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JESUITS, The Papacy (pope,) The Vatican -- Has Taken Down The United States Of America. Until We Acknowledge That, We Have No Way To Take Back Our Republic.

'pope's' antiChrist symbol, an occult upside down Christian cross!Movie Most Important! The 'pope' of Rome IS the antiChrist
and the Roman Catholic 'church' is the The Mystery of Iniquity!.htm
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Jack Posobiec--One Hundred Twenty Thousand (120,000) Armenian Christians Being Ethnically Cleansed (Genocide) While The World Does Nothing To Stop, September 26, 2023 . . .
Jack Posobiec--One Hundred Twenty Thousand (120,000) Armenian Christians Being Ethnically Cleansed (Genocide) While The World Does Nothing To Stop, September 26, 2023.htm


Jack Posobiec--Is The FDA Now Trying To Ban Vitamin Supplements, September 18, 2023 . . .
Jack Posobiec--Is The FDA Now Trying To Ban Vitamin Supplements, September 18, 2023.htm

Blame McCarthy Who Financed 10s Of Thousands Of Armed IRS Agents For Biden--Hundreds Of Thousands Of Families Are Now Getting Unexpected Bills From Biden-Harris' Weaponized Government, 18SEP23 . . .
Blame McCarthy Who Financed 10s Of Thousands Of Armed IRS Agents For Biden--Hundreds Of Thousands Of Families Are Now Getting Unexpected Bills From Biden-Harris' Weaponized Government, 18SEP23.htm

Emerald Robinson--President Trump, Megyn Kelly, Dr. Anthony Fauci, And Dr. McCullough Speaks At European Union Against Covid 'Vaccine,' (EU Is Controlled By The Papacy, The 'pope',) 18SEP23 . . .
Emerald Robinson--President Trump, Megyn Kelly, Dr. Anthony Fauci, And Dr. McCullough Speaks At European Union Against Covid 'Vaccine,' (EU Is Controlled By The Papacy, The 'pope',) 18SEP23.htm

Young People Are Being Diagnosed With Cancer At An Alarming Rate, New Study Shows, September 6, 2023
See how the Demoncrats in collusion with the Media, Tech., Deep State, Military PsyOps Are Spinning The Covid 19 Death Shot, i.e. 'Vaccine' deaths. Just poor health practices, too much sugar, etc . . . . . .

Young People Are Being Diagnosed With Cancer At An Alarming Rate, New Study Shows, September 6, 2023.htm

'The Unseen Crisis'--Vaccine (Horror) Stories You Were Never Told. (Yes, Governments Worldwide Are Trying To Kill You,) August 4, 2023 . . .
'The Unseen Crisis'--Vaccine (Horror) Stories You Were Never Told. (Yes, Governments Worldwide Are Trying To Kill You,) August 4, 2023.htm

Marriage is between one man and one woman, September 15, 2023.doc

Dr. Pierre Kory--The War On Ivermectin Which Would Have Stopped The Plandemic In Its Tracks! No Need For The 'Death Shot, aka Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 VAXXINATION,' September 5, 2023 . . .
Dr. Pierre Kory--The War On Ivermectin Which Would Have Stopped The Plandemic In Its Tracks! No Need For The 'Death Shot, aka Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid 19 VAXXINATION,' September 5, 2023.htm

President Calvin Coolidge, 'The Business Of America Is Business.' Under The Socialist-Communist Biden-Harris Regime, The Phrase Should Be, 'The Business Of American Business Is State-Controlled.' 31AUG23 . . .
President Calvin Coolidge, 'The Business Of America Is Business.' Under The Socialist-Communist Biden-Harris Regime, The Phrase Should Be, 'The Business Of American Business Is State-Controlled.' 31AUG23.htm

Another Part Of The 'Truman Show'--Here's The Real Reason Sodomite 'Little Pete' aka 'Petey' Buttiegieg Abandoned His Post, October 18, 2021 . . .
Another Part Of The 'Truman Show'--Here's The Real Reason Sodomite 'Little Pete' aka 'Petey' Buttiegieg Abandoned His Post, October 18, 2021.htm

Ann Vandersteel--Both Trump And Antifa Were In Capitol. Laptop Taken Out Of Pelosi's Office. This Is Why They Rushed To Impeach! Need DECLASS for Hammer And Scorecard; lift Gag Order On Developer, 09JAN21 . . .
Ann Vandersteel--Both Trump And Antifa Were In Capitol. Laptop Taken Out Of Pelosi's Office. This Is Why They Rushed To Impeach! Need DECLASS for Hammer And Scorecard; lift Gag Order On Developer, 09JAN21.htm

papacy (antiChrist) Controlled United Nations, UN's Agenda 21, (2021) aka--Agenda For the 21st Century-- Now Called Agenda 30 (Agenda 2030) May 24, 2020 . . .
papacy (antiChrist) Controlled United Nations, UN's Agenda 21, (2021) aka--Agenda For the 21st Century-- Now Called Agenda 30 (Agenda 2030) May 24, 2020.htm

Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus--Worldwide Psyop! Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups.

Charlie Kirk--Orchestrated, Coordinated Against The American People And All Peoples Of The World--Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Masking Has Started! August 23, 2023 . . .

Charlie Kirk--Orchestrated, Coordinated Against The American People And All Peoples Of The World--Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, Masking Has Started! August 23, 2023.htm

Steve Bannon, War Room--Nick Sortor Investigative Citizen Journalist--Maui Fire, Antifa Type Intimidation, August 19, 2023 . . .
Steve Bannon, War Room--Nick Sortor Investigative Citizen Journalist--Maui Fire, Antifa Type Intimidation, August 19, 2023.htm

The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal--Part 28, The Climate Crisis, August 18, 2023 . . .
The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal--Part 28, The Climate Crisis, August 18, 2023.htm

Victor Hugo--'Crackhead Jesus'--5G, Vaccination Global Weapon System Unleashed, November 1, 2022 . . .
Victor Hugo--'Crackhead Jesus'--5G, Vaccination Global Weapon System Unleashed, November 1, 2022.htm

People Scanned At Airports For Luciferase (Added To The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus 'Vaccine') To Confirm Proof of Vaccination, October 29, 2022 . . .
People Scanned At Airports For Luciferase (Added To The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus 'Vaccine') To Confirm Proof of Vaccination, October 29, 2022.htm

Charlie Kirk--Maui Fire Was Planned, Very Unusual Non-Response. Demoncrats Are Going To Use 'Climate Change' To Give Themselves Absolute, Power, August 14, 2023 . . .
Charlie Kirk--Maui Fire Was Planned, Very Unusual Non-Response. Demoncrats Are Going To Use 'Climate Change' To Give Themselves Absolute, Power, August 14, 2023.htm

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt's Letter To 'Commie Joe' Biden's Weaponized F.B.I. Director Christopher Wray Dated July 13, 2022.pdf . . .
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt's Letter To 'Commie Joe' Biden's Weaponized F.B.I. Director Christopher Wray Dated July 13, 2022.PDF

Benny Johnson--The January 6th Tucker Carlson Interview Fox News DELETED--'J6 Was a FED Cover Up!,' August 4, 2023 . . .
Benny Johnson--The January 6th Tucker Carlson Interview Fox News DELETED--'J6 Was a FED Cover Up!,' August 4, 2023.htm

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Is A Roman Catholic Knight of Malta, Pilgrim Society, And Secret Saint Elmo Society Member, November 13, 2023 . . .
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Is A Roman Catholic Knight of Malta, Pilgrim Society, And Secret Saint Elmo Society Member, November 13, 2023.htm

Alex Jones--Slow Kill Holocaust--Proof The Government Is Killing You! December 29, 2011 . . .
Alex Jones--Slow Kill Holocaust--Proof The Government Is Killing You! December 29, 2011.htm

The United States Government Was (Is) Intentionally Trying To Kill Us, July 27, 2023.doc

WE ARE IN A CALM PERIOD BEFORE THE STORM! (A time to lull people into a false sense that 'the worst is behind us'.)

Jesuit Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Says 'The Quiet Part Out Loud.' Climate Alarmism, Anti-human Ideology--Communist, Demoncrat, World Economic Forum, Globalist Plan To 'Exterminate Billions.' 15JUL23 . . .

Jesuit Kamala (Chameleon) Harris Says 'The Quiet Part Out Loud.' Climate Alarmism, Anti-human Ideology--Communist, Demoncrat, World Economic Forum, Globalist Plan To 'Exterminate Billions.' 15JUL23.htm

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Stops Speaking Mid-Sentence; Now We Have Three Communist Incoherent Leaders, Pedophile Joe Biden, Kamala (Cameleon) Harris, And R.I.N.0. Mitch McConnell, 26JUL23 . . .
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Stops Speaking Mid-Sentence; Now We Have Three Communist Incoherent Leaders, Pedophile Joe Biden, Kamala (Cameleon) Harris, And R.I.N.0. Mitch McConnell, 26JUL23.htm

Excuse Me,"I'll Give You 50 Dollars If You Can Tell Me One Bible Verse. What Does Your Hat Say, F.B.I.?" July 25, 2023 . . .
Excuse Me,"I'll Give You 50 Dollars If You Can Tell Me One Bible Verse. What Does Your Hat Say, F.B.I.?" July 25, 2023.htm

China's Secretive, Stealthy, Ghost Cities Worth Hundreds Of Billions Are Uninhabited While Their Homeless Sleep In The Streets Or Under Bridges, May 14, 2022 . . .
China's Secretive, Stealthy, Ghost Cities Worth Hundreds Of Billions Are Uninhabited While Their Homeless Sleep In The Streets Or Under Bridges, May 14, 2022.htm

China's Electricity Problem, November 3, 2022 . . .
China's Electricity Problem, November 3, 2022.htm

Republican Congressman Bob Good, 'We Should Not Fear A Government Shutdown. Most Of What We Do Up Here Is Bad Anyway,' July 25, 2023 . . .
Republican Congressman Bob Good, 'We Should Not Fear A Government Shutdown. Most Of What We Do Up Here Is Bad Anyway,' July 25, 2023.htm

Communist, antiChrist 'pope' Francis Happily Hosts Communist, Pedophile Bill Clinton And Communist Open Society Foundation Head (George Soros' Son) Alex Soros At The Vatican, 06JUL23 . . .
Communist, antiChrist 'pope' Francis Happily Hosts Communist, Pedophile Bill Clinton And Communist Open Society Foundation Head (George Soros' Son) Alex Soros At The Vatican, 06JUL23.htm

Mother Filmed Dragging Her Nine Year Old Daughter By Her Hair And Smacking Her In the Face Repeatedly, July 24, 2023. . .
Mother Filmed Dragging Her Nine Year Old Daughter By Her Hair And Smacking Her In the Face Repeatedly, July 24, 2023.htm

Mother Filmed Dragging Her Nine Year Old Daughter By Her Hair And Smacking Her In the Face Repeatedly, July 24, 2023.doc

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