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          Paul Harrell's Sermon Notes

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JESUITS, The Papacy (pope,) The Vatican -- Has Taken Down The United States Of America. Until We Acknowledge That, We Have No Way To Take Back Our Republic.

'pope's' antiChrist symbol, an occult upside down Christian cross!Movie Most Important! The 'pope' of Rome IS the antiChrist
and the Roman Catholic 'church' is the The Mystery of Iniquity!.htm
[IMAGE of Search]

To the bottom of the page . . . Alemattec Services, Sermon Notes.To the bottom of the page . . . Alemattec Services, Sermon Notes.

Movie IconDr. David Martin with Stew Peters There Is No Virus. This Is Organize Crime, July 22, 2021 . . ..htm

Movie IconCrushing Marxist Who Are Seeking To Place Us On 'The Road to Serfdom,' Rod D. Martin is a Technology Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, Hedge Fund Manager, Author and Conservative, Nov. 23, 2020.htm

Movie IconRick Warren on praise of the papacy, the 'pope,' and the satanic Roman Catholic 'church,' Pressing hard for a One World Religion, 'We have far more in Common than separates us!,' November 26, 2014.htm

Movie IconFalse Teacher and antiChrist Rick Warren calls 'The antiChrist'--the Roman Catholic 'dope,' i.e.-- 'pope' Francis 'Our New Pope'. 'If you love pope Francis . . . you'll love Jesus.' Blasphemy! April 25, 2017.htm

Document IconFormer Head of the S.B.C, false teacher, J.D. Greear Says He'd Rather Unite With Those Who Pervert the Gospel Than Those Who Defend It. Teaches to act like false Brethren, Pentecostals, Feb. 22, 2021.doc

Document IconFormer Head of the Southern Baptist Convention, false teacher, J.D. Greear Minimizes Homosexuality, Says Other Sins Are 'More heinous,' more egregious, more abominable to God--ABSOLUTE LIE!.doc
Movie IconFormer Head of the Southern Baptist Convention, false teacher, J.D. Greear Minimizes Homosexuality, Says Other Sins Are 'More heinous,' more egregious, more abominable to God--ABSOLUTE LIE!.htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson-- F.B.I. False Flag event on January 6, 2001, Washington, D.C. Democrats overthrow of the United States of America, June 15, 2021 . . ..htm

Dr. Peter McCullough of Texas A&M Univ.--UP TO 50,000 deaths due to the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus 'so called vaccine'! I am also convinced 'FORCED-MANDATED VACCINES ARE COMING!, June 11, 2021 . . .

Movie IconDr. Peter McCullough of Texas A&M Univ.--UP TO 50,000 deaths due to the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus 'so called vaccine'! I am also convinced 'FORCED-MANDATED VACCINES ARE COMING!, June 11, 2021.htm

Document IconBaal worshipers--Roman Catholics--Jesuits taking down the United States of America . . ..doc

Movie IconThat Nasty Woman, Crooked Hillary, Hillary-the-snake, the Witch; The Lesbian Murderer of Benghazi, satan worshiper explains your 'White Privilege' Blacks taught to hate you because of your 'White Privilege'!.htm

Movie IconHeart inflammation after (Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID-19) shots Are Higher Than Expected in study of U.S.A's Military, June 29, 2021.htm

Movie IconGood Samaritan, Johnny Hurley, died in Arvada shooting was shot by Police according to sources, June 23, 2021.htm

Movie IconMike Adams interviews Dr. Hotze who talks Covid vaccines, eugenics and the diabolical agenda to injure and possibly kill billions.htm

Document IconLil Nas X's 'bold as hell' BET Awards kiss with male dancer draws 'Twitter praise--'Kudos for freakin out the homophobes,' June 28, 2021.doc
Movie IconLil Nas X's 'bold as hell' BET Awards kiss with male dancer draws 'Twitter praise--'Kudos for freakin out the homophobes,' June 28, 2021.htm

Movie IconAn Australian scientist who was the only foreigner at the Wuhan virus lab says she never got COVID-19 and doesn't believe the center leaked it -- NOT!.htm

Document Icon7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.doc

Movie IconDr. Robert Malone is the discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and the inventor of mRNA vaccines used for the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, i.e.-- COVID 19 vaccinations, 23JUN21.htm

Movie IconLaura Ingraham-- furious over 'WOKE' General Milley wanting to bow the knee to people that seek to destroy the American military, and the nation! June 23, 2021.htm

Movie Icon'Lyin' Joe Biden' used THREE key stats to make his point. NONE OF THE THREE WERE TRUE!, February 19, 2021.htm

Movie IconLGBTQ+a flags do not belong at UNITED STATES EMBASSIES or ANY GOVERNMENT BUILDING; I.R.S. being weaponized against Republicans, Marjorie Taylor Greene, June 3, 2021.htm

Document IconAmazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors--and possibly hackers, 02JUN21 . . ..doc

Movie IconCreepy Uncle Joe Biden the man that failed America. Indeed, yes Communist Joe Biden has already failed U.S.A-Chris Salcedo- January 8, 2021.htm

Document IconGodless--Biden Leaves Out Reference to God in His National Day of Prayer Pronouncement.doc

Communist Comrade Joe Biden and laughing Communist Kamala (Chameleon) Harris working to overthrow the United States of America, using The Great Reset, led by the Chinese Communist Party, CCP. CCP uniting BOTH left and right wings, even parts of our military and the F.B.I., the Democrats and "Republicans in Name Only, R.I.N.Os," Ukrainian's, Hong Kong agents, LGBTQ+a groups, including the gay Lincoln Project ALL organized and working as a united front. Antifa working together with Proud Boys and others, along with Labor Unions, tech companies, and weaponizing military technology against Americans using ALL of this against President Donald J. Trump to insure the Coup d'état. (Read the document below to see how Communist George Orwell in his novel 1984, sets up the outline that the Democrats (and all these other groups) are using to take down the United States of America . . . ).

Movie IconUsing 1984, George Orwell's plan, Children used by 'Thought Police'--Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned to Overthrow the U.S.A. to bring about 'The Green New Deal,' June 8, 2020.htm

Document IconYour money 'giving away' free education to all, the Government 'Educating your child from three years old into their early 20s and beyond -- INCLUDING DREAMERS (Illegal Aliens)' at American's Expense . . ..doc

Movie IconProfessor Jordan Peterson has spent much of his career studying the psychological elements at work as populations come to accept Fascist and Totalitarian Regimes. 'The Rise of Jordan Peterson,' Oct. 16, 2019.htm

Movie IconThe Next Revolution Steve Hilton--Race, Hypocrisy--What Democrats blame Republicans FOR doing IS WHAT Democrats ARE DOING! April 25, 2021.htm

Movie IconPersecution of Christians; Wokeism=Communism--White men apologizing for being white--Lessons in 'Mind Control' learned by Democrats from Chinese Communist, Russia, and Cuba, April 23, 2021.htm

Movie IconSanctioned murder by an unnamed, unidentified, Black Capitol Police Officer, approved by Democrats in Congress, of an unarmed, defenseless white woman, Ashli Babbitt . . ..htm

Movie IconBiden-Harris Administration has weaponized Federal Agencies against the American people--The Postal Service is running a 'COVERT OPERATIONS PROGRAM' that monitors Americans' social media posts . . ..htm

Movie IconWe have to stop pretending that Creepy Joe Biden and his Family Crime Syndicate, and his laughing Communist running mate Kamala (Chameleon) Harris, are just bumbling fools. Their plan is the overthrow of U.S.A.!.htm

Document IconSome Headlines you might have missed today, April 05, 2021 . . ..doc

Document IconHe is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!.doc

Movie IconTucker Carlson CNN Is Funding Antifa--'They Are Literally Promoting Violence', July 15, 2019.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic Joe Biden's Administration Urges Supreme Court To Let Cops Enter Homes and Seize Guns Without A Warrant, March 25, 2021.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic, Sleepy, Creepy Uncle Joe Biden threatened to take this Union worker's AR-14 is a train wreck . . ..htm

Movie IconShadow Government--controlled by the Jesuits, under the 'pope' of Rome, Revelation 13, verses 14-18, November 1, 2016.htm

Document Icon37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee . . ..doc

Movie IconTucker Carlson video--George Floyd died of a drug overdose . . ..htm

Movie IconWe've been lied to from the VERY BEGINNING about the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus. The reason--A TAKE DOWN of the U.S.A by Communists in our Government and the world through the W.H.O.

To see the world Communist takeover of the United States of America, aka: The Great Reset, led by the Chinese Communist Party, CCP. CCP uniting BOTH left and right wings, even parts of our military and the F.B.I., the Democrats and "Republicans in Name Only, R.I.N.Os," Ukrainian's, Hong Kong agents, LGBTQ+a groups, including the gay Lincoln Project ALL organized and working as a united front. Antifa working together with Proud Boys and others, along with Labor Unions, tech companies, and weaponizing military technology against Americans using ALL of this against President Donald J. Trump to insure the Coup d'état . . .

Movie IconPremiere Watch Party PSYOP THE STEAL--Millennial Millie--February 23, 2021.htm

Movie IconCongressman Greg Steube (R-FL) 'Whenever a nation's laws no longer reflect the standards of God that nation is in rebellion against Him. . .' Dem. Rep. Jerry Nadler, 'God's Will is No Concern of This Congress!' February 26, 2021.htm

Document IconUnited Methodist conservatives detail plans for a breakaway.doc

Movie IconThomas Paine--'When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.'--Shadows of Liberty, May, 2012.htm

Movie IconPresident Donald J. Trump as Batman, Newmax's Benny Johnson, Feb 27, 2021.htm

Movie IconmRNA Vaccines Might Prove Catastrophic in a Rushed Coronavirus Response-NewsWars.htm

Movie IconHandle's Messiah--The Royal Choral Society--Hallelujah Chorus, April 23, 2012.htm

Document IconHallelujah!.doc

Movie IconTucker Carlson, NO Armed Insurrection, NONE by White Supremacist, occurred at the United States Capitol, January 6, 2021 . . . , February 22, 2021.htm

Movie IconPeter Paul Montgomery Butt(igieg), aka 'Lil Pete, ' aka 'Petey' espouses Green Jobs for Biden's fired Pipeline Union Workers.htm

Movie IconSocialism is the gateway to Communism-Originally called 'scientific socialism' by Friedrich Engels to describe Karl Marx's social-political-economic theory--Democrats claim to be 'Socialist-Democrats,' February 5, 2019.htm

Movie IconMiddle Class Joe--The Sum of Sleepy Joe, Creepy Joe Biden's Political Life Is He Continuously Uses Extremely Poor Judgment--extending now into His Presidency--His Legacy simply put is . . . Bad Decisions! Oct. 28, 2020.htm

Movie IconDrop and Roll--How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald J. Trump, November 18, 2020.htm

Movie IconStop the Steal! No, nothing to see here! Rudy Giuliani Points Out MAJOR Problem with Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania--Only 1.8 Million Mail-In Ballots Were Sent Out--But 2.5 Million Were Counted, November 25, 2020.htm

Movie IconVitamin D and Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID 19-The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus SARS CoV2, December 10, 2020.htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson-Sleepy Joe and 'Dr.' Jill Biden--Their loves isn't to hide Sleepy Joe's senility. No, their love is as real as 'climate change!,' February 14, 2021.htm

Movie IconSenator Mitch McConnell throws former President Trump under the bus. Tells the world that Trump can be sued (Civil Court) or held liable in Criminal Court encouraging people to go over Trump, February 14, 2021.htm

Movie IconEt tu Brute--One like Judas Iscariot--Michael Pence taking Trump down, taking America down--Michael Pence and his 'Secret Masonic Handshake' caught on camera, 40 seconds into video, 2021.htm

Movie IconThe Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 on Trial--If You Only Knew, February 12th, 2021.htm

Project Immanuel Announcement--A Look At THE FAKED Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus Foisted (Foisted: To force upon or impose fraudulently or unjustifiably.) Upon the World. Policies-Science, February 13, 2021 . . .

Movie IconProject Immanuel Announcement--A Look At THE FAKED Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus Foisted Upon the World. Policies-Science, February 13, 2021.htm

Movie IconChinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 Vaccine, Dr. Tenpenny guest of Reinette Senum. Many more Covid 19 Fatalities In 3-6 Months following Vaccination, February 10th, 2021.htm

Movie IconDr. Simone Gold--The Truth About the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 VACCINE, January 31, 2021.htm

Movie IconForced Vaccines Were Planned. China Purges Bioweapon Evidence, January 11th, 2021.htm

Mark Cuban and the Mavericks are done playing national anthem before games . . . (Notice: Even the reporter shows disrespect as his title for the article uses the words "national anthem" all lower case. The National Anthem is a specific anthem, and therefore should be capitalized).
Document IconDisgraceful. Veterans love and have shed their blood and died for this country for this asswipe to dishonor the very country that provides him his freedom to speak it, and to do this detestable thing!.doc

Movie IconSleepy Joe Biden and his Socialist-Communist Agenda-'Is out of control and overstepping his Constitutional Authority with Executive Orders,' says Ken Paxton--Texas Attorney General,--Feb. 07, 2021.htm

Movie IconDiamond and Silk--Crystal Clear--'We genuine feel sick about it too, and we didn't vote for him . . .', 06JAN21.htm

Movie IconChristian Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia speaks of her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Responds to being Removed from United States House of Representatives' Committees, January 5, 2021.htm

Mike Lindell, My Pillow Inventor--Absolute Proof--Synopsis 2020 Presidential Election was stolen by China (with the help of other countries)--Coup d'etat overthrow of the Presidency of the United States of America from Donald J. Trump!, February 5, 2021 . . .

Movie IconMike Lindell, My Pillow Inventor--Absolute Proof--Synopsis 2020 Presidential Election was stolen by China (with the help of other countries)--Coup d'etat overthrow of the Presidency of the United States of America from Donald J. Trump!, February 5, 2021.htm

Movie IconWatch Michigan Electoral College Begins with 'Black National Anthem!' This attacks the sensibilities of every TRUE AMERICAN! December 14, 2020 . . . .htm

Movie IconThe Masonic--Templar--JESUIT--Power Structure--(All ULTIMATELY SERVING THE BLACK POPE) who serves the WHITE POPE. Francis 1st IS BOTH BLACK and WHITE POPE! August 18, 2013. . . .htm

Movie IconDemocratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC, recalls, i.e.--Acts Out her 'Near Death Experience'--Vilifying the Police who came to assist her, February 2, 2021. . . .htm

Movie IconData Expert Matt Braynard Claims He and His Team Has Identified Enough Fraudulent Ballots in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin to Overthrow the Election, February 2, 2021 . . . .htm

Movie IconBREAKING - Lin Wood Zoom Phone Call From The Mercer Law School, Mr. Wood's Alma Mater removing his name for his support of President Trump, January 22, 2021

Movie IconStop the Steal! Expert Mathematician 'Impossible' For Biden's Numbers To Occur Naturally. Looked at Election Precinct by Precinct. Flip COULD NOT BE DONE BY A HUMAN. Had to be done with a computer algorithm!.htm

Document IconChina rolls out anal swab coronavirus test, saying it’s more accurate than throat method (I shit you not!).doc

Movie IconHow Barack HUSSEIN Obama's State Department funded George Soros Group's Activities against the interests of the United States of America, April 5, 2018 . . ..htm

Document IconBiden Is Set to Reinstate U.S. Funding for Global Abortion . . . .doc

Movie IconAdam Andrzejewski--The Depth of the Swamp-- www.openthebooks.com--Transparent Government Spending INFORMATION EVERY AMERICAN MUST KNOW ABOUT THEIR GOVERNMENTS--State and Local corruption! 05MAR21.htm

Document IconEvidence Mounts! Capitol Attack was Planned! What did Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell Know Before Rushed Impeachment.doc

Movie IconNYPD--SAVAGE-Attackers-beat-and-stripped-man-in-broad-daylight.--Effects-of-Defund-the-Police.--This-wasn't-a-rare-attack,-this-is-the-reality-of-our-streets,-January-24,-2021.htm

Movie IconThe FOURTH BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT. A Shadow Government Running the United States of America.htm

Movie IconThe Left's 'CLIMATE OF TERROR' Michelle Malkin, Jan 23, 2021.htm

Movie IconSenator Rand Paul continues making false claims of 2020 election, NOT!, January 24, 2021.htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur to 'president' Creepy Joe Biden, You better be careful when you put your hand on God -- God's Holy Word -- the Holy Bible, Jan 24, 2021.htm

Movie IconThe Inauguration of Creepy Joe Biden as the President of the United States, 'My whole soul is in it! -- UNITY!, Jan 20, 2021 . . ..htm

Movie IconStatement from President Donald J. Trump, December 23, 2020 . . . .htm

Document IconPresident Joe Biden's Oval Office: A bust of Cesar Chavez, painting of Roosevelt and more . . . .doc

Movie IconDid Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, and Joe Biden kill off Seal Team 6. This is Why Obama went after General Flynn . . . , Oct 14, 2020

Movie IconARTURO D'ELIA CAUGHT--Head Of Italian Aerospace Company's IT Department Used Military Grade Programs to flip votes from President Donald J. Trump to Joe Biden, January 9, 2021

Movie IconJoe Biden's 'MASSIVE RALLIES, SUCH HUGE TURNOUTS in Atlanta, GA Prove he and these Communist Senators Warnock and Ossoff REALLY WON their runoff election . . . NOT!', December 15, 2020.htm

Document IconWhy did the CDC, Headed by a Jesuit trained Dr. Robert Redfield, name their National Database for Tracking your ENTIRE HISTORY OF VACCINATIONS--TIBERIUS . . . .doc

Movie IconDastardly, nefarious, deadly plan by the Jesuits to destroy President Trump, key Senators and Congressman so that the President or followers cannot politically destroy Democrats in 2024, 07DEC21.htm

Movie IconCapitol Police were in on the coup d'etat holding the doors open letting Antifa peacefully walk on into the Capitol, 08JAN21 . . ..htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson -- Donald J. Trump is an indictment of America's ruling class, Nov 2, 2020.htm

Movie IconGeorgia Senate Subcommittee APPROVES Forensic Exam of PAPER BALLOTS by Jovan Pulitzer after his Testimony in Georgia, December 30, 2020.htm

Movie IconSleepy Joe Biden came out of his basement to hold a 'rally' in Atlanta, GA having less than 100 people show up for him and his two extreme radical socialist-communist Senate candidates, Dec. 04, 2021.htm

Movie IconD-Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, MO-closes Congress' opening prayer reading from the Holy Bible-Numbers 6,22-27, Blaspheming the Living God Jehovah praying to the Hindu 'god' Brahma then closes it with 'Amen and Awoman'.htm

Movie IconBiden Family Crime Syndicate includes Kamala Harris, other Prominent Democrats, and Republican Florida Governor, 2017-05-1, Phase One domestic contacts projects. Memo rekey Phase One Domestic Contacts.htm

Movie IconElection Night Putsch a Coup D'etat Exposed! 03NOV20.htm

Movie IconDemocrat Plan to Aggressively Persecute Conservative Christians Using The Biden Administration, 15 December, 2020.htm

Movie IconMillie Weaver -- Revenge Of The Kraken, December 24, 2020 . . .

Movie IconTreason! How 'Sunrise' is working with other Treasonous groups to overthrow the United States of America, 2020.htm

Movie IconThe REAL Reasons You Are Required To Wear Face Masks--They Make You Sick, AND Can Even Lead To Your Death. Indeed, They Do Much More Harm Than Good-- Dr. Vernon Coleman, November 11, 2020.htm

Document Icon'. . . behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,' . . . .doc

Movie IconTrue Americans that love this country, who don't want to burn it down, who don't find it to be systemically racist should fight for President Trump! Save America! Save the World!.htm

Movie IconThe Plot to Steal America, -- yea, it's that easy, Dec 21, 2020.htm

Movie IconNewsmax--Rob Carson's What In The World--Joe Biden laughing seemingly to mock Republicans (Concerning Democrats cheating!) by declaring to his followers, 'Your votes counted, and counted, and counted again!', Dec. 19, 2020 . . .

Movie IconFACE MASK--OSHA WHISTLE BLOWERS TELL ALL-How wearing Face Masks are harmful to your health! - The Highwire, July 20, 2020 . . .

Movie IconThe Next Fake (False Flag) 'Crisis' Has Been Planned, Major 'hack' into the Wests' computer networks--National Security Agency, NSA-- knows EVERYTHING . . .

Sidney Powell- Tom Fitton- VINDICATED! BANG! SMOKING GUN! Electronic Vote Fraud in Kentucky Caught live on CNN--Communist News Network--Using HAMMER and SCORECARD!, 12DEC2020.
Movie IconBANG! SMOKING GUN! Electronic Vote Fraud in Kentucky Caught live on CNN--Communist News Network--Using HAMMER and SCORECARD!

Movie IconTechnology Expert, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Can Determine If Ballots are Legitimate or Fake in Seconds and his Company could process millions a day to tell if they were fraudulent, Dec 11, 2020.htm

Movie IconWITNESS OF FRAUD -- IT Consultant Melissa Carone, Schools Democrat Representative Darrin Camilleri, Dec 3, 2020.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoKlaus Schwab, Head of the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset'-- Will Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity!.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoPROGRESSIVE=Marxist -- COMMUNIST! 'pope' Francis -- Marxist, Black Lives Matter, BLM -- Marxist, SUNRISE -- Marxist, George Soros -- Marxist, Barack HUSSEIN Obama -- Marxist.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoPROGRESSIVE=Marxist -- COMMUNIST! 'pope' Francis -- Marxist, Black Lives Matter, BLM -- Marxist, SUNRISE -- Marxist, George Soros -- Marxist, Barack HUSSEIN Obama -- Marxist . . . 2.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoPROGRESSIVE=Marxist -- COMMUNIST! 'pope' Francis -- Marxist, Black Lives Matter, BLM -- Marxist, SUNRISE -- Marxist, George Soros -- Marxist, Barack HUSSEIN Obama -- Marxist . . . 3.htm

Movie IconHere are some short videos to show you why this Presidential Election, 2020, should be thrown out by the Supreme Court . . .

Trump Lawyer Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show--November 17, 2020 . . .

Document IconThe Supreme Court should throw out this Presidential Election, 2020; it should be done over after corrections are put in place along with Federal Authorities to monitor the States Elections.

Document IconNational Institute of Health, NIH, Dr. Francis Sellers Collins is Dr. Anthony Fauci's boss and 'claims' to be a FORMER Roman Catholic.doc

Document IconExec. Board Member Of Private Equity Firm that Acquired Dominion Voting Systems In 2018 -- Is Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Former EU Ambassador.doc

Movie IconExec. Board Member Of Private Equity Firm that Acquired Dominion Voting Systems In 2018 -- Is Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Former EU Ambassador.htm

Follow the Money! (JESUIT) Dr. Anthony Fauci Holds 4 COVID-19 Related Patents AND was used to CREATE THE CHINESE WUHAN CORONAVIRUS, AKA -- COVID-19!.htm

Document IconFollow the Money! (JESUIT) Dr. Anthony Fauci Holds 4 COVID-19 Related Patents AND was used to CREATE THE CHINESE WUHAN CORONAVIRUS, AKA--COVID-19!.doc

Leftist-Liberal -- Harry Vox --Spills NWO Scenarios Rockefeller Foundation called 'Lockstep' to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law -- Worldwide control, October 21, 2014.htm

Sidney Powell- Tom Fitton- Lou Dobbs -- Discuss CIA's Election Tools To Overthrow Elections of Foreign Governments named Hammer & Scorecard against President Trump, Nov 6, 2020 . . .
Movie IconSidney Powell- Tom Fitton- Lou Dobbs -- Discuss CIA's Election Tools To Overthrow Elections of Foreign Governments named Hammer & Scorecard against President Trump, Nov 6, 2020

Movie IconThe Plot Against The President -- Amazon held release for 12 days saying it needed a, 'Content Review' before allowing it on Amazon Prime, 17Oct20.htm

Creepy "Uncle Joe" Biden . . . Supports Transgendering Eight-Year-Old Kids . . .
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 2.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 2A.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 2A1a.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 3.htm
Movie IconCreepy Joe Biden, 3A.htm

Document IconPentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36 Percent (and Other Supporting Studies), April 16, 2020.doc

Movie IconEconomic Hell on Earth Is Coming Warns Gerald Celente, Publisher Of The Trends Journal. His predictions concern terrorism, economic collapses, war, and fascism in the United States 13OCT20.htm

Movie IconPoliticians using Lock downs as a means of Total Control; it is not science, but controlling people using a form of 'Medical Marshall Law' violating people's rights under the U.S. Constitution.htm

Document IconThe satanic English Standard Version, ESV, is like the satanic NIV version of the 'bible' . . . .doc

Movie IconBlack Paramilitary Group Marches Through Downtown Lafayette, LA -- Marxist Left Wanting a Race War.htm

Document IconEzekiel 37, verse 3 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.doc

Document IconThe United States and the whole world blindly trust two Jesuit Physicians to navigate in-through the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid19.doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoUnited States Electoral College -- What you need to know.htm

Movie IconJoe Biden wears a wire under his shirt, a strange crease appears after Biden makes an adjustment -- The first 2020 Presidential Debate on CNN, 29SEP20.htm

Movie IconStarlink Satellite Internet Animation by Dr. Mark Handley, Nov 7, 2018, 5G bombarding the earth; everyone tracked. Realtime STARLINK satellite train seen from earth - SpaceX Elon Musk, Apr 26, 2020 . . .

Movie IconVACCINE--Using-a-Brand-new-Technology,-i.e.-DNA-splicing-into-humans-07SEP20.htm

Movie IconThe word in the Greek -'SORCERIES' -- Revelation 18, VERSE 23, i.e.-Witchcraft -- PHARMACIES, use of medicine, drugs, INVISIBLE INK VIRTUALLY PAINLESS 'TATTOO' WILL BE USED TO ID VACCINATED INDIVIDUALS, Apr 4, 2020 . . .

Movie Icon'pope' Francis, George Soros, Jeffery Sachs, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Universal Vaccines . . .


Movie IconPresident Trump The Military Is Being Mobilized To Distribute A Coronavirus Vaccine Once It;s Ready.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoJesuit trained President Donald Trump along with his Roman Catholic wife Melania kneel at Roman Catholic shrine of s'aint' John Paul II.htm

Document Icon6 Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old.doc

Document IconWitchcraft, Sorcery -- Alarm as FDA willing to issue Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19 vaccine before stringent safety testing.doc

Document IconFat Fiction -- why you can't lose weight . . . He feedeth on ashes . . . .doc

Movie Icon Davos-Klosters, Switzerland -- the Worldwide Plot to bring in 'the antiChrist,' the New World Order, to Cancel President Trump's re-election, November 3rd, 2020, BILL GATES 'THE FINAL SOLUTION'.htm

Document IconProbable cases and deaths count of Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19 . . . The whole thing is both political and a scam. The World Economic Forum -- The Great Reset!

Movie IconBlack man executes young white boy --Where is the outrage! Where is the marching, the destroying of cities. This did not make national news as it does NOT fit the Jesuits, BLMs, LGBTA+Agenda,13AUG20.htm

Movie IconChinese-Wuhan-Coronavirus-Covid-19-CONTROLLED-PLANNED-deceiveth-the-whole-world, Revelation 12, vs. 9-11.htm

Movie IconMemo of former F.B.I. Assistant Director William Sullivan on Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. & his Associates involved in orgies, sodomy, rape, drinking, 32989551.htm

Document IconA time to keep silence, and a time to speak . . . .doc

Document IconJESUITS -- Social Justice, part of the Catechism of the Roman Catholic 'church' equals 'Common Good' . . . Black Lives Matters co-founder, 'We are trained Marxists' . . . .doc

Movie IconI Hate Black Lives Matter and why you should too particularly if you are a Christian, Acts 10:34-35; Galatians 3:28 . . .

Movie IconI Hate Black Lives Matter and why you should too PARTTWO particularly if you are a Christian, Acts 10:34-35; Galatians 3:28 . . .

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur, Social Justice and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ . . .

Movie IconJan.10th, 1984 President Ronald Reagan working with 'pope' John Paul, II sealed United States of America and Vatican Relations -- Uniting Church and State in the United States -- ABC News . . .

Movie IconTucker Carlson -- Black Lives Matter NOT! BLM Is a Marxist (Communist) TERRORIST Organization, 08July2020 . . .

Movie IconWant to know why Blacks hate Police Officers. Virtually No fathers, no positive role models in black community. Curtis 'Wall Street' Carroll Serving Life in prison, now getting out, for murder.htm

Movie IconBlack Lives Matter, BLM, the new religious cult: sadistic, communist, prejudiced, full-of-hate toward white people and ALL people that disagree with them -- perilous times ahead 2 Timothy 3:1-12 . . .

Movie IconTucker Carlson Tonight: Dr. Marc Siegel Reveals that Politics is Masking the Truth behind the spike in the Chinese Coronavirus cases in the United States of America to Control the people and destroy businesses . . .

Document IconBowing the knee is a sign of worship, submission, humbleness before a Master.htm

Movie IconRayshard Brooks death . . . Atlanta Police Officer fired. Police Chief steps down, June 12, 2020.htm

Movie IconPART 1: Vaccines, RoundUP, W.H.0 'Correcting Lies' Glyphosate (Which is Monsanto's RoundUP). The Vaccine-Autism Connection and MMR having Glutamate and Glyphosate in its Vaccine which causes Autism.htm

Movie IconPART 2: Vaccines, RoundUP, W.H.0 'Correcting Lies' Glyphosate (Which is Monsanto's RoundUP). The Vaccine-Autism Connection and MMR having Glutamate and Glyphosate in its Vaccine which causes Autism.htm

Movie IconVaccines, continued. Vaccines and Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, aka Covid 19 TIED to 5G.htm

Document IconThe papacy, Knights of Malta, Jesuits control the United Nations, U.N., and its World Health Organization, W.H.O, and their actions are morally indefensible!

Movie IconAfrican-American-Patriot-blasts-false-narrative-of-Black-Lives-Matter,-BLM,-and-black-people-being-oppressed,-and-how-United-States-of-America-is-NOT-a-racist-country.htm

Movie IconLaura-Logan-on-Ingraham-Angle-speaks-of-the-organization,-funding-of-Antifa--anarchists.htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson, 03JUN20, HOW THE NARRATIVE concerning blacks killed by COPS is NOTHING but a lie -- Just as those who DON'T believe the Truth of the Gospel, 2 Thessalonians 2, vs 10-12 are DELUSIONAL.htm

Movie IconGeorge Soros paying people nationwide to 'Protest' cause riots, 27MAY20.htm

Movie IconWhat Do Aborted Fetuses Have to Do With Vaccines.htm

Movie IconThe papacy, the Roman Catholic 'church' led by the Jesuits teaches the whole world to worship satan, the devil, that old serpent with their open worship of the Occult.htm

Movie IconStacey Shiflett Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Dundalk, MD defies a Baltimore County Edict.htm

Document IconPapacy controlled United Nations, U.N., promotes Abortion and ONLY OFFERS financial aid for the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) if nations use part of the funding for abortions!.doc

Movie IconSO YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD? . . . Start off by making your bed, Admiral William H. McRaven, 07OCT2017 . . .

Movie IconDenial of American's Civil Liberties MIT PhD. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai attacks Jesuit Dr. Fauci -- and Exposes FAKE Pandemic!.htm

Movie IconSeven minutes that can change your life . . . .htm

Movie IconDr. Judy Mikovits, PhD -- PLANDEMIC! The Global CONSPIRACY To Take Control Of Our Lives -- by deception ENSLAVE THE WORLD!

Movie IconBILL GATES PANDEMIC, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others, Jan 28, 2020.htm

Document IconBill Gates Pledges $12M to Search for Universal Flu Vaccine.doc

Movie IconThe Sabbath is for the Jews alone, NOT for Christians!.htm

Movie IconWhite House -- We're ready in the fall (of 2020) with a complete surveillance system

Movie IconBill & Melinda Gates Event 201, Global warming now called climate change, Chinese Coronavirus, Green New Deal, 'pope' Francis, Jesuits.htm

Movie IconWuhan, Chinese, Coronavirus one world government under the 'pope' of Rome, brought to you by the Masons under Jesuit control.htm

Movie IconCatching America's Fake Veterans . . . .htm

Movie IconFalse Teacher -- Dr. Robert Jeffress reacts to being attacked as 'anti-Catholic' . . . .htm

Movie IconHow We are being Manipulated Online -- Mind Control, Group Think, and people being Divided into Factions, i.e. hating one another -- in order to make them money.htm

Document IconJesuits against the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, the right to bear arms. Communist crucifix given, accepted with smile by commie 'pope' Francis I . . . .doc

Movie IconJesuits and their control of Occult Secret Societies . . . .htm

Movie IconHistory from the time of the Protestant Reformation -- the Papacy, Vatican's Secret Societies including the Jesuits and their New World Order.htm

Movie IconJesuits who control Freemasons Control the world -- as they worship satan -- and teach others to worship satan.htm

Movie IconThe Immigration Invasions throughout Europe, and from Mexico into the United States of America Are Controlled by Roman Catholics -- specifically the Jesuits.htm

Document Icon40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.doc

Movie IconIn the Age of Artificial Intelligence, AI, man will no longer be able to buy, sell, or trade without worshipping the beast of Revelation 13, verses 7-8 and 17-18.htm

Movie IconA.I. Supremacy -- Rise of the Machines - - Super-Intelligent Artificial-Intelligengent, Quantum Computers.htm

Movie IconThe Secret Danger behind 5G, AI -- Artificial Intelligence will be used to target and kill us, and big Tech's worldwide reach that denies the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.htm

Movie IconThree Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus nor accept Evangelism in Israel.htm

Movie IconPentecostals -- Charismatics -- have been LIED to beguiled, deceived by the subtil deception of satan; there is NO SPEAKING IN TONGUES. TONGUES have CEASED!.htm

Movie IconThe Billy Graham Organization and the Jesuits, the Papacy, the Roman Catholic 'church' together moving the Protestants on the Road to Rome . . . .htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur Preaches against women usurping authority over men, Holy Scripture Commanding women to remain Silent in the Churches (cannot Preach,) and to remain under the Authority of their own husband.htm

Movie IconGod sent His Only Begotten Son -- the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth -- the unspeakable gift of love to His Called. Make Me Understand It!.htm

Movie IconLet the Lion Out.htm

Movie IconNot One Jot or Tittle of God's Law, God's Holy Word, the Lord Jesus Christ's words shall be destroyed-- changed. Against the new 'religion' of environment, and against the madness of LGBT alphabet nonsense.htm

The Man of Sin, the antiChrist -- 'pope' Francis summons world leaders -- BOTH spiritual AND political leaders to sign a 'Global Pact' to create a 'new humanism'. The global "pact," the global event, set to take place at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, is themed Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance . . .

Document IconThe Man of Sin, the antiChrist -- 'pope' Francis summons world leaders -- BOTH spiritual AND political leaders to sign a 'Global Pact' to create a 'new humanism'.doc

Movie IconThe Man of Sin, the antiChrist -- 'pope' Francis summons world leaders -- BOTH spiritual AND political leaders to sign a 'Global Pact' to create a 'new humanism'.htm

Movie IconCalvin, Bullinger, Zwingli, Farel, Beza, Bucer, . . . the Reformed Tradition.htm

Movie IconPope Francis wants to change the Lord's Prayer. God doesn't create evil . . . Really, see Isaiah 45 verse 7, Amos 3 vers 6, Psalm 78, verse 49 etc . . . .htm

Movie IconJoni Eareckson Tada Shares Her testimony.htm

Movie IconThe papacy, i.e. the 'pope' of Rome -- 'pope' Francis through the Jesuits control the United States of America . . . .htm

Document IconPope Francis urges Moroccan -- Roman Catholic --'Christians' against converting others . . . .doc

Movie IconRoman Catholic church using witchcraft in their satanic 'Mass,' their purposeful deception using made up twisted 'theology' about Mary, Indulgences, eucharist, priests, seven sacraments, etc . . . .htm

Movie IconFormer The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) False Prophet Andy Poland Talks about Mormonism and Feelings . . . .htm

Movie IconThe spirit of Jezebel is at War with America and the world, specifically within the Churches via the papacy and the Jesuits . . . .htm

Document IconThe spirit of Jezebel is at War with America and the world, specifically within the Churches via the papacy and the Jesuits . . . .doc

Movie IconAll religions which are in fact false religions, including false Christian Pretenders, e.g. Roman Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witness, etc, especially Charismatic Pretenders --Matthew 7, Verses 1327.htm

Document IconJames 5, verse 16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. . . ..doc

Movie IconDr. Stephen Meyer -- God and the Origin of the Universe -- the Big Bang -- Genesis 1, verses 1-31, Isaiah 42, verses 5-8, Isaiah 45, verse 12, John 1, verses 1-5, Colossians 1, verses 12-20.htm

Movie IconThe Pergamum Connection -- its connection with Babylon, Balaam, The AntiChrist of Revelation 17, and the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians 2, verses 3-4, bringing in the Final One World Religion.htm

Movie IconI do not allow a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence; Headship, tongues . . . .htm

Movie IconBaphomet, also known as the Goat of Mendes and Sophia -- 'goddess of wisdom'.htm

Movie IconIranians becoming Christians by the tens of thousands, archaeological finding proving there was a real King David of the Bible.htm

Movie IconIslam is based on a lie, their so called 'Sacred City of Mecca' is not sacred at all and it too is based on a complete lie!.htm

Movie IconLBGT Agenda against Christians, the United States, and the world promoted now by President Donald Trump worldwide through the U.N. .htm

Movie IconTucker Carlson Tonight Fox News July 4, 2019.htm

Document IconJESUITS and their OPEN SUPPORT of PLANNED PARENTHOOD -- Planned destruction of Parenthood by abortion . . . .doc

Movie IconJESUITS and their OPEN SUPPORT of PLANNED PARENTHOOD -- Planned destruction of Parenthood by abortion . . . .htm

Movie IconWe will not bow down to the world, Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality . . . .htm

Movie IconNoah's Ark Discovered by Ron Wyatt, other MAJOR Biblical Archeological discoveries that prove the Holy Bible . . . .htm

Movie IconSodom and Gomorrah found, yet again proving the Holy Bible. God leaves EXAMPLE for all GENERATIONS . . . .htm

Movie IconJews don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, right . . . .htm

Document IconEaster, not! Resurrection day 'And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures'.doc

Movie IconPagan 'holy day' what is called Easter -- the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz, and ultimately Ishtar (Easter) -- Athena, Minerva, Moloch, i.e.--Baal . . . .htm

Document IconTim Tebow praises movie -- God as a woman, and associates with false teachers, Jimmy Scroggins and JD Greear head of the Southern Baptist Convention . . . .doc

All Christians should hear this message for your Assurance of your faith in Christ Jesus, Dr. John MacArthur, The Believers Battle With Sin (Romans 7_14-24).htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic Cardinal says pedophilia 'priests' and Cardinal proof of abuse intentionally destroyed.htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur, Saved or Self-Deceived, Why We Believe While Others Reject - John MacArthur (1 Corinthians 1-18, 2-16), The Christian’s Assurance of Salvation.htm

Document IconSteven Furtick, false teacher, wolf in sheep's clothing, satanic minister of 'light' . . . .doc
Movie IconSteven Furtick, false teacher, wolf in sheep's clothing, satanic minister of 'light' . . . .htm

Movie IconEvidence that The Third Temple will be built in the City of David -- which is Zion. The Western Wall is a military wall, not the Temple Wall! . . . . . . .htm

Movie IconUNESCO--NO Jewish History on Temple Mount, 14OCT16 . . ..htm

Movie IconThe papacy -- the Roman Catholics 'church,' assisting high level Nazis using Odessa and Operation Paperclip to hide Nazis after WWII allowing them to go free.htm

Document IconThe 'pope,' Tony Blair, Rick Warren, Justin Trudeau and the Jesuits . . . .doc

Movie IconHEXAGRAM - The Truth Behind the 'Star of David', the worship of Baal, the worship of satan . . . .htm

Document Icon16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoBaphomet, the Goat of Mendes, was a devil that was worshiped by the ancients.htm

Movie Icon'Late Night' John Kerry -- Skull & Bones friend of George W. Bush, Played High School Hockey With Robert Mueller -- both JESUIT trained!.htm

Movie IconUnited States Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch BOTH attended the same $60,000 a Year elite JESUIT High School, Georgetown Preparatory School in Bethesda, Maryland.htm

Movie IconLee Harvey Oswald -- Setup by the Jesuits -- Declares, 'I'm Just A Patsy'.htm

Movie IconJFK was murdered by his wife Jacqueline -- The Jesuit Assassin.htm

Movie IconJohn F. Kennedy Assassination run by the Jesuits and Covered up by United States Government.htm

Movie IconThe Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by the Jesuits.htm

Movie IconOccult Message from Christine Lagarde of International Monetary Fund, IMF, will there be a crash happen in 2021.htm

Movie IconThe Vatican, via the Jesuits, is the Owner of World's Largest Banks and Top Global Companies . . . .htm

Movie IconFederal Reserve Bank and International (Bank-Gansters) Banksters, controlled by the Jesuits.htm

Movie IconThe World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the Bank of Internatonal Settlements, BIS, are controlled by the Jesuits.htm

Movie IconJesuits run the Federal Reserve of the United States of America, fourth 'leg' of American Government.htm

Document IconJesuits control the world's banking system including the United States of America's Federal Reserve . . . .doc

Movie IconThe satanic Hidden history of the Jesuits -Evil Popes- and the Beast from the Bottomless Pit the Abyss.htm

Movie IconSpeaking in Tongues --Charismatic Chaos -- Dr. John MacArthur, 1991.htm

pope' Francis I, 'I am the devil,' that is satan, Lucifer, that old serpent that deceives the whole world . . . . . . .
Document Icon'pope' Francis I, 'I am the devil,' that is satan, Lucifer, that old serpent that deceives the whole world . . . .doc

Document IconRemember remember the 5th of November . . . The Jesuit Treason and plot . . . .doc

Movie IconThe Jesuit treason, the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 against King James I of England.htm

Document IconThe worship of the two calves by the Jews . . . .doc

Document IconInside the Holy Trinity they're all arguing behind closed doors, but on the outside they give the picture of unity . . . .doc

Movie IconWhite Privilege is a lie.htm

Movie IconThe satanic evil of the Jesuit 'pope' Francis -- How the Jesuits have controlled the world . . . .htm

Document IconWhat does Pulse, RESET, Together 2016, false teacher, 'pope' Francis, and the United Nations all have in common with Evangelicals . . . .doc

Document IconJohn McCain, maverick traitor, Vatican Bank!.doc

Document IconJohn McCain American Traitor and his Jesuit controllers . . . .doc

Movie IconThe real truth about illegal aliens in the United States and crime.htm

Movie IconLarry Grathwohl on Weathermen -- a self-described Communist revolutionary group with the intent to overthrow U.S.A - Bill Ayers' plan to kill millions and millions of Americans.htm

Movie IconMurder rises in Baltimore, thanks to Black Lives Matter.htm

Infallible, ha! , i.e.: I mean really laugh out loud, LOL, (although for millions upon millions this is no joke,) "pope" Francis I rules out death penalty in change to Roman Catholic "church" law -- which is contrary to God's Holy Word, the Holy Bible . . .
Document IconChristianity and the death penalty and the satanic 'pope' Francis I -- the man of sin, the antiChrist changing times and Laws . . . .doc

Document IconKing James VI of Scotland, who was also King James I of England, and the Holy Bible that he Commissioned -- still under attack today by the Jesuits and others.doc

Document IconA satanic French Roman Catholic 'priest' was suspended after a video showed him slapping a baby during their satanic 'baptism ceremony' . . . .doc
Movie Iconsatanic Roman Catholic 'Priest' Slaps Baby during satanic baptism.htm

Document Icon18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.doc

Document IconGlobal Warming, fossil fuels, the Masons, and the 'pope' . . . .doc

Document Icon. . . , let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, . . . .doc

Document IconDoes God Speak To Us Audibly today?

Document IconBlasphemy, those calling themselves Apostles, Prophets, Prophetess, etc . . . .doc

Document IconKing James Version, KVJ, of the Holy Bible vs. satanic NIV 'bible' comparisons.doc

Document IconWas King Solomon a Prophet of God, and was King Saul, Saved ?

Document Iconsatan, who controls the Jesuits -- an Army of the 'pope,' shows who they truly worship . . . .doc

Document Icon'dope' Francis I, This is a great Mystery, 'God cannot be God without man . . . .doc
Movie Icon'dope' Francis I, This is a great Mystery, 'God cannot be God without man . . . .htm

Document Icon'pope' Francis Seven Speeches with No Mention of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth . . . .doc

Movie IconThe 'pope' of Rome, the AntiChrist, Rules the World through Deception.htm

The Pope -- It is an honor to be called a revolutionary . . . the denial of Hell and uniting with Muslims under the name of 'One god' . . .
Document IconThe Pope -- It is an honor to be called a revolutionary . . . the denial of Hell and uniting with Muslims under the name of 'One god' . . . .doc

Movie IconThe Jesuit Vatican's Agenda in the United States of America, Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his Jesuit Advisors . . . .htm

Movie IconEx-Jesuit Priest, Alberto Rivera who was Saved and openly condemned the satanic Roman Catholic 'church,' reveals how and why the Vatican created Islam . . . .htm

Document IconNames of blasphemy, 'dope' Francis claims the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth had to “Beg Forgiveness” of Mary and Joseph . . . .doc

Document IconTen Surprising Things That Impair Your Intelligence . . . .doc

PDF IconTen Surprising Things That Impair Your Intelligence . . . .pdf

Movie IconHistory Of The King James Bible; the Persecution of the True Worshipers, the True Christians, by the Jesuits of the satanic Roman Catholic 'church'.htm

pope Pilus IX, in 1858, kidnaps a Jewish boy who was forced baptized as a Roman Catholic . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoSatanic TWO finger 'blessing' of 'popes of Rome'.htm

Movie IconU.S. owes black people reparations for a history of racial terrorism, says U.N. panel.htm

Movie IconDr. Bill Warner - A Taste of Islam -- AN INTRODUCTION OF ISLAM that satanic false 'religion' i.e. -- political system. . . .htm

Movie IconIslam -- the satanic, evil, wicked false 'religion'.htm

Movie IconLeft handed -- sinister, the 'pope' the man of sin.htm

Document IconSingle or one world currency, Special drawing rights, SDR, Alternative Reserve currency . . . .doc

"President Donald Trump -- All Currencies Will Be On A Level Playing Field . . ."
Movie IconPresident Donald Trump -- All Currencies Will Be On A Level Playing Field . . .

Document IconToilet Found in 3,000-Year-Old Shrine Verifies Bible Stories Against Idol Worship . . . .doc

"Pope" Francis I says that Jesus' life ended in failure, in the failure of the cross. -- (On Vatican's WEB site!) . . .
Movie IconRead here: Pope Francis says that Jesus' life ended in failure, in the failure of the cross . . .

Document IconJesuit 'pope' Francis I, Jesus' life was a failure . . . .doc

"Pope" Francis I calls the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth "a serpent" -- (On Vatican's WEB site!) . . .
Movie Icon2 Thessalonians 2, 9. Even him, -- the 'pope' -- whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.htm

Document Iconsatanic Pentecostal John Osteen and his satanic son Joel Osteen . . . .doc

Movie IconJoel Osteen, false prophet, comes to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly he is a ravening wolve.htm

Document IconThe 'pope' of Rome IS the 'Man of sin,' and the Roman Catholic 'church' is the Mystery of Iniquity . . . .doc

Movie IconMulticulturalist, race, and dogma -- antiracist is a way to silence whites, leads to thought control not Truth.htm

Document IconGirl Scouts slam Boy Scouts' decision to accept girls -- 'The Boy Scouts' house is on fire' . . . .doc

Movie IconRome's Sodomite Agenda, June 26, 2003

Movie IconThe 'pope' of Rome controls the world . . . .htm

Document IconHow Obama is funding the anti-Trump resistance . . . .doc

Movie IconBarrack HUSSIEN and Michael, aka- Michelle Obama and their adopted children. . . .htm

Document IconSon of Man, Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth . . . .doc

Document IconThe world may end later this month, predictions say . . . .doc

Document IconDo the Gospel Accounts Contradict Each Other concerning the Resurrection . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoStatements On LGBT People From Faith Leaders.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoSecret Societies Of Americas Elite From The Knights Templar To Skull And Bones Secret Societies Of Americas Elite . . .htm

Document IconAlt Right, Alt Left, Victims all -- my view . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoMelania Trump, 'hidden - stealth' Roman Catholic . . . .htm

Document IconAnthony Scaramucci . . . Sean Spicer.doc

Document IconYoga is witchcraft . . . United Nations declares June 21 International Day of Yoga . . . Summer solstice and the worship of Tammuz . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola Logosatanic Roman Catholic 'church' praying to, and for, the dead -- Santa Meurte . . . .htm

Document IconAnd when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.doc

Document IconJesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life -- no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.doc

Document IconPraying to and for the dead, praying to dead Saints . . . .doc

Document IconPrayer is a part of Worship . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoJesuit, House of Representatives Chaplain Patrick J. Conroy leads bipartisan Republican-Democratic team in satanic prayer . . . .htm
Document IconUnited Methodist Church Appoints Transgender Deacon . . . .doc

Document IconPraise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye Heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.doc

Document IconYou chose America . . . The winner of the Presidency of the United States of America is . . . the Jesuits.doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoDonald Trump and Family Jesuit Trained!.pdf

Document IconThe Coming Muslim Baby Boom Will Radically Change The World . . . .doc

Document IconDonald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country . . . .doc
Movie IconDonald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country . . . .htm

Document IconPope Francis on Easter -- Cling to faith amid wars and hatred . . . To what faith, is the question . . . Also, Jimmy Carter's denial of Christ Jesus . . . .doc

Movie Iconsatanic false religions -- Jesuits, Freemasonary, i.e.-- Masons, Mormons, Jehovah Witness, Baphomet, i.e. -- Goat of Mendes, worship of satan, Eastern Star (Female Version of Freemasonry).htm

Document Icon'Saint' Patrick was NOT a Roman Catholic, also Vietnam -- Spelly's War, John F. Kennedy Fourth Degree member -- Bunker Hill Council No. 62 -- Knights of Columbus . . ..doc

Movie IconMind Control, in and out of Sports, both for individual athletes and for the general population . . . Zbigniew Brzezinski, Illuminati . . .htm

Movie IconThe Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta -- along with the Rothchilds -- are behind the world's top banks, governments, global companies, etc . . . .htm

Movie IconThe almighty American Dollar, the 'pope,' Illuminati Henry Kissinger, Muslim puppett 'president' Barack HUSSIEN Obama, Russia, China, Iraq, Syria - The Geopolitics of World War III.htm

Document IconArmy makes history by putting Muslim in charge of 14,000 US soldiers' spiritual needs . . . .doc

Movie IconThe Knights of Malta through the Rothschilds whose name means 'red shield -- with the red sign' are the Guardians of The Vatican Treasury.htm

Movie IconBloodlines of American Presidents and Big Brother is watching -- Trapwire . . . .htm

Document IconLet there be enlightenment, NOT! -- Jesus Seminar bringing its brand of Bible scholarship to Mormon Utah . . . .doc

Movie IconDonald Trump's Supportive Message to Roman Catholics (Uniting 'church' with State (government)) . . . .htm

Movie IconThe Hidden Faith (Roman Catholic -- Jesuit controlled) of The Founding Fathers -- Deists, Masons -- of the United States of America . . . .htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoThe Hidden Faith (Roman Catholic -- Jesuit controlled) of The Founding Fathers -- Deists, Masons -- of the United States of America, 2 . . .htm

Movie IconThe Jesuit, Masonic, infiltration of Protestant Christianity bringing Arminianism . . . .htm

Movie IconPaula White, first seems to disagree, and then seems to agree with this Trinity denying heretic, promoting the Prosperity 'gospel' . . .htm
Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoNASA, 'Buzz' Aldrin, Walt Disney, Masons, OPERATION PAPERCLIP, Nazi SS, Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun . . .htm

Movie IconJesuits, Freemasons, and NASA hoax . . . .htm

Document IconDonald Trump, Illuminati, Jesuit controlled, inaugural to include prayers from satanic 'prosperity preachers' . . . .doc

Movie IconEIGHTY POPES TORTURED AND KILLED some 50 MILLION (plus) -- . . .htm

Movie IconWorld War III is happening in slooooow motion . . . Roman Catholic 'church' who rules the CFR, is to blame . . . .htm

Movie IconIllumaniti_Masons_satanism is Hollywood . . . .htm

Movie Icon33rd Degree Masons, and live 33rd Degree Masonic Sacrifice includes drinking goat blood on a satanic pentagram on a black and white checkered floor . . .htm

Movie IconSymbolism . . . The Masons (Free)masonary_Illumaniti Based On duality and deception of the whole world . . .htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' has taught the world to worship Baal, Tammuz, Ishtar, i.e.-- Easter. . . .htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur, the satanic Muslim Antichrist . . . .htm

Movie IconOpening Prayer of Franklin Graham's 'Three Rivers Festival Of Hope,' Pittsburg, PA, 15AUG14, given by by Roman Catholic Bishop David Zubik.htm

Movie IconThe Society of Jesus, i.e. -- the Jesuits -- Historians Expose Their santanic Conspiracy to Rule the World . . .htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoMasons and their origin in images.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoMasons-Illumaniti images.htm

Document IconRwanda -- Catholic Bishops Apologize for Role in Genocide, KIGALI, Rwanda -- Nov 21, 2016 . . . .doc

Document IconWas the Emperor Nero 'the antiChrist' as some 'preach,' OR is it the 'pope' of Rome . . . .doc

Movie IconChild Sacrifice Goes Mainstream in the world.htm

Document Icon10 And whatsoever man . . . that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.doc

Document IconDonald Trump's announces members of his Evangelical Executive Advisory Board . . . .doc

Movie IconWhat do false teachers Kenneth Copeland, Paula White, Jan Crouch, David Jeremiah and Robert Jeffress all have in common . . . .htm

Movie Iconsatanic, false teacher 'pastor' Paula White 'speaking in tongues,' WWIC -Tampa, 09MAY12.htm

Document IconVoting for Democrats risks eternal damnation, says Roman Catholic church bulletin . . . .doc

Document IconIs a Christian required to vote. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance . . . .doc

Movie IconPope gives MARCHING ORDERS to Jesuits and their new Superior General . . .htm
Document IconPope gives MARCHING ORDERS to Jesuits and their new Superior General . . . .doc

Movie IconHillary Clinton's health should be a concern for EVERYONE, 1 of 2 . . . .htm

Movie IconHillary Clinton's health should be a concern for EVERYONE, 2 of 2 . . . .htm

Movie IconThe antiChrist, the 'pope' of Rome, the Jesuits control the outcome of United States Presidency . . . .htm

Movie Icon9-11 REVISTED Engineers for Truth, See Their Report.htm

Movie Icon10 Famous, or those who used to be and are now dead, satanists.htm

Movie IconJohn Piper false teacher believes speaking in tongues is valid today for Christians, and Piper supports false teacher Rick Warren . . . .htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur - Is Speaking in Tongues Demonic today. . . .htm

Document IconHomeland Security, Few Muslims Show Up at 'Muslims Against ISIS' Rally, as Usual . . . .doc

Document IconPope urges Lutherans to set aside 'doctrine' to work together . . . .doc

Document IconJerusalem's Temple Mount and Western Wall, were reclassified as an EXCLUSIVELY Muslim shrine 13OCT16 by the Roman Catholic controlled United Nations . . . .doc

Document IconThe Lord's Prayer . . . .doc

Movie IconMega churches, 'church' of Tares, worldly, interfaith . . . .htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' and its One World Religion and Economy.htm

Movie IconLuke 18 verse 22-24, Mark 10 verses 17-27, 1 Timothy 6 verse 10, Matthew 6 verse 24, Luke 16 verse 9 Luke 16 verse 13, Demonic spirits - living within the 'churches'.htm

Movie IconFalse spirits, unHoly spirit, deceiving spirits, within the Church (Tares within the Churches) . . .htm

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs -- 'pope' Francis Flashes satanic '666' hand sign at United States Congress at the EXACT moment speaks of his 'god'.htm

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs.htm

Document IconDeeply unpopular French President Hollande calls for France to 'embrace' Islam and Sharia Law, and rejects calls for a nationwide burkini ban . . . .doc

Document IconMatthew 28 18-20, Baptizing . . . .doc

Document IconThe 'saint' of the gutters, 'Mother Teresa' a complete fraud, and the 'infallibility of the man of sin, the 'pope' ' . . . .doc

Document IconIs Donald Trump Saved, plus other false Brethren . . . .doc

Document Icon2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come . . . .doc

Movie IconThe Rumors Are True_ Sharia Law is Here!.htm

Document IconIllumaniti, Papal Knight George Soros, Black Lives Matter funding . . . .doc

Document IconPope says it's wrong to identify Islam with violence, ISIS, Hezbollah, etc . . . .doc

Document IconTim Kaine, Mike Pence, and their satanic Roman Catholic 'faith' . . . .doc

Document IconDr. John MacArthur, the United States of America a nation abandoned by God . . . .doc

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur, the United States of America a nation abandoned by God.htm

Movie IconKay (Kathrine Pollard) Griggs Ex-Illuminati wife explains the Illuminati and pedophile rings, in America's military 1 of 2.htm
Movie IconKay (Kathrine Pollard) Griggs Ex-Illuminati wife explains the Illuminati and pedophile rings, in America's military, 2 of 2.htm
Movie IconTed Gunderson, former Head of the FBI in Los Angeles, CA . . . exposes the Illuminati, satanism, pedophile rings in American Government.htm

Document IconJESUITS, Control the Illuminati, the Boulés -- black Skull and Bones Society, NAACP, members of socialist, communist . . . .doc

Document IconA 'false flag' planned putsch, coup d'état, by the Turkish 'president' Erdogan much like Hitler's rise to power . . . .doc

Document IconDonald Trump and Hillary Clinton and the race war that's coming to help take down the United States of America . . . .doc

Movie IconThe Clintons, family of Crime - On Pedophile Island.htm

Movie IconJesuits and the New World Order of the 'pope' . . .htm
Document IconLet's talk 'Turkey' with Muslims . . . .doc
Document IconBlack lives matter, led by new Black Panthers, led by the Nation of Islam, led by Jesuits, led by the papacy -- the Roman Catholic 'pope' an 'Obamanation' . . . .doc
Document IconJesuit controlled Islamic Terrorist Network in the United States of America . . . .doc
Movie IconIslamic Terrorist Network in the United States of America . . . .htm

Document IconBe ye angry, and sin not . . . .doc

Document IconProtests over police killings aim at occupying interstates . . . .doc

Document IconRape, arson, robbery, (murder,) rape by Muslims coverup throughout the world . . . .doc

Document IconFeminization -- the Effeminate nation(s) . . . .doc

PDF IconThree-tonne unicorn lived at the same time as human beings, researchers reveal.pdf

Document IconWatchman, lion, unicorns . . . .doc

Document IconJews who are not Jews, Captain of the Lord's Host, i.e. -- Lord of Hosts, Noah, Ham, Canaan, Fornication . . . .doc

Movie IconMuslim Black slavery - History of Islam slave history of Black Africa.htm

Document IconMuslim Jihad, Dhimmi and Dhimmitude, Islam is a 'peaceful' religion, NOT!.doc

Document IconThe Society of Jesus, i.e. -- the Jesuits Order -- acting 'above' the policy of governments, and through various United Nations controlling the world . . . .doc

Movie IconThe Jesuit controlled, educated, and owned 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama.htm

Movie IconProtestant America, the Vatican's last major nation to defeat . . . .htm

Movie IconSecret history of the Jesuits and 'pope' Francis, the head of the Jesuits . . .htm

Document IconChristians -- Keep your prayers to yourself, NOT! How to pray . . . .doc

Document IconIllegal Immigration, Illegal Immigrants, and 'legal immigrants' forced on countries by the Jesuits the power behind worldwide movement . . . .doc

Document Icon'Too Many White People in Top National Security Positions', Barack HUSSEIN Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice . . . .doc

Document IconLGBT, Transgender, abomination, mental illness, sin, confusion . . . .doc

Document IconStupid white men, stupid fathers, LGBT, i.e. -- sodomites. Also, blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Islam, etc . . . and lies by the Obama Administration concerning race . . . .doc

Movie IconHonda, woman in yellow. . .htm
Movie IconHonda, man surrounded by all black women. . .htm

Document IconObama's last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy . . . .doc

Document Icon2 Peter 2, verses 1-22 . . . .doc

Document IconInvasion of the United States of America . . . also, Mexico, Vietnam, Japan, China and the Jesuits . . . .doc

Document IconTed Cruz, false Brethren, picks Islam lover Carly Fiorina who has long close ties with Clintons as his Vice-President running mate . . . .doc

Document IconConfess our faults . . . .doc

Document Icon38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, . . . .doc

Movie IconCollege Kids Say the Darndest Things_ On Identity.htm

Document IconWe went to the University of Washington to see if students would affirm or reject Joseph Backholm's new chosen identity -- a 6 foot 5 inch Chinese woman . . . .doc

Document IconMissouri Religious Freedom . . . SS3, SJR 39.doc

Movie IconThe incredible spread of the world's 5 major religions . . .htm

Document Icon'pope' Francis emphasizes flexibility over rules for modern families . . . .doc

Movie IconGianna Jessen's Abortion Survivor Gives Powerful Testimony Before Congress, Published on Sep 9, 2015.htm

Document IconIllinois couple defiant despite $80G fine for refusing gay union at B&B . . . .doc

Document IconWhat country does this guy belong to . . . , (Barack HUSSEIN) Obama 'weakening military in unprecedented ways'.doc

Document IconAngels . . . and where and when we are to judge . . . .doc

Document IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama, Louis Farrakhan Muhammad, So, what's in a Name . . . .doc

Document IconThe pontiff washed and kissed the feet of Muslim, Orthodox, Hindu and Catholic refugees, DECLARING THEM CHILDREN OF THE SAME GOD, . . . .doc

Document IconMan is made LOWER than the Angels . . . .doc

Movie IconFalse teachers James and Betty Robinson interview Roman Catholic 'father' Jonathan Morris.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoWhat could it cost you to be a Christian . . . .htm

Document IconSaint Death, La Santa Muerte, The secretive and sinister 'cult' challenging the power of the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . .doc

Document IconThe new world order, a false man-made religion, led by the Roman Catholic 'pope,' who IS the antiChrist . . . .doc

Document Icon'pope' Francis I . . . satan seduces us by disguising evil as good, as does this Evil so called 'pope' Francis . . . .doc

Document IconOne nation, and eventually world, under the papacy -- the Roman Catholic 'pope' . . . .doc    Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola Logo_picture_Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his Jesuit Advisors . . . .htm

Document IconSri Srinivasan is a Hindu -- Muslims, John Poindexter and the Iran-Contra Affair, next Supreme Court Justice under the gay Muslim 'president,' Barack HUSSIEN Obama . . . .doc

Movie IconThe Sahara Resurrection Plant.htm

Document IconMuslim 'president' Barack HUSSEIN Obama visits $100,000,000 Baltimore mosque, duck, Israel, ISIS, Turkey and the man who finances ISIS . . . .doc

Document IconThe Black 'pope' controls virtually the whole world today . . . .doc

Document IconRevelation 13, 2nd part . . . .doc

Document IconRevelation 13 . . . , Obama Wants To Become UN Secretary General, Netanyahu Doing Everything He Can To Stop Him . . . .doc

Document Icon1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars . . . .doc

Document Icon32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob . . . God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.doc

Document IconThe satanic Roman Catholic Holy Year and their teaching of the Open Door, i.e. doors . . . .doc

Document IconStar Wars brought to 'churches' in their worldly satanic false worship . . . .doc

Document IconRick Warren prays to Isa, the Islamic 'Jesus' who is NOT God . . . .doc

Movie IconRick Warren prays to Isa, the Islamic 'Jesus' who is NOT God . . . .htm

Document IconHow the news media 'hides' in plain sight vital information about Muslims as terrorists . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola Logosatanic Roman Catholic 'church' praying to, and for, the dead . . . .htm

Movie IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama, Muslim 'president,' on the 'TRUE' meaning of Christmas (WHAT A BLOCKHEAD!) 50th Charlie Brown Christmas Special.htm

Document IconBarack HUSSIEN Obama, wrought evil in the eyes of the Lord, and did worse than all that were before him . . . .doc

Document IconPope says fundamentalism is 'disease of all religions' . . . .doc

Document IconNOT ONLY are Barack HUSSEIN Obama's comments too cavalier concerning Muslims, i.e. -- Islam, but his cavalier comments outright endanger the United States of America . . . .doc

Islam is a 'peaceful religion,' NOT! Half of Muslims believe the world is near Apocalypse . . . .doc

Document IconAl Sharpton gives himself 71 percent raise thanks to de Blasio, Obama . . . .doc

Document Icon18 Where there is no vision, the people perish . . . .doc

Document IconHow Obama is bankrolling a nonstop protest against invented outrage . . . .doc

Document IconEphesians 5, verses 22-33 . . . .doc

Document IconMarriage, Fornication . . . .doc

Document Icon2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.doc

Document IconI am the vine, ye are the branches . . . .doc

Document IconChristian Apologetics _ The Sanctity of Life . . . .doc

Document Icon19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; . . . .doc

Document Icon18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. . . .doc

Document IconPope -- Priests in Holy Year can absolve 'sin of abortion' 2019.doc

Document IconApostle Peter's death, John 21, verses 17-19 . . . .doc

Document IconIslam is a fake 'religion,' made up, a lie, brought about by the Roman Catholic 'church,' to prosecute the true Christians -- Protestants . . . .doc

Document IconLawlessness . . . The Racist Cult of Black Fragility, You can never be equal if you’re always angry and afraid. Texas 'cold-blooded assassination' . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoError of Balaam, filthy lucre.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoError of Balaam, filthy lucre, 2.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoError of Balaam, filthy lucre, 3.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoError of Balaam, filthy lucre, 4.htm

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoError of Balaam, filthy lucre, 5.htm

Document IconToronto's 'atheist minister' to face church trial . . . .doc

Document IconMuslim, 'presidential appointee,' Fatima Noor . . . .doc

Document IconTo False teacher Kenneth Copeland, 'You will have to come to the Vatican . . . '.doc

Document IconFirst Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Muslim 'president' now Carly Fiorina sings the praises of Islam, Ottoman Empire 'greatest civilization' . . . .doc

Document Icon. . . the God of green hope . . . the 'pope' . . . .doc

Document IconNumber murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Document IconI AM HE!' 'Behold, it is I .' . . . .doc

Document IconThe Sabbath is for the Jews alone . . . .doc

Document IconFranklin Graham, 'Why I am boycotting Wells Fargo,' and the Ten Commandments . . . .doc

Document Icon26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, . . . ,2.doc

Document IconEvangelist, a Calling for men only . . . .doc

Document IconHow passing the plate becomes the 'Sunday morning stickup'.doc

Document IconObama, I'll Commemorate Sunday as 'International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia' . . . .doc

Document Icon'Lord God the Pope . . . '.doc

Document IconHillary Clinton -- satanic messenger, John McCain denies the Lord Jesus Christ in 'defending marriage,' Islam is NOT a peaceful religion but satanic . . . .doc

Document IconA.W. Pink, 'Kosmos, or the meaning of the word WORLD' as used in the New Testament . . . .doc

A.W. Pink on the word 'world, ie. -- kosmos', 2.htm

Document IconChristians will be under attack. Michelle Obama visits Saudi Boston bomber, Ali Alharbi, in hospital. Obama lies about his entire life -- his History And Radicalized Beliefs, 21APR2015.doc

Document IconObama's Rose-Colored -- COMMUNIST -- Blinders Enable Iran's Repressive Regime . . . .doc

Document IconShiloh . . . The Tribes of Dan, Ephraim, Judah, etc . . . Levi -- their Priesthood destroyed, therefore the Tithe ended.doc

Document IconNotre Dame . . . Mary worship . . . .doc

Sin of Ishtar, Easter Worship, of the 'Queen of heaven' - Jim Dodson.htm

Document IconLent, Easter, etc . . . .doc

Document IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama, wrought evil in the eyes of the Lord, and did worse than all that were before him . . . .doc

Document IconGrace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;.doc

Document Icon2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.doc

Document IconMissouri Lieutenant Governor Claims The Justice Department Is More Racist Than Ferguson . . . .doc

Document IconNew Black Panthers -- Protestors, Armed With Assault Weapons, March In Dallas, August 20, 2014 . . . .doc

Document Icon16 Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss.doc

Document IconFerguson fake-out -- Justice Department's bogus report . . ..doc

Document IconHolder Admits 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Claim Was Bogus . . . .doc

Movie IconRed Alert -- Obama Power Grab Over State and Local Police.htm

Movie IconPower Grab Sweeping Policy Takeover - Obama Uses Executive Order For Climate Change.htm

Movie IconAmerica's Forum -- Dick Morris talks about his new book, 'Power Grab' Part 1.htm

Movie IconAmerica's Forum -- Dick Morris talks about his new book, 'Power Grab' Part 2.htm

Document IconWhat we know -- Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Bill Clinton -- pedophile, ISIS, brewing world financial crisis, now Israel is calling its people home . . . .doc
Israel finding itself surrounded by ISIS.htm

Document IconYe are NOT my people . . . and I will NOT be your God . . . .doc

Document Icon6 But without faith it is impossible to please him -- for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, . . . .doc

Document IconObama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice -- by their fruit you will know them. 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.doc

Movie IconInside the Vatican, 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' . . .htm

Movie IconVatican and America - Important Documentary . . .htm

Movie IconFRONTLINE -- Preview 'Secrets of the Vatican' -- PBS. . . .htm

Document IconJames 5, verses 13-15, Praying for the sick . . . .doc

Movie IconRudy Giuliani ties Barack HUSSEIN Obama, and Obama's Administration, to New York City cop murders. . . .htm

Document IconKansas City's Secret Santa deputizes cops to spread cash and joy . . . .doc

Document Icon25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;.doc

Document Icon26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, . . . .doc

Document IconThe Lord Jesus Christ asks, 'But whom say ye that I am'.doc

Document IconHoly, Holy, Holy, the Lord God Almighty, Sea of Glass, Smoke from the Glory of God and from His Power . . . .doc

Movie IconWe Have Forgotten that the Way is Narrow. (Paul Washer).htm

Document Icon24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.doc

Document IconThe Trinity, God in three Persons -- God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost . . . .doc

Document IconHow Obama blatantly disregards the Law . . . .doc

Document IconReaction to Ferguson Decision Shows Racial Divide Remains Over Views of Justice, also 'reverend' Al Sharpton, thief . . . .doc

Document IconThe lame and the blind that are hated of David's soul . . . .doc

Document Icon6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.doc

Document IconBe not deceived-neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, . . . shall inherit the Kingdom of God.doc

Document IconBilly Graham and the Roman Catholics -- together . . . .doc

Document IconThe Mormon Church Examined, being baptized for the dead . . . .doc

Document Icon7 I will declare the decree -- the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.doc

Document IconSurely, today's generation is a froward, abominable, perverse and crooked generation . . . .doc
Document IconSodomites . . . Roman Catholic Bishops say gays have gifts to offer 'church' . . . .doc

Document Icon7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God . . . but the woman is the glory of the man.doc

Document Icon5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; .doc

Document Icon13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; . . . .doc

Document IconHow the U.S. Government, both Republican and Democrat, the Jesuits and Communist, have Planned America's Downfall . . . .doc

Putin plans for WWIII, Obama's Appeasement, Ebola outbreak planned as big money to be made, Bill Gates, Martial Law, United Nations . . . .doc

Document IconThe satanic burning of incense by the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . .doc

Document IconThe Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Almighty God!.doc

Document IconStanding Room Only - interview with Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby . . . admits doubts about existence of God . . . .doc

  Michael, aka-- Michelle Obama is REALLY a man.htm

Document IconMuslim President Barack HUSSEIN Obama, hiding in plain site, 'Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.' -- man of deception . . . .doc

Document IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama's Beige suit . . . a signal to Muslims 'change is coming' . . . Former President Jimmy Carter now promotes Islamic Sharia Law . . . .doc

Document IconBlack on white crime not looked at by the Socialist-Communist Muslim Barack HUSSIEN Obama, and no outrage by his Attorney General Holder . . . .doc

Document IconChristian Baptism -- Church of England, Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church, kicks the devil out of Baptism rite . . . .doc

Document IconPresident Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have been insisting for months that there is no military solution to the crisis in Ukraine . . . .doc

Document IconGod has abandoned the United States of America . . . .doc

Movie IconWhen God Abandons A Nation by John MacArthur.htm

Document IconEX-CIA employee admits President Obama is a radical Islamic enemy of America . . . .doc

Document IconRomans 1 verses 15-32 . . . .doc

Document IconO'Reilly -- Al Sharpton 'Almost Single-Handedly Has Corrupted NBC News' . . . Illegals Storm California Beach . . . .doc

Document IconDepartment of Justice, DOJ, giving money from Bank Of America Settlement To Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Liberal Activist Groups, aka the former ACORN group . . . .doc

Document IconCardinal George Pell Sparks Outrage In Sex Abuse Survivors With 'Trucking Company' Analogy . . . .doc

Movie IconNo Photo ID, No Problem - Illegals Using 'Notice To Appear' At Airports - Fox & Friends.htm

Document IconJehovah's Witnesses play 'fast and loose' with Holy Scripture, the Holy Bible, and add to, UNTO, and take away from God's Holy Word . . . .doc

Document IconFerguson, MO riots controlled by 'new' Black Panthers. Police tell Detroiters to buy guns in city riven, divided, split apart by force and violence by race issues and crime.doc
Document IconLament -- The Rule of Law, the lawlessness of Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Administration, and the lawlessness in Ferguson, MO . . . .doc
Movie IconLament -- The Rule of Law, the lawlessness of Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Administration, and the lawlessness in Ferguson, MO . . . .htm

Movie IconThe Origins of the Roman Catholic 'church'. . . .htm
Document Icon. . . , and covetousness, which is idolatry . . . .doc

Document IconCovetness which is idolatry . . . the Lord sends evil spirits, i.e. -- devils, demons, to do His bidding . . . , Salt . . . .doc

Document IconJesuits and their satanic history . . . .doc

Document IconRoman Catholics and Islam the 'Ties that Bind' . . . , Rupert Murdoch, Saeed Abedini, American pastor imprisoned in Iran, Obama's 'quiet diplomacy' efforts = public betrayal . . . .doc

Document Icon7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.doc

Document IconThe Roman Catholic lie, and 'half-truths - which is deception,' using of the Title of 'Father,' etc . . . .doc
Document IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama's plan to EXPAND Illegal Aliens 'rights' by 'Executive Order' thereby MAKING LAW, unconstitutionally, to keep some 5 million or more from being deported . . . .doc

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 1.htm
Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 2.htm
Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 3.htm
Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_Part 4.htm

Movie Icon'mother theresa,' complete fraud of the Roman Catholic 'church'. . .htm
Document Icon13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.doc
Document IconTop Marine to Barack HUSSEIN Obama -- Get in the Fight . . . .doc

Document IconWhy Christians Get Sick . . . Not!.doc

Document IconISIS, ISIL, IS, Clinton, Madeline Albright, Bush--Cheney, John McCain working with Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Administration's planned downfall of the United States of America . . . .doc
Movie IconThe Fall of Iraq - What You Aren't Being Told.htm

Document IconEric Holder, Obama's Attorney General -- Focus on Black Panther Case Demeans 'My People' . . . You must accept children of undocumented immigrants . . . .doc

Document IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama's Administration & Mexico Conspire to Get Mexicans in U.S. on Food Stamps . . . Rick Perry stands by Obama immigration conspiracy theory . . . .doc

Document IconMary as intercessor, Not! 'Because the human person is in the image of God, he was created in the image of God and we are all in the image of God!' Not!.doc

Document IconMan of Sin revealed . . . Vicar of Christ, Vicar of the Son of God, Vicarious Christi, antiChrist, 'pope' of Rome, the Papacy . . . .doc
Document Icon'pope' Francis I invokes lucifer on 'Easter,' 2012 and 2013, Christ is your son!.doc
Movie Icon'pope' Fancis I invokes lucifer on 'Easter,' Christ is your son!.htm
Document Icon'pope' Francis Decrees That Christian Salvation Is Only Through Mary and The Roman Catholic Church . . . .doc

Document IconThe antiChrist, the 'pope' moves to make himself the 'King of this world' . . . .doc

Document IconGRAPHIC -- al-Qaeda, i.e. -- ISIL, now ISIS Executes Civilians . . . .doc

Movie IconRick Warren, false teacher of the Southern Baptist Convention, Occult Deception, 1 of 4, . . . .htm
Movie IconRick Warren, false teacher of the Southern Baptist Convention, Occult Deception, 2 of 4, . . . .htm
Movie IconRick Warren, false teacher of the Southern Baptist Convention, Occult Deception, 3 of 4, . . . .htm
Movie IconRick Warren, false teacher of the Southern Baptist Convention, Occult Deception, 4 of 4, . . . .htm

Document IconWhat ever happened to the Chaldean (Babylon) 'Wise men' . . . .doc

Document Icon14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers . . . The House of One . . . A German architect designs world’s first 'church,' synagogue and mosque 'in one' . . . .doc

Document IconGlobal warming, NOT!.doc Movie IconGlobal warming, NOT!.htm
Movie IconLevel-headed Climate Scientists on Global Warming.htm
Movie IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama bashed Climate Change 'deniers'!.htm

Movie IconFaked moon landing by the United States Government, Neil Armstrong and company, Monday July 21, 1969.htm
Movie IconGus Grisom Spoke Out, two years before 'perfect' mission to the moon.htm
Movie IconNeil Armstrong - an ashamed man, why is the flag waving, no stars.htm
Movie IconFlag waving as astronauts suspended by wires goes by, no atmosphere, no wind, not 'accidental' breeze made by astronaut.htm

Movie IconSteven Furtick, mega'church' 'pastor' . . . Stuart Smalley . . . , Beth Moore . . . , Joel Osteen . . . .htm

Movie IconBeth Moore sees the Lord Jesus Christ's Vision for 'The Church' which includes the Roman Catholic, 'church'.htm

Movie IconThe Lord Jesus Christ shows Beth Moore 'a vision of His Church' while Beth Moore is in another 'dimension'.htm

Document IconBeth Moore, antiChrist, includes the Roman Catholic 'church' in the Body of Christ, and has an 'out of body experience' as a Prophet . . . .doc
Document IconSteven Furtick, mega'church' 'pastor' . . . Stuart Smalley . . . , Beth Moore . . . , Joel Osteen . . . .doc
Document IconPresbyterians Vote to Allow Same-Sex Marriages . . . .doc

Movie IconBenny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyers EXPOSED.htm

Movie IconTBN's Paul Crouch, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer heresies.htm

Document IconRick Warren, false teacher of the Southern Baptist Convention . . . Joyce Meyer, 'little gods' . . . .doc
Movie IconRick Warren, false teacher of the Southern Baptist Convention . . . Joyce Meyer, 'little gods' . . . .htm

Document IconJoel Osteen, antiChrist, meets with Pope Francis, 'THE antiChrist' at Vatican . . . .doc
Movie IconJoel Osteen, antiChrist, along with THE antiChrist, the 'pope' of Rome.htm

Document IconJohn Hagee, antiChrist, Megachurch, pentecostal 'pastor,' denies the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth in his book, 'In Defense of Israel' . . . .doc
Movie IconJohn Hagee, antiChrist, denies the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as the Messiah, in his book, 'In Defense of Israel'.htm

Movie IconJoel Osteen denies the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, as does Oprah, and promotes homosexuality.htm

Document Icon53 And ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein -- for I have given you the land to possess it.doc

Document IconThe AntiChrist moves against Israel . . . Iran's Supreme Leader -- Jihad Will Continue Until America is No More . . . Obama Admin. funded terror network 'for the next ten years' . . ..doc

Document IconBodies Of 800 Babies Were Found In The Septic Tank Of A Former Home For Unwed Mothers In Ireland run by the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . .doc

Document Icon15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.doc

Document IconBarack HUSSEIN Obama -- Presidential Proclamation -- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2014, LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTHUSSEIN . . . .doc

Document IconSon of God, Son of Man . . . .doc

Document Icon11 God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.doc

Medical Marijuana -- Harvard Study Claims Recreational Legal Weed Causes 'Significant Brain Abnormalities'.doc

Movie IconPope Francis Freemason Mass in Bethlehem, Cenacle,The Coming Alien Invasion & Strong Delusion.htm

Movie IconJesuit Pope Francis Grand Master of The Knights Templar--Freemasons .htm

Document IconChristian cop loses appeal – must attend mosque . . . .doc


Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 2) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 3) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 4) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 5) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 6) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 7) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 8) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 9) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconWider Mercy Salvation- John Macarthur talking about Billy Graham's view.htm

Movie IconBilly Graham Says Jesus Christ is Not the Only Way.htm

Movie IconOprah Denies Christ.htm
Movie IconBeing Gay is a Gift from God.htm

Document IconMake no image, no likeness of ANY thing that represents God . . . .doc

Document IconHow America Treats Illegal Aliens vs. Veterans . . . Tribute money . . . Governments . . . .doc

Document IconChurch of England, false 'church,' like the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . .doc

Document Icon'AINT Christopher' . . . along with a bunch of other fake, made up 'SAINTS' of the Roman Catholic 'church' . . . .doc
Document IconCasting out demons . . . Perfect, doer of the Work . . . .doc

Document Icon6 In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.doc

Document Icon19 Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. . . .doc

Document Icon50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption . . . .doc

Document Icon. . . and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine. . . .doc

Document IconMeet the 'Christian' Leaders Who Are Suing for Gay Marriage as a Religious Right . . . .doc

Document IconHave all the false 'churches,' reduced Christianity to a 'get out of Hell free card' . . ..doc

Document Icon27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment . . . .doc

Document IconThe Legacy of Obama's Illegal Alien Aunt, and the Culture of Corruption -- Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies . . . .doc

Document IconThe Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is One LORD . . . .doc

Document IconProud as a peacock, Juno --Regina, i.e. -- 'Queen of Heaven' . . . , make no images of God . . . , obelisks, bees, honey, manna . . . .doc

Right Arrow IconSermon_Notes.htm
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