein Itself IS a Toxin!' August 10, 2021.htm

Movie Iconsatan Worship glorifying the 'Arch of Baal (from Syria)' unveiled at Global Elite Summit, G7 (2017) displayed throughout the world . . ..htm

Movie Icon'China Joe' Biden's Administration part of the Devos, Switzerland 'Great Reset' Attempts To 'Reset America,' 22JAN21.htm

Movie IconTens of Thousands of Medical Professionals Worldwide, including some 87,000 Nurses, Suing Dutch Government as Covid19 Like Seasonal Flu . . ..htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson--Biden-Harris's Administration's Military Leadership is antiChristian EVEN Supporting satanism! Military Suicide NOT Being Addressed, 21Sept21.htm

Movie IconGeorge Orwell's 1984--Totalitarianism and MASS or CROWD FORMATION--MASS HYPNOSIS, GROUP THINK--Professor Mattias Desmet University Ghent, 16SEP21.htm

PDF Icon10 reasons why the FDA approval for Pfizer jab isn’t about health, but about forcing people to take the shot -- LifeSite, August 24, 2021.pdf

Movie IconMaskless San Francisco Mayor, London Breed, breaks City's health order she instituted, shown partying with BLM co-founder Alicia Garza at at Black Cat nightclub, Sept. 16, 2021.htm

Movie IconNovant Health Conspiracy--Discussing Falsifying Their Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID 19 Statistics for 'Vaccine' Uptake, 13SEP21.htm

WE'VE ALL BEEN PLAYED! ASHLI BABBITT DID NOT DIE!, February 7, 2021 . . . . . .
Movie IconPropaganda Media, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionism BS, Military Industrial Complex, Military Mind Control & PsyOps, Surveillance State, Unrestricted Warfare--WE'VE ALL BEEN PLAYED! ASHLI BABBITT DID NOT DIE! Everything Wrong with the Capitol Shooting in 21 Minutes--February 7, 2021..htm

Movie IconLegal complaints filed for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, September 12, 2021.htm

Document IconBiden slithers toward Jerusalem . . . Julian Assange and Wikileaks warned us about America in Afghanistan and shined light on a war that was fought 'in the shadows' . . ..doc
Movie IconBiden slithers toward Jerusalem . . . Julian Assange and Wikileaks warned us about America in Afghanistan and shined light on a war that was fought 'in the shadows' . . ..htm

Movie IconDr. Zelenko, Mayo Clinic Surgeon, EXPOSES TSA--TSA Targets Patriots, Veterans, Conservatives and MORE!, September 3, 2021.htm

Movie IconKill Shot Denied by DOD! Former Green Beret & Deputy Assist. Secretary of Defense Roger Pardo-Maurer--Predator Drone Operator Ordered to Stand Down Resulting In 13 American Servicemen Murdered by U.S. Government Proxy ---> Taliban! September 01, 2021.htm

Movie IconBy the Abortion president--Terror Rebirthed--Americans Targeted Due To The Failed Commie Policies and Hate of America by, 'I'm responsible for, fundamentally, all that's happened of late Joe' Biden.htm

Movie IconYearning to Be Free-Coming to America-'Traitor Joe' Biden & Laughing Communist VP, Harris Brought SHAME upon Their Administration and Upon America, 03SEP21.htm

Movie IconOur First Hand ICU Story concerning the Chinese Wuhan Cornavirus, COVID 19--What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital, August 31, 2021.htm

Billions Will Die. No Spiritual Discernment, August 31, 2021 . . .
Movie IconWhat's Coming--You Can't Turn Back--Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Del Bigtree, and more, August 31, 2021.htm

Document IconIs a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards . . ..doc

PDF IconNational Institute of Health, NIH -- Towards 5G communication systems: Are there health implications?.pdf

Document IconThe stench from Hell; From Puritans (Calvinist) to Atheists, who are the Harvard chaplains.doc

Movie IconPrivate Sector Steps Up To Help, 'Afghanistan Joe' Biden-Harris Administration- All Who Want Out of Hell, i.e. Kabal, Must Be Out By 31AUG! August 24, 2021.htm

Movie IconDoublethink-Keyword is blackwhite-George Orwell's 1984--Psaki claims NO Americans 'stranded' in Afghanistan during heated exchange, August 23, 2021.htm

Document IconThe 'pope' IS the man of sin, the antiChrist . . . 'Disaster Joe' Biden, possible scenario, just my guess, but in no way does it predict the future. Just a possible scenario, 22AUG21.doc

Movie IconThe 'pope' IS the man of sin, the antiChrist . . . 'Disaster Joe' Biden, possible scenario, just my guess, but in no way does it predict the future. Just a possible scenario, 22AUG21.htm

Movie IconCritical Race Teachings, CRT, IS A DIRECT ATTACK AGAINST CHRISTIANITY! Christian Teacher Resigns In Protest Over CRT Lessons, 11AUG21.htm

Movie Iconsatanic, Roman Catholic, Jesuit decorated with honorary doctorates, 'Build Back Better Joe' Biden, DISHONEST 'reporter,' Brian Williams, Joe,' OWNED responsibility for Afghanistan . . ..htm

Movie IconLaura Ingram--We Can't Trust the Biden Administration To Vet Afghan Refugees Coming To the United States; Afghanistan Takeover Raises Security Concerns, August 16, 2021.htm

Movie IconOwned by 'Disaster Joe' Biden--'Objects' fall mid-air from plane leaving Kabul Afghanistan, some news reports these were people! August 16, 2021.htm

Movie IconOwned by 'Disaster Joe' Biden and Laughing Communist Harris Administration . . .' Taliban Takeover-- Afghan cities captured, August 13, 2021.htm

Planned Genocide--Jesuit Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D. Knowlingly Told all American Medical Doctors To Use Lethal Unapproved Medicine Remdesivir, Depopulating the U.S.A., August 16, 2021 . . .

Movie IconJesuit Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D. Knowlingly Told all American Medical Doctors To Use Lethal Unapproved Medicine Remdesivir, Depopulating the U.S.A., August 16, 2021.htm

Movie Icon'Lunacy of the left, the socialist, the Commies among us!' Sydney, Australia, Don' t Act Like A Human. Don't talk to anyone, even your neighbor! July 20, 2021.htm

Movie IconNot a boy not a girl; baby boy's satanic 'parents' call Sparrow, is being raised as a gender neutral 'theyby,' not as a baby--using contrived pronoun, 12MAR19.htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur--The Grim Reality of Homosexuality, June 14, 2021.htm

Movie IconHUMAN 2.0 Transhumanism--Man's Quest for Immortality, Hebrews 9 verse 27--Desire To Be gods--New Brain Computer Interface (Neuralink) Technology--Hoffman, August 29, 2017.htm

Document Icon11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do..doc

Movie IconINCREDIBLE! Man in Canada Gets Health Officer in Court To Admit They Don't Have Evidence That Chinese Wuhan Cornavirus, Covid 19, even exists! August 9, 2021.htm

Movie Icon'The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican,' Is Socialism-Communism NOT Capitalism- Redistribution of Wealth! Covid 19 was the smoke screen!, 11DEC20 . . ..htm

It's happening! DENVER USES FORCED VACCINE MANDATE! Denver will invoke its police powers to force private sector workers in 'high-risk' environment to receive the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Vaccine, August 3, 2021 . . .

Movie IconDENVER USES FORCED VACCINE MANDATE! Denver will invoke its police powers to force private sector workers in 'high-risk' environment to receive the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Vaccine, August 3, 2021.htm

Check mate! Dr. David Martin unveils the deceit, the money trail, the overthrow of the United States and the world by JESUIT, Dr. 'Deceitful' himself, Anthony Fauci and other United States Government Agencies, including CDC, NIH, DOJ, Democrats, 'Commie Joe' Biden and laughing Comrad Kamala (Chameleon) Harris all working closely with China, the United Nations, and the WHO; all under the papacy, the 'pope' of Rome -- JESUIT 'pope' Francis. There was NO virus. The Vaccine IN EFFECT IS THE VIRUS! The Vaccine created the varient(s) which ARE THE VIRUS! Viruses to kill millions, National cryptocurrencies and 5G to track and control the survivors . . .

Movie IconDr. Sam Bailey--Understanding How the Chinese Wuhan Cornavirus, COVID-19 Was 'Made Up,' August 2, 2021.htm

Movie IconDr. David Martin--U.S. Government Agencies overthrow of the U.S.--Fake Virus, Massive Money Laundering, Plan to Take Down President Trump, Sept. 23, 2020.htm

Movie IconSteve Hilton--Democrat's Agenda Using Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID 19 (Delta variant) to continue controlling a free people, Americans, refusing science. August 1, 2021.htm

Movie IconAustralia--Orwellian!--MANDATORY LOCKDOWN! Army 'to assist police'- A Social Experiment In Criminal Government & Terrorist Police against the Australian people!, 02AUG21.htm

Document Icon8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us..doc

Movie IconCowboy Wisdom . . ..htm

Document Icon'Flattening the Curve' prolongs the Plandemic and makes the Recession effects much more severe . . ..doc

Stew Peters--DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison--Graphene Oxide Metal in Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID 19 'Vaccine,' July 28th, 2021 . . .

Movie IconStew Peters--DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison--Graphene Oxide Metal in Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID 19 'Vaccine,' July 28th, 2021.htm

George Orwell's 1984 is being played out before our very lives. TOTAL CONTROL!--Planet Lockdown Documentary Film--'Having the courage to face our fear,' January 19, 2021 . . .

Movie IconGeorge Orwell's 1984 is being played out before our very lives. TOTAL CONTROL!--Planet Lockdown Documentary Film--'Having the courage to face our fear,' January 19, 2021.htm

Movie IconDr. Michael Yeadon Warns Children Are 50 Times More Likely To Be Killed By The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus Covid 19 Vaccines Than The Virus Itself, June 26, 2021.htm

Movie IconMarjorie Taylor Greene knows why FOX News, Republicans, suddenly are pushing you to get the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19 Vaccine, July 25, 2021.htm

Movie IconCatherine Austin-Fitts--the 'Great Reset,' and the 'Direct Reset' was Planned Together with Central Bank Digital Control, October 7, 2021.htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson CNN Is Funding Antifa--'They Are Literally Promoting Violence', July 15, 2019 . . ..htm

Horrific Findings In The Blood Of The VACCINATED! July 26, 2021 . . .

Movie IconHorrific Findings In The Blood Of The VACCINATED! July 26, 2021.htm

Document IconBrittany Galvin Update-- Doctor Certifies Moderna 'Vaccine' Injury - Causing Magnetism, (Magnetofection,) May 06, 2021.doc
Movie IconBrittany Galvin Update-- Doctor Certifies Moderna 'Vaccine' Injury - Causing Magnetism, (Magnetofection,) May 06, 2021.htm

Movie IconMarxist-Biden-Harris'--'American Rescue Plan's (Roadmap) Manual' has a link to teach Critical Race Theory, CRT, by the 'Abolitionist Teaching Network' whose goal is to 'dismantle--destroy' public schools, July 21, 2021.htm

America's Frontline Doctors Ohio-based Attorney Thomas Renz--45,000 deaths from Covid Vaccine, Federal Lawsuit launched today, July 19th, 2021 . . .

Movie IconAmerica's Frontline Doctors Ohio-based Attorney Thomas Renz--45,000 deaths from Covid Vaccine, Federal Lawsuit launched today, July 19th, 2021 . . ..htm

Movie IconChinese Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID 19 'VACCINE' MANDATES BEGIN!, July 16th, 2021.htm

An Urgent Warning to the World--Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer. Speaking from Canterbury England, April 9, 2021 . . .

Movie IconAn Urgent Warning to the World--Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer. Speaking from Canterbury England, April 9, 2021 . . ..htm

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